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Re-planning of the kitchen with photos. kitchen – living room

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Useful tips on kitchen remodeling

Often plan kitchen in typical homes far from, to meet the needs of owners. After all, the kitchen space - a traditional place, not only for cooking, but also for the reception, traditional good cheer. The only way to make the kitchen to your liking - it's redevelopment, which will make the room meets the latest standards, ergonomic, comfortable, improved architectural performance, generally, expand the kitchen, possibly at the expense of balconies. Site repair of an apartment with his hands tell, it would take for that.

The kitchen is in any case should not be transferred to another room. Also prohibited and remodeling the kitchen due to the bathroom or toilet. Often the kitchen combined with a room, transforming, in this way, in the kitchen-dining room or kitchen-living room. But if you have a one-bedroom apartment is gasified, it is forbidden to do. Only, what can be done in this case,, set sliding partitions, separating the kitchen and living room. If you combine the kitchen with a bathroom, then your living space have already lost the room status, turned into kitchen, and this is unacceptable on the basis of mandatory meters of usable area.

Preparation of documents for redevelopment kitchen

Anyway, Getting a kitchen remodeling needs permission. It is necessary in the BTI (Bureau of Technical Inventory) take the plan of the apartment, extract from technical passport. Find a project company, Koya make refueling (technical conclusion), to conclude an agreement on conducting supervision over reconstruction. redevelopment plan will need to approve the gas inspection, sanitary-epidemiological service, fire service. Besides, if you intend to transfer the electrical or thermal equipment, affect water supply and sewerage system, It must also be authorized by power engineers and Gorvodokanal. The housing inspection order and get a certificate of compliance of the draft regulations on housing maintenance. Obtain the consent of neighbors and that organization, on whose balance sheet is house. many instances, so it is better to, without wasting your time, contact the appropriate organization, which is notarized power of attorney will do everything myself, and you, saving time, You get a ready resolution. But to gain official authorizing documents necessary. Unauthorized rescheduling is fraught with many troubles, up to the eviction in court. And in any case,, necessary permitting documents you will be obliged to make, while imposing penalties. Therefore, the legal side of the issue should be taken very seriously.

Such a provision is necessary, as the kitchen remodeling often entails the demolition of load-bearing structures, when combined bathroom and kitchen, communications transfer, in older homes often walled chute and duct.

The expansion of the kitchen at the expense of balconies and loggias

Расширение кухни за счет балкона фотоOne of the most common ways to expand the kitchen is the demolition of interior walls, which separates the kitchen and bathroom, or removal of the partition and the corridor between the kitchen or loggia, that is less popular. When expanding the kitchen with loggia, We need to remember, that the radiators can not be transferred to the loggia. And if the kitchen combined with a room required effective drawing device, that must be connected to the vent. For aesthetic and hood, and thus the plate should be positioned directly below the vent outlet, which in turn creates constraints for the designer.

Re-planning of food in the kitchen - living or expansion due to a loggia or a balcony - possible almost any standard houses, even in the Khrushchev, it is important to remember only the good, that prohibited.

Which is prohibited by about kitchen remodeling

First of all, Any alterations must comply with health, construction, fire, etc.. standards and requirements. Secondly, strictly forbidden to touch, let alone get involved in engineering systems - gas supply, water supply and ventilation system.

clear, small kitchen that is very uncomfortable. But it has its advantages. If you are tired and have no strength to clean the dishes after dinner,, you can simply close the door, putting all until the morning. But when combined with the living room, All these costs will be in front of your eyes, what, of course, will not add to the attractiveness interior. And so to combine the kitchen with living room means "open-plan" should only be, when families have the chance to constantly maintain order.

Important role lighting in the interior food. Usually the kitchen has one window, through which the penetrating light is enough to illuminate. If your kitchen after the redevelopment will be more, and the window will remain one, it is necessary to add more light - Wall lights, soffits, sconce. Brightly lit room looks larger visually, than it actually is.

The main feature, which must be taken into account - a rational distribution of all necessary communications (gas, water, ventilation, electricity).

Re-planning of the kitchen - a very important step, therefore, it should be carried out by professionals. According to the ads, or through friends, you can find businesses, which have proved their best in this kind of activity. And do not forget, you need to prepare the necessary documents, If you think the expansion of the kitchen at the expense of balconies, loggia or alterations to the room. See some photos of beautiful places and change cooking eating food.

Replan photo kitchen. Combining rooms, kitchen - living room

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Перепланировка кухни в квартире фото. Кухня гостиная

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Перепланировка кухни в квартире фото. Кухня гостиная

Перепланировка кухни в квартире фото. Кухня гостиная

Look at the finished interiors and come up with a single. Successful redevelopment and expansion!

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