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Eliminate the blockage in the toilet, options for cleaning the toilet video

When out of the toilet water go bad, or merge all, it becomes obvious - the blockage formed. How to clean clogged toilet, when the hand is not chemicals? What are the means at hand, you can use and how to establish the cause of the blockage - the answers to these questions are found in this article.

If clogged toilet sensations arise not the most pleasant, not even speaking about, that the use of these sanitary convenience becomes impossible

Causes of obstruction of sewers

Plumbing amenities may eventually become clogged for several reasons:

  • Too hard water (deposited salt);
  • Construction garbage;(sand)
  • accumulated sediment, urea, etc.;
  • Getting large objects;
  • Attempts to drain a lot of toilet paper;
  • Personal hygiene items;
  • Throwing food residues (especially conservation).

All of these reasons may induce blockage in the toilet, here are ways to siphon purification by various means . They can be avoided, but if this could not be, It needs to take measures to eliminate accident.

Analysis clogging degree

Before you break through the blockage in the toilet should be to determine the extent and location, wherein the pipe is clogged. First you need to turn on the water in the bathroom and in the kitchen, and make sure, that the water is drained properly. If the "costs" liquid everywhere, then the problem arose in the riser thing worth to professionals.

To find out: rises to the top, or simply from the toilet water go bad.

Important! In this situation, it is not necessary to use a cistern to check waste water. If you pull the handle - torrent will not stop, and if clogged toilet - what do you forget, mud flows will be poured onto the floor, emitting a smell does not violet.

The ideal variant - to collect a bucket or pan of water and slowly pour it into the toilet, watching how the water goes.

Solutions to sensitive issues

There is a fundamentally different approach to purging the toilet, each of them is used in a particular case,:

The mechanical method;

  • Old, good plunger;
  • sewer cable;
  • Chemicals;
  • national way.

Call a plumber can be difficult, wait a long time, and the lack of facilities in the form of a toilet more than a day in the modern world - it is almost a disaster.

Therefore, to answer the question of how to eliminate the blockage in the toilet you need as soon as possible.

The mechanical method

If the owners are aware of the cause of the blockage, then got predmer have to remove the hand. Rag, a toy, apple - it could be anything.

First you need to decide, how to remove water from the toilet:

  • bale out;
  • get wet through cloth.

Important! Should use gloves and a gauze bandage, that the stench does not completely ruin the mood.


  • Wear gloves (desirably high);
  • Examine the issue in the siphon for the presence there causes clogging;
  • inspect the pipe;
  • Retrieve objects have fallen.

If a vegetable or piece of fruit - it can hook wire. It is not necessary to push things further - it can cause total blockage and lead to a full stop of the riser


Full drain stopper

Now it is necessary to know, how to unclog a toilet, if the flow is completely blocked. Require sewer cable. This device is flexible enough to pass through the pipes, It is made of metal and has a convenient handle.


  • Insert the cable into hole;
  • Promote, while rotating;
  • As soon as the cable stretch - to make a few moves back and stared;
  • Carefully remove the device and wash.

Important! When removing the cable is worth an unnecessary rag to wipe it immediately. Fabric should soak dish detergent. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting dirty, and the unpleasant smell for a long time after the procedure is in the hands of vestsya.

Good old plunger

Using a plunger somehow familiar to all. However, in the case of, when the removal of blockages in the toilet plunger is required to be wide enough, to completely cover the drain hole.

Use it is only in that situation,, when the water goes bad. With full use of the stopper plumbing device is ineffective, and sometimes dangerous for the integrity of the plumbing.


  • If possible, ask a household hand close the drain hole in the bathroom and in the kitchen;
  • Jerky bleed air and water into the pipe;
  • Check, whether the water is drained (not bačkom).

Important! If the water flow is difficult everywhere - to repeat the process on all plumbing fixtures in the house. Close the hole in the toilet seat cover can be, on which sit some of the native.


Pour blockage chemistry - one of the most simple and effective solution to the question how to eliminate the blockage in the toilet. On sale there are different means from clogging the toilet, but the most cost-effective and efficient, perhaps, "Mole". He is able to eat away at the most impassable dirt and is an excellent prevention of deposits. Using it necessarily need to wear gloves, so as not to get a chemical burn. By the time the action is one mole may differ from each other, since each manufacturer makes its special chemical composition. The main disadvantage is the smell of his Mole.

You can clean the drains and to use the old-fashioned soda and vinegar. For this:

  • Scoop all water;
  • Pour a glass of soda in the drain hole;
  • Pour a glass of soda, vinegar;
  • Through 1-2 minutes, add a liter of boiling water;
  • Leave in this state the toilet for half an hour, after which the drain water.
  • It is even possible to clean the toilet Coca-Cola (pretty effective way)

If the problem persists independently, you'll have to call the organization, serving home, to address issues, related to plumbing. Disassemble the toilet, pipes and siphons it is not necessary.

It's time to wash

Marsh scrub the toilet! - This sounds to-recruit soldiers as a harsh sentence. Why are there to recruit willing to wash the room and in a city apartment is not very easy to find. However, we spend on average over a lifetime is in place for reflection on the 2,5 of the year! I would like to spend this time is most comfortable! Today we talk about the plumbing in the apartment, and will start with bathrooms.

What to do?- wear rubber gloves and scrub! salt deposits are removed from the toilet modern cleaning means. Their advertising has long been at the hearing, and mind. Of course, if the old toilet or running, hope for a quick victory is not worth. If you are not allergic to bleach, for particularly difficult cases, you can use the legendary whiteness. To clean the relatively new toilets and cisterns can be taken not only fashionable imported Vanich or Comet . there are domestic, time-tested cleaning agents: paste Surzha , East , Sanita , Cleaning Powder and Glitter.

Dosing a cleaning agent simple and quick: put on a damp surface the toilet a little preparation and leave 15-20 minutes. The surface is then wiped with a brush or sponge unitaznye, and then rinse with water from a tank.

Rusty plaque susceptible drugs Surzha , Sanitary-1 and-II through the sanitary their acid-based. Some artisans risk rid of rust with hydrochloric acid or vinegar: poured onto the dry surface of the bowl a small amount of acid, wipe and wash out the tank. Keep in mind: These funds are poisonous and dangerous, work with them to be with extreme caution. In addition, the vinegar smell may linger for a long time.

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