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How to choose a toilet: tips and tricks

Neither one apartment will not do without this elementary object. And the toilet, no matter how simple it may seem, It will be difficult to find without the relevant knowledge. on, how to choose a toilet, will depend interior bathrooms, comfortable stay in it (every day several times) and throughout the apartment (wrong choice would entail damage and odors).

The complexity of choice is a wide variety of modern market, in which it is easy to get confused. Each type of plumbing object differs in its advantages and disadvantages, and so in a particular case, the most profitable one thing. They differ from each other according to several main criteria, for which it will need to select and.


When deciding, what better to buy toilets, first of all you need to know, what materials they are made, and what properties they have. materials are:

  • ceramic:
    • Sanfayansovye.
    • Sanfarfornye.
  • metal.

ceramic toilet
It looks like a ceramic bowl
metal bowl
It looks like a metal bowl

Plumbing fixtures and sanitary ware from sanfarfor outwardly indistinguishable. Both species are covered sanitaryware glaze. However, porcelain is more durable, as well as resistant to physical influences. choosing, a toilet is better of the two materials, should stay on porcelain. And the life they have more - 50 years old, while only in porcelain 30. Besides, easier to care for porcelain, than faience.

Ideally, choose a bowl with molded cistern, it is guaranteed to be better, than that twisted bolts.

Most solid metal, so they are particularly common in public restrooms. As sanfarfor, metal does not require special harvesting conditions. Among the shortcomings of the material - low thermal conductivity, so, that on it was not cold, it should be equipped with thick seat is not made of metal.

In the conditions of the apartment or house toilets made of porcelain occupy a better position in the ranking. Therefore, choose the best of their.

Select the type of toilet
varieties of toilets

Seat (commode)

When thinking about how, a toilet is better to buy, should think of his seat (toilet seat). Seats are made of two kinds of materials:

  • plastic;
  • tree.
plastic Toilet Seat
Toilet seat toilet seat made of plastic
Wooden toilet seat
Toilet seat toilet wood

If the choice falls on the toilet with plastic seat, it will save, since this material is cheaper. Wood also will cost more (and even rarer), and they are more comfortable, It retains heat longer and do not cause allergic reactions in people, prone to them.

Feedback from users, good toilet is the, that is equipped with a toilet seat lifter in. This is such a device, which slows down the seat when it is lowered, reducing noise and damage from impact. Lifter is useful when using children, elderly or disabled.

Advantages of modern plumbing

New models of cisterns are equipped with double button discharge. Tanks are designed for two modes: the standard and cost. This is especially true, for apartment owners, where not already installed water meters, and just for people, accustomed to save water.

dual flush button

Economy mode involves the capacity to 2 or 3 liters of water. This may cause a reasonable question, how does this water wash bowl? This is possible thanks to the modern design of the tank: at its output set screw (such as in a meat grinder). When draining the water does not just fall down, but also acquires a rotary motion and additional detergency.

mounting method

An important part of the selection of the parameters is the toilet installation method. According to this property, they are divided into several groups:

  • floor:
    • ladders;
    • freestanding:
      • monoblock;
      • CD;
  • false.
Side toilet
Side view Outdoor toilet
detached toilet
Floor detached view of the toilet bowl
hanging toilet
Suspended type of toilet

Outdoor ladders - these designs, which is mounted in the flank wall. obviously, that choose this option need only, if he is to stand near the wall. according to reviews, Repair of the plumbing goes hard. But this kind of installation is well suited for small bathrooms or minimalist interior style.

Detached one-piece - this design, in which the bowl and the combined barrel. A CD - is the most common design - a cup and barrel, separated.

Attached toilets are different minimum space, What is their dignity. And this has not detached. However, their installation and repair is much easier to proceed.

Choosing a suspended installation of toilet, you can get a modern and compact form, which is beneficial in small rooms. And this, perhaps, all its advantages. Among the shortcomings should be noted weak structural strength, as well as the complexity of installation repair.

except as described, There are more angular design, choose to be the, who wish to use the entire space of a bathroom on a maximum. In these kinds keg installed in a corner, as if on a diagonal. These toilets are only floor.

corner toilet
Corner view of the toilet bowl

system toilet installation, should be chosen on personal preferences and available bathrooms room features.

toilet models with concealed cistern

Do you know, that already appeared wall toilets? These toilets are always separate tank and drip tray, wherein the reservoir is embedded in the wall, and on the wall surface of the button is displayed only drain. There is also a toilet design bezbachkovogo, wherein the drain device is directly connected to the pipes supplying cold water. It is a new word in the world of plumbing requires special attention, and its installation should be entrusted to a professional master. Despite the seeming simplicity of installation, at the slightest inaccuracy device may leak. Instead of the usual and familiar to us from childhood porcelain cisterns can be put in the toilet cistern zastenochny. This system is called installation.


Made of sturdy polyethylene tank and the shape is somewhat similar to the canister. The main advantage of the installation - runs completely silently.

Built-in tanks come in two flavors: for free-standing and wall-hung WC.

installation types of tanks
Variety of mounting toilet cistern

The tank for a squat toilet is a plastic housing, to which is attached a set of fixtures to the wall. Outside such tanks are covered with a foam coating. It prevents condensation and provides sound insulation. From the reservoir moves said sleeve, coupled with a toilet and a curved bottom of the 90 degrees. How convenient this design? Simplicity and aesthetics - just after the button is mounted on the wall, and it is the only, it reminds of the existence of a cistern.

note, toilets for the installations subdivided into overhead and floor.

Suspension and squat toilet
Suspension and squat toilet system installation

Of course, wonders imported sanitary ware are not eternal, and they also have to mend.

Just do not be afraid repair of built-in wall cisterns. Breaking the wall in the toilet you do not have. Inside the tank is built drain mechanism unit, and damage may be damaged once it. The faulty unit is easily removed through the opening for the internal fluid reservoir button. Operation is simple and artless: remove the key and through this hole to get a hand unit. After repairing a piece falls back, or additional wiring is no longer an important point trebuetsya.Esche: our darling water plumbing overseas moves with difficulty. Therefore, it is good to just take care of the Filters, once you decide to install imported built-tank. Here, experts advise not to save, and stock up on these filters to operate any import sanitary ware.

Models without a toilet tank

What are the other advantages of imported cisterns, visit, by the way, the size of a can of beer? This nifty little thing called drukshpyuler (translated from German descent push ). This system can be build into the wall, hiding behind a partition, hang on the wall in the toilet. If the model is a secret - just remind her about flushing button-key on the wall above the toilet. Outdoor drukshpyuler save space better, than zastenny tank.

Flush valve Grohe
Drukshpyuler flushing device for toilet Grohe

Another advantage of this system is very easy to install. If you do not want, to the toilet pipe sticking out of the toilet, select the built-in flushing system bezbachkovuyu. It deserves attention and other compelling reasons: when there is no place to build in tank; when there is no time to tinker and build a false wall, behind which hide a tank.

Technical requirements for flushing device for toilet. The automatic flushing device for a toilet bowl, outdoor installation, connection 3/4 ", setting at a flow pressure of from 1,2 to 5,0 have, for Belleville and the funnel-shaped outdoor Extra toilets, a flushing fluid control. flush valve toilet

system design for instantaneous push the flushing valve unitazaPovozitsya with installation, true, have to. First you need to do in the wall of a square niche required size and depth, and a hollow pipe. When drukshpyuler rise to create a niche, you can proceed to the exterior. Then you need to drive into a wall two pins, and on which is mounted the toilet.

On the shortcomings of the system

Now it must be said about the shortcomings drukshpyulerov. Along with the, This system saves space, no need to wait, Fill the tank until there are important nuances. Normal drain tank is capable of storing a small supply of water, Even if water is turned off. Drukshpyuler same does not hold such stocks.

Poor washes large volumes, offline powerful funnel when draining water.

Another caveat - bezbachkovaya Flushing system normally operates at a pressure in the riser from 1,2 to 5 atmospheres.

Before going to the store plumbing clarify these questions. On the upper floors of high-rise buildings (above 9 floors) sufficient pressure can not be. However, do not worry - there is a special model for low (from 0,6 atmospheres) pressure.

The choice of form the bowl

The shape of the bowl depends on the, how much water is consumed at each flushing and whether spray. There are three types of forms:

  1. Belleville.
  2. funnel.
  3. Visor.

types of toilet drain

types of toilet drain
Varieties draining toilet

Belleville form (called bowl with shelf) It is a platform, which is always filled with water. It provides a minimum spray, but consumes more water all. This traditional form of bowls. She cleaned only by water jet. The main advantage of this device - no splashing. At the same time diaphragm cup has a serious drawback - the rapid spread of bad smell.

funnel, - a leader in spray, but it is particularly economical. The funnel-shaped cup has a "hole" right in the middle, that provides almost instantaneous removal of products even without defecation flushing. Besides, such bowls very easy to clean, since in operation they do not get dirty. Lack of structure - high probability of burst. Do not choose a toilet.

Visor form is an area of ​​an angle 35-45 degrees - is different and economical, and the best in terms of protection from splashes by washing. Besides, such sanitary devices may be equipped with a special funnel, which further protects against splashes. Visor Bowl - the most modern, Engineers here have tried to combine the advantages of the two structures. It has a flexural wall, which initially fall wastes, further under the influence of gravity, they are removed from the ledge. Such a system is called "antivsplesk". The emergence spray is practically impossible, but somewhat more difficult to clean the toilet.

If you want to choose a toilet without splashing, then the best option will be the one, that Visor bowl. And the more he has the inclination angle, the less likely splashes.

Flush and drain

Draining the water does not affect the usability, but depending on the location of the introduction of the neck in the toilet room, of which there are three options, which will have to choose between:

  1. Vertical drain suitable, when the neck opening is below the floor.
  2. Oblique drain for standard installation of plumbing.
  3. Direct drain in suitable conditions, If opening the neck is high off the floor.
Draining the bowl
Types draining toilet.

Flushing water is of two variants: dushevidny and cascading. Dushevidny flush produces streams of water on the cup perimeter, creating a funnel-shaped vortex of, which effectively flushes all. Threaded washes the inside of the cup across its surface. Practical to choose a toilet flushing dushevindnym, as it washes better. However, this option would cost a bit more expensive.

flush toilet
Types toilet flushing

Horizontal flush is a powerful stream of water on one side of the bowl. Its main advantage - simplicity of design, which has a positive effect on the price of the product. A key disadvantage of this type is incomplete coverage of the inner surface of the bowl. So often after using it you need to use an additional brush.

Round Robin is more complicated - the water is moving in the circumferential direction and bathes the entire surface of the bowl. Besides, it does not need a strong head, so it is less noisy and does not allow for spraying. But there are drawbacks - the system will be more expensive, and small holes for water outlet under the rim of the toilet bowl may eventually become clogged with deposits.

The important point when choosing a toilet - efficiency. Standard product by pressing the button pours a full water tank - it is six to eight liters, which is not always justified. However, the market has a toilet with a double-click. When you click on one, they poured two or three liters of water, and the other tank will empty completely. In the month of such a tank will save about 1000 liters of water for an average family of three people.

Also of note, that recently became popular toilet design, which provide for the hygienic function shower or bidet.

The presence of different functional

System "Antivsplesk" invented just for that, to unfortunate spray I did not fall on you, when you use the sanitary appliance. But unscrupulous advertisers and sellers indicate the presence of "antivspleska" every second toilet, while they are not there!

To avoid splashing, you need to find a suitable (planting and bowl type) and your dressing room (drain type) toilet design, check, Does the system "antivspleska" and choose the color and shape of this important subject.

bowl selection
It is important to choose the right distance drainer

The distance from the rim of the toilet bowl to the "bombing" the place at all different. If feces flying into the water, drops will splash. And if you pick up a toilet, had to fall on the wall or slope, then spray will not.

To summarize. When choosing a toilet, We need to assess the cubic content of the premises and the location of the plumbing riser. They determine the type of removal and installation method. The most modern version of a bowl - with the visor "antivsplesk" system. It is worth to the presence of circular flush. As for the material, the most optimal for today look porcelain.

How long will the toilet bowl last?

Toilet is one of the rare items in your home., which you approach with a set and forget mindset. Toilets are renowned for their durability, and you, probably, expect, that they will last forever.

But is it really so? How long will the toilets last??

Toilets can last from 10 to 50 years old, but their lifespan depends on many factors, such as cleaning and maintenance. If you take care of your toilet, rest assured, he won't betray you for decades.

On the other hand, you must know, what hurts the toilet, and determine the right moment to replace it. You can find out about all this in this post..

Average lifespan of a toilet: what makes toilets so durable?
The simple fact about toilets is, that you can live in the same house for decades, without changing the throne in the bathroom. With the right care, your toilet will last 50 years or more.

However, sometimes it is necessary to install a new model via 10-15 years old. This mainly applies to toilets in crowded public places - the more users, the faster they wear out.

First question, to which you need to answer: what makes toilets so durable? Let's take a look at three important factors:

Toilets are simple devices

Toilet design has not changed for decades. This tells us, that the toilets are simple enough, to stay functional in the long run. Despite, that the design of the toilet may seem complicated, this is just a diagram of pipes and water outlets.

In this way, the toilets are simple enough, to work without interruption for decades. The washing technology has not changed either.. There are no changes or constant updates, because gravity is still the driving force behind your toilet.

In such circumstances, toilet replacement is not required..

Spare parts are always in stock

Replacement parts for your toilet are not needed too often, but they are available around the clock. You can find the same replacement parts for broken parts in your toilet online or at your local hardware store..

In other words, you don't need to replace the entire toilet.

The elements, which you will change from time to time, include broken flaps , overflow pipes, reservoir bolts, filling valves and tank floats. All items are easy to find and cheap, which means, that you can renovate an existing toilet, rather than buying a new model.

Quality materials
The toilets are made of porcelain, ceramic material based on white clay. Porcelain has high mechanical strength, but does not emit a smell or resonance frequency on impact. Has a very smooth surface and white color under the glaze.

This makes the porcelain non-absorbent., which means, that liquids cannot penetrate the pores. All these features make porcelain extremely durable and able to extend the average life of the toilet..

Things, which shorten the average lifespan of the toilet
Now you know, what makes toilets so durable, but it is very important to know, which can shorten the lifespan of your toilet. Three things stand out again:

Bad service

Using your toilet carelessly is the surest way to shorten its lifespan.. In most cases, this means, that you don't clean the toilet often enough. If you will not clean the toilet at least once a month, blockages will form in it, which your toilet cannot clean on its own .

Another problem is improper service.. for example, you can use chemical cleaners, that don't serve the right purpose. Remember, what such substances, like bleach or torn, cause strong chemical reactions that damage the toilet.

Certain chemicals damage porcelain and corrode metal parts., which reduces the reliability and shortens the life of the toilet.

Physical impact

Porcelain is both strong and fragile. It is not shockproof, therefore physical shock must be avoided. There are two types of physical impairments to be prevented.:

External influence: do not kick the bowl accidentally or hit it with a hard object.
Internal impact: this happens when cleaning bowls with sharp instruments, eg, toilet augers.
Both types of physical impact can damage the toilet and tear it apart., so be careful, while in the bathroom.

Hard water deposits

Another factor, which can shorten the average life of the toilet, - these are deposits of hard water. If your area lacks hard water, clean the bathroom often, to prevent the accumulation of deposits.

Hard water contains a lot of calcium and magnesium ions - they can build up and damage porcelain glaze and pipes. Over time, you will notice water stains on the toilet..

You can clean them with VI n EGAR or other cleaning agent, but the damage is sometimes too big , to handle properly.

9 reasons to install a new toilet
Sooner or later, you will have to remove the old toilet and install a new model.. But did you know, when to do it? One of these nine signs proves, that it's time to replace the toilet.

Frequent repairs

Toilet repairs are usually simple and cheap., but it can quickly get boring and expensive, if you continue to do it regularly. If you constantly replace the same parts (or run into problems with other components), possibly, it's time to replace your closet.

Tip is not good for small problems, such as accidental flushing of an object from the drain pipe. But if the same problems recur, it's time to change something in your bathroom.

Constant clogging problems

Facing a blockage in the toilet is one of the most unpleasant experiences in life., therefore it is important to quickly resolve this issue. This shouldn't happen more often, than once every few years, but multiple blockages in a short amount of time indicate a more serious problem.

If you have to frequently clean the toilet , must be, there is something wrong with its design or device. This is a signal that, that it's time to replace the old model with one of the newer toilets, which prevents clogging.

Poor flush system

Another sign that, that it's time to buy one of these modern toilets, Is a bad flush system. If feces sticks to the toilet after flushing , don't be afraid to buy a better toilet with a powerful flush mechanism.

Water use efficiency

Is your toilet eco-friendly or is it using too much water per flush? This is an important question, to which you need to know the answer. Your toilet reduces your water use efficiency, when he consumes more 1,6 gallons per flush.

This mainly applies to old toilets, as their design requires excessive water consumption, even for liquid waste. for example, for all toilets older 20 years required at least three gallons per flush, which dramatically increases your water bill.

This is a serious level of water consumption, who should convince you to install a new toilet as soon as possible.


Let's be honest - sometimes it's good to change something., especially if old toilets look ugly. This is not the main reason, by which you must replace the toilet, but it is valid.

You don't have to do it right away, so try to wait for the next bathroom remodeling project . Consider installing an elegant and modern toilet - it requires less space and looks aesthetically pleasing.

Water leaks

Another reason to replace toilets is to prevent constant water leaks.. Your toilet may be leaking at the base or around the rusty cistern bolts. . In any case, the only reasonable decision is to buy a new product..

A new toilet will help get rid of moisture, reduce water consumption and freshen up the overall look of the bathroom. It will also save time, necessary to eliminate permanent leaks.

Your toilet is wobbling

One of the obvious signs that, that you need a change, - wobbly toilet. The bowl is shaking, when you sit on it, and over time the tremor gets worse. If bolt adjustment does not help, possibly, the toilet needs too much attention.

Sometimes you fix a wobbly toilet , but after a while it starts to move again. In this case, the best option is to install a new toilet and prevent future problems..

Rust and corrosion

Rust and corrosion are the sworn enemies of your toilet. They can damage metal elements in the plumbing system., creating dirt and in some cases causing microcracks.

If they accumulate, so that your eau de toilette turns brown , you can purchase a new system, which removes debris and looks crystal clear.

High-tech innovation and renewal

Finally, you can replace the old toilet with a modern version, which offers several updates. Smart bathroom gadgets have infiltrated the toilet market, so you can find smart toilets with heating systems, electronic displays and sensors.

for example, Kohler smart toilet with dual flush has many additional features. These include heated toilet seats, night light, opening / hands-free closing, automatic flush and remote control with touch screen.

How long will a toilet seat last??
Another component of your toilet is the seat., but its lifespan cannot match the life expectancy of the toilet. If you clean it right, the toilet seat will serve you for at least five years. However, it also depends on such factors., as:

Toilet Seat Materials, such as plastic or wood.
How do you use it - whether you sit still or move while using the toilet
Closing the toilet seat too tight


so, how long will the toilets last?

It can last from 10 to 50 years old. The bottom line is, that you should keep your closet clean, maintain it in good condition and replace worn parts. In this way, you will surely use a comfortable toilet for decades.

How often should the toilet be changed?
If it works well, you don't have to replace the entire toilet for decades. It means, that your toilet can serve you at least 20 or 30 years - even more, if you take care of him. The only reason to change it sooner is to freshen up the bathroom..

How to find out, to replace the toilet?
Several things say about an urgent toilet change. These include constant water leaks, weak flushing, slow filling, rust and other signs of malfunction. It `s that, what usually triggers a toilet seat replacement.




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