the main / Floor / What rovnitel or self-leveling floor is better to choose

What rovnitel or self-leveling floor is better to choose

It's time to overhaul the sexes, a smooth surface is required for a new coating. Prepare the base to help the new generation mix. It is a special quick-hardening compounds. They fill all the cracks in the concrete and uniformly smooth fill the entire floor area. They are called - self-leveling compounds or floor rovnitel. Such mixtures of the ideal output is needed when filling the floor a minimum thickness.

Rovnitel floor - what?

The task of leveling the floor have to deal with repairs, when the old flooring is removed and all the irregularities detected concrete base. What is rovnitel floor? Modern flooring looks very attractive and durable, but one of the conditions for its laying is a flat surface. Out of this situation with minimal losses over time will help a device of the concrete base screed. A new use for this special mixtures - self-leveling floor rovnitel.

The main advantage, that self-leveling floor compositions quickly harden, literally 2-5 hours and it is already possible to go.

And also there is the second name of the mixture, which the manufacturer is called based on the composition of the material is self-leveling floor. In fact it is the compositions for floor leveling, which have good fluidity, depending on the composition of the fractions. Therefore, there are many names and destinies. For example, to fill underfloor necessarily important to choose a special self-leveling floor.

When there is a question, it is better to choose rovnitel floor or self-leveling floor, it is important to pay attention to the minimum screed thickness specified on the bag. When large building markets or in the store Leroy Merlin, rovnitel buy or self-leveling floor, it is important to know in advance what level of sex differences have minimum and maximum. This will help a good save and buy roughing and finishing self-leveling floor.

cost rovnitelya

The cost of self-leveling floor

Application of self-leveling floors or rovniteley

After that, how open access to a concrete base floor, We found a lot of problems. For each of them has its own type of rovnitelya. properly, Based on this, all rovniteli divided into two main groups:

  • Roughing;
  • finishing (the finish) decoration.

Based on the task, you must choose rovnitel floor. They are different both in composition, and on properties. The main difference, the minimum thickness of the floor fill.

rough rovnitel

To eliminate the major defects - deep pits, coarse chips and height differences with the main floor surface rough rovniteli apply. Such dry blends have a larger fraction. After that, as a dry mixture was diluted with water, rovnitel floor is ready for the application of its thick layer.

With such rovnitelya floor will not work, reduce the difference in the level of the floor <0>

The basic component in the composition in the starting rovniteley often cement. He provides the necessary durability and grip. It recommended for alignment with the major surface. Rough rovnitel unable to lie flat and smooth, when applied as a primary layer.

Prior to applying the base layer rovnitelya, starter must finally dry.

finishing rovnitel

Of- the fact, that the starting rovnitel has a larger filler, he will not even and smooth base. For this purpose, there is a finishing rovnitel, with a fine fraction materials.

The main advantage of the finishing mixture is, after mixing with water they are more uniform in its composition. After that, as laid concrete surface a mixture of, floor finish is flat and smooth. What can not be achieved by means of the starting compounds.

In its composition rovnitel floor "finish" more complex, than start, with the use of mineral and polymer additives, and has a number of advantages:

  • more flexible;
  • perfectly smooth floor;
  • It has increased strength;
  • increased resistance to physical influences.

On practice, more often, apply immediately finishing rovniteli floor. They perfectly fills minor imperfections and level differences. After such a floor leveling, you can safely do 3D self-leveling floors.

It should be mentioned - it is necessary to know when choosing rovnitelya, it differs by its properties. the usual mixture used for residential apartments, and indoor bathrooms, showers and kitchens supposed to use special rovniteley. In their structure there are special polymer components, are not able to pass water. Therefore, when pouring floors in wet areas this factor must be considered.


Besides, that rovniteli simple to prepare and use, in rovnitelya floor has a number of advantages:

  1. Dry in a few hours.
  2. Move the fresh coating can immediately after drying.
  3. Ease of application.
  4. Practically does not shrink in combination with high wear resistance.
  5. The minimum total thickness 2 mm.
  6. The solution can be poured on the insulating film.


  1. Before filling the floor surface should be free of cracks and dust and have slight differences.
  2. Improper preparation for pouring the floor - may require dismantling of the entire coating.
  3. Responsibility and adequate guest workers skills cause high cost.

The coating apparatus on a wooden floor or plywood self-leveling solution is not applicable, in such cases it is better to use dry floor screed.


What is better to choose rovnitel floor

For different tasks when leveling floor, There is commercially available and different rovnitel floor. Price depends on the manufacturer and the composition of the mixture.

The range of compositions from Knauf Krasnogorsk plant is represented by a series of «Knauf Boden»

Knauf Borden
Knauf Boden

If the room is a deviation from the plane of the 2 mm 15 mm suitable Knauf Boden 15 in packs of 25 kg at a price of 500 rub. If differences over 22 mm 80 mm the Knauf Boden 30 weight bag 40 kg worth 420 rub.

The company "Knauf" leader in the production of leveling compounds. In their composition is dominated by high-strength gypsum with modifiers. And to improve adhesion to the surface of the quartz sand is added to the smallest fraction. It is self-leveling floor plaster Knauf Boden 25 layer thickness of 10 mm 35 bag mm 25 – 40 kg the cost of 400 rub.

Gypsum screed "Knauf Boden 25" is designed for high-leveling floor surfaces and the apparatus heated screeds thin thickness to 35 mm.

As known, gypsum - a natural product and has long been used in construction as thermal insulation material. Self-aligning mixtures based on gypsum is used for relatively thick couplers in the device underfloor. Rovniteli floor "Finish" on the basis of plaster, despite its advantages, quick drying anyway, must be prepared and stacked on dry basis.

Council! For filled with a mixture of areas in excess of 20 m² provide a device expansion joints.

Mixture "Vetonit" good, but it is worth much more expensive and slightly loses "Knauf Boden" Quality. Price per bag depends on the composition of the materials used, but on average 500 rub. per bag.

In their structure already has the necessary additives for screeds, high-performance. Due to the special additives, base turns smooth and quickly ready for use. The only negative is the give the desired color composition impossible.

The main advantages of cement and acrylic compounds "Vetonit":Vetonit new

  • Minimal shrinkage during installation;
  • possibility of application to perform screed;
  • applied on any basis - both dry and wet;
  • frost cracking does not happen in the operation of the coating;
  • compatibility with the "warm floor" systems;
  • high resistance to mechanical stresses and destruction;
  • the possibility of walking through 4 o'clock;
  • minimum period of laying up operation.

But there are also disadvantages: it is the most expensive in its line.

The three leaders of the mixture of "Horizon" company. Products packaged in bags 25 kg 180 rubles per package.

Varieties mixtures for flooring stuzhki Horizon
Varieties mixtures for flooring screed Horizon

Composition mainly of a cement-sand mixture. It is used for construction of the device "warm floor", when the maximum thickness in 10 cm. On the surface fit well paints. Suitable for finishing pouring floors.

Almost all manufacturers have in selling polymer blends based on:

  • epoxy resins;
  • polyurethane.

The main advantages of polymers:

  • have high strength;
  • capable of withstanding vibration and high loads, such as in industrial and storage facilities;
  • easily tolerate sharp temperature differences;
  • smooth texture rovnitelya, like glass;
  • when done correctly, long service life.

consumption rovnitelya floor each manufacturer is calculated on the basis of a mixture of 1 m² at a bed height 10 mm - 20 kg.

The main parameters for selection

Before going to the store for purchase, You are kindly requested to make a choice rovnitelya floor. To do this, answer a few questions:

  1. What will be the humidity in the room?
  2. For what makes the future of space floor - bedroom or bathroom or kitchen?
  3. For what works - alignment or topcoat?
  4. The nature of the base?
  5. Which in the end should be a floor: with snow effects, noise absorption or insulation?
  6. Do planned decorative floor finish?

Apply self leveling mixture

After that, all necessary materials were purchased, you need to take care of additional devices:

  • notched trowel;
  • Needle roller with a long handle;
  • mixer;
  • container;
  • bucket.

Before mounting the screed is necessary to prepare the base. Remove old paint, dust and oil stains. Prepare properly solution, and applied to the prepared substrate manually or by machine. Before, how to pour the floors rovnitelem, subfloor necessarily well primed! As a result, should get ready for pouring the base without dust. Clean and dry, without wide cracks.

Before filling the floor rovnitelem, mixture kept in a room at a temperature of 10-30 ° C.

Prepare rovnitel floor leveling is not difficult. Just adding a mixture of water, adhering to the instructions, and gently mix construction mixer until smooth. To give a mixture of sludge minutes 5 – 7 and you can start.

  • the mixture is poured from the vessel to the finished ground;
  • Air bubbles at the surface was removed by a spiked roller;
  • waiting for drying the mixture.

If prepared without a large amount of a mixture of, probably, that the entire mixture is not used immediately, and dry up in the tank. This is due to the fact that in just a 1- 2 hour the solution stiffens.

It is recommended to divide the area into small areas and fill them in turn. Do not worry, that neighboring areas will vary in height - a mix of self-leveling and spikes will not.

After pouring the floor to protect from direct sunlight and drafts. Additional grinding or alignment is no longer required.

If the whole process seemed complicated, It has the opportunity to hire workers, so they laid rovnitel floor. Price works on the floor leveling 200 rub. / m² (without material) and by 400 rub. / m² (with material).




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