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How to put a tile mosaic in the bathroom

According to its aesthetic characteristics mosaic has long won quite a lot of popularity. Even the use of only a few colors can help make the room incredibly spectacular. Well, mosaic tiles, panels - all this admiration. And note, Earlier afford such a "luxury", how to design using mosaics could not all. And this is not because of the cost of the material, but more directly because of the price on the specialist work on its installation.

The advantage of justifiable cost

Even now, the cost of laying such tiles is high enough (especially when compared with a conventional tile), but today we have the opportunity to perform their own packing.

mosaic tiles
Option combining different floor tiles

The complexity of the work lies in the fact, that created such a tile of many small pieces, fastened together via a paper or mesh construction. Fit one plate coincides with the size of the ceramic analog. But at the same time, It is in the hands of a flexible tile.

The undoubted advantage of this material is its flexibility becomes. And that, he bears the special net, It allows without a special tool to cut a tile into pieces of any size.

types of tiles

When affected by mosaic tiles, the first thing is the question of her choice. And in order, To determine the need to know the kinds of such material.

  1. first, and the most common glass mosaic becomes a standard. Such embodiment is enough cheapest, and furthermore it has a pleasant appearance. It is made of high-strength glass.
  2. Another embodiment of the coating becomes smaltovoe. There is a small difference of glass, in particular, additional application components, which gives it an unusual appearance. Furthermore strength and have a somewhat higher tiles, therefore also suitable for heavy loads.smaltovaya mosaic
  3. The next type is becoming ceramic mosaic. It is in their characteristics, except for size, It coincides with the usual tile.
  4. Quite uncommon is to create one finishing coating of stone. In this case, that it is clear from the title, used stone tiles. It is mainly used for decoration of the building from the outside.mosaic stone stone mosaic
  5. And the last view can be noted metal material. Here it is worth noting the fact, that it is quite expensive, it can be used mainly in small spaces. Stainless steel used for production of.

The use of mosaic

Laying mosaic tiles finds its application in a wide variety of ways. In this way, for example, with it you can select any area in the room, or carry one or more decorating elements.mosaic tiled

Besides, in addition some details, which are finished with a mosaic look very attractive. For example, executed decoration rounded podiums, or circular walls. While, as an ordinary tile on them does not lie, mosaic will look very original.

mosaic combination

Also, sometimes, it is used as a sort of curbs, that looks pretty interesting. detail the ideas of using mosaic tile in a bathroom.

What glue to use

It should be noted, that unlike other types of tiles, for a variety of special adhesive mixture is applied. It may be noted, that the principle of bonding, and its strength is no different from the usual glue mixture. The only difference is the same, that for mosaics used white glue, unlike conventional tile, where for the most part it has a cement shade.

This is done because, that most of the used glass tile. It is a clear coating, and gray shade glue will be hopelessly spoiling its beauty. A white background with a coating will look as well as possible.

But even in that case,, when using another type of tile, dark color still seeping through the grout, and that's why, only used a special glue.

Mosaic Glue
Clay suitable for mosaic

Floor technology

And now, it's time to go on to consider, how to put the tiles in Vaneauand. Unlike standard ceramic material, laying this kind of tile requires a special approach.

Although the tools and materials needed are the same, but the process will differ slightly. To begin with we recall in particular the use for laying tiles on the wall in the bathroom tools and materials:

  1. It should first be primed surface, and of course, You need a dedicated structure.
  2. Also needed tile adhesive. As I mentioned special, desirable Latex.
  3. Certainly useful and very tiles, and zatirka for her.
  4. several spatulas, usual (rubber base), notched glueing, and rubber for grouting.
  5. To carry out the primer need roller, or brush.
  6. It is also needed for the adhesive capacity.
  7. And the last will be the building mixer, kneading a mixture of.

for laying mosaic tool

With the tool sorted, and now need to be addressed directly to the steps of laying. A total of two:

  1. Substrate preparation.
  2. The second immediate packing.

Let us consider each of them separately.

Substrate preparation

so, Considering that, that is carried out on a grid tiling, and that the flexible material, that much attention can not be paid to alignment (except for the presence of large cracks, potholes and other significant defects). Separately, it is worth noting, how to properly prepare the wall under the tile.

The main process will be the dismantling of the old finish, especially, if it is in some places very beginning to fall off or crack.

By itself, the tile is easy to install, how concrete, and on drywall.

After preparing the surface, she is primed at least 2 layer, for more guarantees, Some experts advise to include 4 layers, this will reduce the absorption of tile adhesive to the wall. Possible to improve the use Betokontakt.

by the way, tile laying can begin to carry out immediately on completion priming, not waiting for her to complete drying. note, that it does not harm the quality of coatings.

Laying tiles

And it's time to actually understand, how to put the tiles on the bathroom wall. To do this, we are the required steps:

  1. First, let's get mixed adhesive. As with any other installation is not necessary to immediately raise a lot, because it has the ability to fasten. The maximum number of batch - on the hour, in some cases by half, no more. Self cooking is worth doing strictly on the basis of the instructions on the package.Placement of tiles on the grid
  2. Further, Apply glue on the surface of the wall, this is done with a notched trowel. Thus the need to get the groove. Apply desirably an amount, more precisely, to such area, to be processed for 20-30 minutes, but not more.
  3. The next step we take into the hands of tile and presses the rubber handle spatula to the surface. note, that when laying on an uneven surface, you must first remove the tape from the tiles. Then remove the excess glue, are in favor of the tile, tile and check the level, vertical and horizontal. To align joints using crosses or tile leveling system.
  4. After laying of one zone, move to another. after 30-40 minutes with a damp cloth to remove contamination from the tile adhesive mixture. It is important to perform it at once, because what would later be carried out remediation, the harder it will process.
  5. a day later, but rather two proceed to grout tile joints. For it is preparing a special trowel and mix with a spatula to drive the joints diagonally (It can be more fully acquainted with the process in a separate article on the grout).
  6. At the expiration of 30 minutes, eliminate the remnants of grout on the tile with a damp sponge or cloth.

instructions for laying mosaics

In this stacking process is completed.


Mosaic tiles on the grid, as you can see is quite simple. The technology works is no different from a standard masonry, except, that the alignment is not so much importance, as in the arrangement of the finishing tiles. Besides, it is possible to work with curved surfaces. Because finishing this tile is very popular. Finally, We offer clearly see the process of laying the mosaic on video, presented below.



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