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How to avoid mistakes when installing the washing machine

Connection of the washing machine with your hands should begin with a study guide her. If any errors are committed in this process, it can break device. Since the washing machine - a piece expensive, everything must be done carefully and the rules. This will ensure its reliable operation and long service life.

Location for installation

Responding to a question about how, where it is better to install a washing machine, It should be guided by the obvious fact - the place to be around water pipes, to be able to provide easy inflow and discharge of water. Bath, kitchen or hallway - the traditional place for the washing machine. Should choose the correct room, on the basis of the available space there.

Install the washing machine in the kitchen
Installation choices for the washing machine in the kitchen
Install the washing machine in the bathroom
Installation choices for the washing machine in the bathroom
Install the washing machine in the hallway
Installation choices for the washing machine in the hallway
Installing over the toilet

Preparing to Install

Before, how to install a washing machine, you need to unpack it and remove the transit bolts and fasteners. These elements are used for, to moving parts the machine is not hung from side to side during transport.

If you forget to remove the shipping restraint and turn the machine, it will soon fail. Moreover, the manufacturer's warranty will no longer act.

The openings are closed by fasteners social plastic plugs.

Removing For transport bolts
It is necessary to remove the transit bolts before installing.

Connection to sewer

The next step according to the instructions during the installation of the washing machine - connection to sewer. This is necessary in order, to drain water from it.

Depending on the design of, drain may be different. The easiest option - pouring water directly into the bath or kitchen sink. To this end washing machines are equipped with a special hook on the hose, which are attached to the bath rim or washing.


More convenient way - to connect the drain to the bath or sink siphon. This will require set trap with a special tap. Alternatively, you can arrange the drain of the washing machine directly into the sewer.

If the overflow from the washing machine is produced in sewers, you need to create a bend for water seal (as a bent siphon), otherwise the tank will get unpleasant odors. Bending should be lower, than tank cars. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to put it on a stand or shelf.

Connect the washing machine to the drain
Connect the washing machine to the drain via a siphon

Water connection

Before, how to install a washing machine, should buy tees, which are used for water supply. Sometimes the water is supplied and hot, and cold, therefore we need two tees. Besides, need valves, to overlap the water, when the machine is not used.

To extend the life of the washing machine, When installing it is necessary to put in the water supply system of filters, that will protect the tank from contamination.

Water connection to the washing machine
Connecting water to the washing machine through the tees.

Installing the Washing Machine


Then the installation of the washing machine on a level. Because the floors in the house may be uneven, We need to align the machine, using a spinning leg.

If the installation of the washing machine will be made uneven, it will vibrate, which will create excess noise, as well as lead to a deterioration of details.

After the installation of the washing machine, it must not bend under pressure to each of its four corners.

Leveling the washing machine
washing machine alignment occurs by means of setting legs.

Verify installation

Installing the washing machine is made correctly, if a:

  • The tank is emptied and typed not too long;
  • No leaks;
  • The drum rotates without excessive noise;
  • Water is heated through 5-7 minutes after, it ceased to act.


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