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How and what properly insulate the attic roof

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Insulation for the roof and the attic.

If your intention is to build a loft, already during installation of truss construction house roof and installation of its coverage to take measures for its good insulation. Thermal insulation must not only protect the attic space from precipitation, but also hinder the process of cooling of the space. As pointed out by the study, through non-insulated roof of the house is lost around 30 % heat, therefore, work on warming is necessary to carry out properly.

If the attic room is not very warm, or perform the work quickly and poorly, the cold air through the ventilation ducts of the roof provided. Cold air, in contact with the warm surface of the structure, cause condensation process. Subsequently condensate builds up between the rafters in the ceiling and on the very surface of the ceiling. The presence of moisture on wood surfaces necessarily drags the appearance of mold and rotting of wooden structures. The insulating properties of the roof is also very significantly deteriorate, which will lead to an increase in cash costs for heating homes.

Based on the above facts, the only solution in this situation would be quality insulation room attic, designed for long-term operation of its. Let us examine, and how better insulate mansard roof house.

Comparison of fiberglass and mineral wool for insulation

To date, the most popular method of increasing the thermal insulation performance of the attic is its insulation using insulation based on mineral wool or fiberglass. Using the second option is a bit cheaper. The advantages of the attic insulation cotton wool can be attributed ease of its installation, the lack of organic matter in the composition of its fibers, its non-toxic to the human body, a high degree of fire, high heat conductivity with correct installation.

The disadvantages are the inconvenience of laying wool-cotton. This is due to the presence of small particles of dust in the wool of glass. Significant them from falling to the mucosa can cause severe eye damage its, and getting on the skin trigger itching, microscopic lesions and allergic reactions. For this reason, all works, associated with glass wool, necessary to perform, using protective equipment exposed areas of the body. These include rubber seals, closed type clothes, a special kind of glasses with rubber elements at the edges. Be sure to use a gauze mask or respirator, since glass microscopic dust particles are in the air. Having finished work, destroy clothes. Pollution glass dust washing does not help.

The use of mineral wool is fraught with less danger. Besides, it has a number of advantages. These include the natural composition of its synthetic fibers, consisting of finely crushed rock dust, as well as a small proportion of. Also mineral wool It has excellent water vapor permeability and low hygroscopicity. Its handling is much easier handling of fiberglass wool.

However, its use involves its isolation from the external environment. Due to the excellent noise absorbing properties, mineral wool is widely used in the construction of interior partitions in the house. For the price of mineral wool is a little more expensive wool-cotton. But experts unequivocally recommended for the insulation of buildings and their insulation is mineral wool, because of the expiration of the time means, spent on its acquisition, pay off due to the high thermal insulation qualities of the attic. The use of fiberglass wool does not guarantee preservation of the aforementioned properties.


The right amount of insulation calculator

that is insulated
Density kg / m3
area insulation, m2:
insulation thickness, cm:
Weight kg:
Number of bags (15kg):
horizontal structures (floor, ceiling)

sloping structures (mansard)

vertical design (walls)

Wet-glue application


How to insulate an attic properly and better insulate the attic roof

ПарокLet's deal with insulation attic space technology using Paroc company materials - known manufacturer of thermal insulation materials. Paroc products can not be called cheap. But we are not so rich, to buy cheap things. After insulation of high-quality materials will serve much longer, than cheaper counterparts made from an unknown manufacturer.

heat insulations

It should also take into account, that for ease of installation Paroc company produces two kinds of thermal insulation materials.

  1. The first of these is produced in roll form thermally insulating material, which is convenient to use on horizontal surfaces.
  2. The second type of thermal insulation is manufactured in the form of square plates. They are very easy to mount on a vertical surface and slants walls. Besides, data insulating panels can be cut easily by using an ordinary knife, give them all the contours and set close to all structures of the roof - one to one without the formation of cavities and crevices.

What to cook for

Through insulation space, you must have a civil scissors. Alternatively, you can use the usual big scissors for fabric. Besides, you need:

  • snickersnee;
  • rubber hammer with a tip of the rubber;
  • metal ruler substrate by cutting the insulation;
  • above PPE.

If step rafters does not exceed 55-60 cm, the most efficient use of square cutting insulation. This method also provides a good degree of contact with tree insulation.

rough crate

Before laying the insulation must be inside the room under the rafters nail rough lathing of boards with nails mean value. You can use the edging boards, selecting a distance between them about 20-30 cm. it's desirable, their thickness is the same everywhere.

If the rafters construction after installation a little slack, that this disadvantage can be eliminated with the help of the planer. In this case, each of the bars you want to align on the same line and checked using a spirit level. Subsequently, it will prevent problems with differences of heights when installing plasterboard or other material, used as a decorative coating.

Roughing finished installation lathing, remove dust and dirt inside the structure, Construction using a vacuum cleaner or an ordinary broom.

Protection of wooden surfaces

To prevent mold, mildew and rot the wooden structure to be treated special remedy. Very well in these cases it has proved to be a means to protect the tree Senezh. Its price is consistent with the quality of. Can, certainly use Pinotekst, but its price is much higher than the cost SENEZH. And taking into account the fact, that needs a lot of preparation, Cash savings will be significant.

Processing a wooden surface is undesirable to carry out spray garden. Do not listen to the advice of various home-grown builders about the alleged benefits of this type of treatment. Processing of a paint brush or roller, is many times the processing quality spray at much less expense preparation. Treatment is carried out in several layers, waited, when it absorbed former layer and dries the wooden surface. Finally means is absorbed in two days. During this time also completely dry wood surface.

Как утеплить мансарду правильно

installation of insulation

During installation of insulation in places bevel surfaces, convenient to use the cutting blade insulation. This will provide a better fit between the webs, and therefore, and the quality of work. When the attic insulation horizontal surfaces best one will be assembling a continuous web of insulation, the stretched length and stacked between the rafters. In case of shortage of the web width, using a steel ruler need a knife to cut a strip from a new piece of insulation and firmly insert it into the resulting gap.

For a snug fit on the piece cut off 3 see More, than the bandgap. As a result, insulation sheets should be stacked tightly on the surface. This will avoid the presence of gaps between the insulation and the appearance of the paintings places freezing roof.

After the above works to start assembling the attic floor covering. To do this at your request, You can use the battens, board or USB boards. It all depends on your taste and the further destiny of the attic space.

Как утеплить мансарду правильно

Our embodiment is an example of stepwise stacking heater via edging boards. Each of them nailed with nails in length about 5-7 cm. Such a process will continue to avoid twisting the boards and change the surface shape. If you want, it is a floor covering can be treated scraping tool and cover with several layers of floor varnish.

Как утеплить мансарду правильно

From inside the crate to be coated vapor barrier film, strengthening its brackets using stapler. The seams between the sheets of a vapor barrier to seal the special ribbon for isolating film. It is also possible for this purpose to use double-sided tape stationery. After drying, the adhesive should be smooth over any flat object. These actions will help to warm loft homes.

Как утеплить мансарду правильно

Be sure to the rafters with nails to nail down the final strips. In some cases, during the construction of the walls and the ceiling in the attic using gypsum boards, affixed to the steel profile. He, in turn, is fastened with screws to the final strips, thereby maintaining the integrity of the film.

When used correctly, these tips and tricks, as well as the observance of work sequences, you qualitatively and quickly Insulate attic space easily, because as well as the better to insulate the attic roof, you already know. Good luck.



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3 Comments to the post "How and what properly insulate the attic roof

  1. Do not know about you for me it is better to entrust the professionals all the more so the best way insulation is insulation foam penopoliuritanovoy. These are the guys I did not expensive and qualitative

  2. Thermal insulation of building structures using mineral wool Zaduvnoy - an effective way to the device insulation of attics, lofts, overlap, coatings, floors and walls. Zaduvnaya -rassypchaty mineral wool insulation material, which is blown by a special shnekovo compressor equipment through the hose to the building construction. the JGXRgbkMiB8

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