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How to repair turnkey

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How to repair turnkey

The need for comprehensive repairs can occur for a number of reasons. This may be the purchase of new housing, apartments for rent, replacement of communications or the desire to change something in the interior.

Choose a contracting company, which will repair your home. Focus with the feedback about the work of the company and the price policy, carried out by the contractor in relation to customers. Check out the results of the work previously done (each are a solid company like "portfolio"), Use the recommendations of friends.

quality repairs, usually, performed with the assistance of a professional artist-designer. it's desirable, to make it work in a team of dressers, because then it will be removed various conflicts and differences between the performers and the project developer.

Enclose a qualified company, providing comprehensive services for the repair of housing, contract. Note, to it, among other things, amount was spelled contingencies and the exact timing of the completion of all works. If the fault of the contractor deadlines will not be met, you can apply penalties. If your intention is to make alterations, Agree to top repair your project in the relevant services.

After selecting the contractor and complete the documentary side of the issue be engaged in preparation for the upcoming repair of apartments. Removed all the furniture and all sorts of things, which would interfere with repair work. Accept the fact, that for two - four months will be living in an apartment only builders.

The choice of building materials is better to leave for masters, quality components must be purchased from a trusted vendor.

At least once in two weeks personally visit the facility and monitor progress. Your "fresh" look better notice the deficiencies and minor flaws, which can be easily and efficiently eliminated during repair. Now you know how to repair turnkey, good luck.



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