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Which is better to use a primer before laying the tiles

Each person before the surface of the lining interested in the question of further life of the surface. Of course everyone wants, that the coating was smooth and beautiful maximum, but at the same time and durable. This question may to some extent help the primer, which provides a high level of adhesion the base material and. That is why the question often arises, whether primed before tiling or, possibly, This process can miss? For, to look into the matter, you need to carefully examine all the features of a primer, its properties and role in the repair.

What is a primer, and why it is needed

First we need to understand, a primer that is. In total, it is an original composition, which must be applied on the substrate before the start of finishing works.

The main task, which performs primer before laying the tiles, It is to increase the adhesion(It contributes to a better joining of materials and prevents wherein the base strongly absorb water, which affects the uniform drying). Besides, most compounds possess antiseptic properties, that protects the surface from the defeat of mold and mildew.

primer before laying

Themselves mixtures of this type are made of different components. In particular, used substance, which dries to form a kind of film. these are, for example, Olif or resin. Considering the mix of the modern type, can be seen, that there are several kinds of them, each of which has its own characteristics. This necessitates selection, a primer handle wall before laying the tiles.

Primed or not

But let's understand yet, whether it is necessary to prime the surface before laying tiles or not. This issue is controversial for some specialists and incorrect. Nevertheless, almost always answer "Yes».

Primer before laying the tiles is a must, especially, Coating is carried out if the porous surface or crumbling. The only case, we can neglect the primer - is facing a dense concrete base. Even in this case, the primer layer will not interfere.

Let's talk a little bit about the general properties of all types of primers. In total, there are three advantages, offered primer:

  1. Firstly, strengthening the surface and increase adhesion. This effect is achieved by impregnating the pores of the material composition, which reinforces the structure. In this way, base becomes more resistant to various stresses, Besides, significantly reduced and the possibility of infection.
  2. It also reduces the amount of work required for materials. In particular, we are talking about the future facing. this, respectively, It saves money.
  3. By increasing the adhesion primer can significantly increase the quality of future coverage. Thus one can be sure of the durability of the lining.

The choice of flooring primer

Now it's time to decide, how to use a primer before laying the tiles. As known, several kinds of these compounds, and therefore, to clearly define, You need to consider each of them.

Priming the floor before laying tiles can be carried out with different compositions, and should take into account the basic properties of the primer. Some are designed to increase the adhesion, Other grounds for impregnation, It is therefore necessary to know the principle of operation of such mixtures and to choose correctly.

In today's market there are many manufacturers of primer mixtures. therefore, even determine the type, which will be used, and is most suitable in your case personally, it is very difficult to choose the right products, without knowing anything about them.

We suggest to familiarize with several kinds of primers, which according to our experts the highest quality, and is best suited for the application before laying tiles.

Knauf thiophen primer

This type of primer is firming, moreover, characterized by the ability of deep penetration, It is therefore often used for treatment of small pore bases. The main purpose of the composition - to strengthen the foundation, improve adhesion and reduce the level of absorbency, what is not less important.

Primer before laying the tiles

applicable, largely, for the treatment of plaster and drywall materials, as well as cementitious screeds and plasters. Besides, It is used for both the inner surfaces, and for external treatment.

Among the advantages of this type of soil to be noted:

  1. It helps strengthen the base surface on gypsum or chalk based.
  2. It has a high penetrating power.
  3. Improves adhesion and reduces the absorbency.
  4. environmentally friendly, the use and application does not cause allergies, It does not emit harmful vapors.
  5. Besides, dries quickly, allowing shortly after application start to finish.

The cost of this type of soil varies from 700 to 1000 rubles for the five-liter capacity, depending on the region. At the same time, we note, such that the amount is sufficient to treat 50 square meters of surface.

Knauf Mittely primer

The primer of this type is used for processing of foamed concrete and gas concrete bases, typically applied with surface preparation for application of plaster. Due to its properties it helps evenly fasten solution, Besides, It reduces and regulates the absorbency of the substrate.

Primer before laying the tiles

Among the advantages of the material:

  1. low consumption (0,05 kg / m2)
  2. quick drying.
  3. Protects plaster by dehydration, because regulates absorption surface.
  4. It increases the level of adhesion with a base for adhesive mortars, screeds and plasters.

Primer sold as a ready-mix volume 10 liters. The cost of one package is half to two thousand. When the composition of the consumption level, a receptacle will be sufficient to handle 200 square meters of surface.

Knauf Multi Grund

Primer before laying the tiles

In scope and its advantages, this primer is identical to the last, but significant difference are the technical characteristics, rather:

  1. Consumption of this type of soil in 4 times more.
  2. At the same time the average price depending on the region - 700 rubles per unit, volume 10 liters.

This higher flow rate is possible cause deeper penetration, respectively required amount of mixture in one portion increases.

Prospectors Universal Primer

This type of primer is presented in a universal version and is permitted for use on any surface, while it does not lose its performance.

Priming the floor before laying the tiles

Designed to increase the ground adhesion of any coating materials to the gypsum and cement bases, especially with respect to the plaster.

Among the advantages of the material can be noted:

  1. A significant increase in adhesion.
  2. Help saving decorative materials, especially adhesive mixtures, paints and other things. This is due to a decrease in absorbency of the substrate.
  3. Suitable for your interior design, and for external.

The cost of this type of material is 400-500 rubles per canister volume 10 liters, correct spending, which is enough for processing 50 square meters of surface.

Prospectors primer Deep penetration

The next type is designed not only to improve the adhesion of the material, but also the strength of the tradition. Suitable for all surfaces, but along with this the most extensive use is in the processing of gypsum and cement bases, which is planned to be applied plaster.

Priming the floor before laying the tiles

among the advantages of, not counting an exact match to the previous view, become:

  1. Deeper penetration, which improves the quality of the base.
  2. Additional protection, and besides giving strength and base.

Considering the pricing policy of the soil, you can note, that he was a little bit cheaper, the cost varies from an average of 450 to 500 rubles. It should be noted, that the mixture flow rate remains the same.

Guardians coats Concrete Contact

In the case of smooth concrete or with the old tile primer need some other type. In this case, little of, that we need a structure with deep penetration, is also an important factor is the presence of additives in the form of sand, which allows to increase grip. This will require a longer-concrete contact.

Priming the floor before laying the tilesAmong the advantages of this lot have an increased adhesion smooth bases, In addition it allows to penetrate even thick base and create an effective grip. Unfortunately, suitable only for interior work.

AND, of course, you must consider the cost of such material, which is 1400-1500 of capacity in 20 kilogram. Given the soil flow, this primer is enough for 100 square meters of surface.

Using primer

Talking about, which primer is best for tile, must take into account all the features of the base. That's according to it is necessary to choose the composition of, because in different situations, coating of different materials may be incompatible with the undercoat.

An important factor is properly selected primer. And do not try to save, as a cheap material can not justify itself. To check the quality just look at the packaging. It has instructions for use. note, that a good enough one coat of primer, while the ordinary is to be applied in several layers. In this way, better to overpay a little, receive poor quality coating than.

Now after, we answered the question, Paul Lee primed before tiling, should deal directly in the process of applying the primer. In particular, you must consider several cases:

  1. The application of the composition on the surface of the absorbent.
  2. Non-absorbent substrates Primer.

In each case, a primer for floor tile has its own characteristics, to consider. Let us examine each case individually.

absorbent surfaces

In this case, before, how to get to work, must be thoroughly cleaned of debris and dust, and to eliminate the previous liner and its remains.

In the case of processing the walls, have been painted, sufficient to eliminate portions, which swelled, what is done with the help of a spatula.

For work, we need the following tools:

  1. bead.
  2. Brush.
  3. Tray primer.

applying a primer before laying

Needless application proceeds as follows:

  1. Concentrated primer mixture was diluted with water in accordance with an instruction (if a, of course, do not use ready-made structure). After that, in small portions poured into the primer to flow tray.
  2. Taken roller and immersed in a mixture of, then pressed. Primer itself must be applied on the surface smoothly, lightly roll.
  3. Further it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the solution, then provide another layer. Even if you use quality soil, which permits application of a single layer, second is necessary to provide for improving the quality of the coating.

floor primer

At the end of wash capacity remains from mixtures of residues, otherwise, after drying, it can be thrown out.

For faster priming the floor is possible to use sprays and spray guns.

non-absorbent substrates

Tools in the case of such a coating will need the same. But, ground in this case, a special, uprated penetration into the base.

Sheer mixture was applied to the surface with a brush. note, that the work of this kind is quite simple and does not require any training, so you can connect family members to work.

brush primer

Upon completion of the work all tools and containers should be washed thoroughly.

A variation of this type of soil is rarely used, due to the sale of large quantities of the condition of a large residue material.

soil coating the tile

many are concerned, whether it is necessary to prime the tiles before installing or not. And the answer to this question may vary slightly. A little explanation for this uncertainty:

  1. Samu tiles do not need to be primed, and in some cases even impossible. After contact with the primer coating on the tile needs to be eliminated, as we'll discuss a little later.
  2. But in other way, primer can be directly applied for mosaics, and more precisely for making tile adhesive.

In this case, a little bit more to tell about the glue mixture. As I mentioned earlier, using many finished formulations remains unused material. It was his many experts are used for the preparation of glue.

For such a conventional adhesive mixture composition is not diluted with water, and ground to form a high penetration creamy composition. The mixture is applied with a brush on the surface and on the tile as a conventional adhesive. The only nuance becomes the, that the use of such a composition is allowed only when installing on a perfectly flat surface. But the characteristics of such a decision will not yield even an expensive adhesive formulations based on polymers with quartz additives.

In hot weather, we recommend highly absorbent tiles soaked with water - this will give the glue evenly soak , and the master time for correction.

Cleaning the tiles from the primer

As it has been said before, applying a primer on the tiles do not need, and in some cases prohibited. So it is often necessary to carry out cleaning material. Of course, method for purifying acrylic primer may differ slightly depending on whether, What primer for tiles used, but in general terms it will look like this:

  1. After contact with the ground at a small fraction of the material, when it was discovered immediately, It can be washed with warm soapy tiles from the primer
  2. Wipe the tiles, primer layer must be left behind, we must not delay, since the composition is absorbed rather quickly.
  3. If this method did not, and the ground already soaked, soak the tiles, and then try it again to launder.
  4. If, however, he managed to grab part, then plain water will not help and will have to clean up a mixture for cleaning sanitary ware or similar composition of household chemistry. You can also use the wiper.

If you did not notice right away contamination and cleaning time has already passed this way, there is already need specialized tools, e.g. cleaner foam, which will help to soak the soil, after which it can be cleaned with a scraper.

to clean the tiles

When, when the hand is no such device, Any solvent can be used, preferably on the basis of alcohol. In such a role can be acetone, Skipidar, gasoline, and many other options.

And the most recent case, when the ground is so soaked, that has no remedy does not help, It becomes sandpaper or other abrasives. Of course, this option is undesirable, but necessary. So try, to compositions do not fall on the tiles.

Tips and expert advice

And now should consider a number of recommendations, which it is desirable to follow, which will help to avoid mistakes at work, as well as selecting a primer.

  1. Prime the floor before laying the tiles must be in 2, or better in 3 layer. Only then will he be able to penetrate deeply into the base, Besides, application is best done without waiting for the drying of the previous layer.
  2. An important factor is the application and order, when abuse can damage the coating, and finally the protection layer will be small, and the adhesion will not change, which entails a waste of time and money.
  3. Besides, preparation of the solution should be carried out strictly according to the instructions on the package. It is also important to pay attention to the specificity of the primer. Since each primer at various concentrations for different properties, a primer before laying the floor should not only improve the adhesion of the material, but also create additional protection grounds.
  4. After completion of the coating layer and drying, check the quality of work, if the ground smears hand during, It means necessary to apply another layer.
  5. It is also important to understand, how to use a primer before laying the tiles in some cases, depending on the operating conditions. For example, for rooms with high humidity needed formulated with antibacterial protection, and for the corridor approach and conventional soil.

In this way, reading the material you need to clearly understand, that is primed and how to pick up in specific cases. But to secure the material we offer a look at some videos about the choice of soil, its properties, etc..

Also Recommended Reading:

  1. Laying the tiles with their hands.
  2. How to choose a primer depending of type of base.
  3. Do I need to prime the walls.

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