the main / design apartment / Decorative walls in the room, variety of ideas

Decorative walls in the room, variety of ideas

When it comes to repairs, there is often a desire to do something new, transform a room, make it lighter, Cozy and comfortable. Bring to design some kind of zest, which would become the main element of contemplation. In this decorative element can be a dividing wall in the room. At the same time it can perform as a dividing function, and carry a functional purpose. It is possible to make several levels, it may be free of walls, thus creating visibility partitions existence.

The partition of wood in the form of shelves
The partition of wood in the form of shelves

What are partitions?

Today, everyone strive to make your home something individual and unique, to this, no one was. This often leads to the most extraordinary decisions, which allows to obtain the most original and sometimes unimaginable design.

Plasterboard partitions
Plasterboard partitions

When considering all possible types of partitions all of them should be divided into two main areas:

  1. Solid and steady. Have the designation of a specific delimitation of the space with insulation properties. It can be installed door, made arched walkways, etc.. Also, such baffles may be formed as a wall, cabinet or rack with shelves, but it will carry out a specific function of the space delimitation.
  2. decorative. Represent an element of interior decorations. Partitions in the room, intended only for visual zoning premises, may be the most a variety of design solutions. This often does this affect its functionality and practicality.

When creating a decorative partitions in the apartment is used all the mental capacity, because it is possible to make a wide variety of designs, which should be easy to fit perfectly into the interior, but also to perform certain functions.

Types of partitions, depending on the design

Lightweight partition of the drywall - it's a great opportunity to share space in the same room at certain areas. Each of them thus should fully carry out its functions, It may even have its own, in no way associated with the interior of the adjacent areas.

fixed partition
fixed partition

so, Depending on the design performance of the partition are:

  • stationary;
  • mobile;
  • transformiruemыe.

When choosing a particular type of partition for a room, must take into account its purpose, Design and interior.

If you need space easy divided into zones, but at the same time create a personalized atmosphere is completely delimited, it is possible to apply the partition transformers. One variety of such structures can be a harmonica. It is a complex, which may consist of several sections, interconnected articulated manner. Such a partition can be easily folded back and extendible, creating a completely delimited space, providing them with privacy and tranquility of users.

The partition-transformer
The partition-transformer

But the main disadvantage of such partitions in the apartment will be its cost and complexity of manufacturing. If desired, you can save on materials. Design and material application depends on the style orientation room interior. But as a rule, such partitions are set at the stage of creating interior solutions, so their design must be in harmony with the surrounding environment.

Types of partitions, depending on the production of material

Material manufacturing decorative partitions can be anything:

  1. tree;
  2. plasterboard;
  3. plastic;
  4. glass;
  5. straw imitation.

    The partition of straw
    The partition of straw

Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, which can be associated with the assembly, and practicality of its use. Partitions made of such materials, as tree and gipsokraton You can perform a variety of shapes with lots of shelves and niches. Such constructions exhibit excellent performance practicality and functionality. They can be made without the through the rear wall, that will create a sense of visual delineation of space into zones.

Walls of glass
Walls of glass

The cheapest room zoning process will be a partition in a room plasterboard. It can also be mobile, this can be done with the help of rollers and wheels, who will move on a special guide or a smooth floor. This option is good that partitions, that it can be moved to the right place, without changing the shape and without taking the book from her shelves, flowers and souvenirs. After all, it can be designed as a rack with lots of different compartments. If you want to create the impression of massiveness and bulkiness, the structure can be made of metal profiles and drywall. But if the fore should act practicality, it should be made of wood, eg, chipboard.

Stationary plasterboard partitions

Today it is very popular stationary partitions in a room plasterboard. What are their advantages as opposed to mobile types?

The first and foremost advantage is reliability. The stationary structure has a good performance strength and resistance to various stresses, that will ensure the safety and integrity of all content on it. it also has the same design, which allows not to disturb the overall picture processing facilities.

Solid plasterboard
Solid plasterboard

The choice of design partitions, for dividing rooms

You clearly decided, that you need in this place decorative partition. You have decided on its exact position and orientation, because the decorative fence may be arranged in many different ways, what, of course also depends on the design of the entire premises or fenced off areas. Often, the large living room there is a need to separate a small piece of personal space, for work or leisure. Here there is a question of comfort and light levels. If a, of course, This partition is not done for the pantry. If the rest area can be separated and no windows, then for it is better to build with the capture of one window. This will create the necessary warmth and comfort of being in the zone.

Partitions in the room
Partitions in the room

To select a design partitions, you must have a general idea of ​​the whole picture. On one side of the partition should be in harmony with the interior of one of the room, and the second should be the addition of the second part. Wherein, If there are elements in the design extraordinariness, krivolineйnosti and chaos, then the partition may become something unimaginable with irregular geometric forms. When drywall can help to realize their most creative ideas. The partition in the apartment with such a design can be accomplished with unconventional shapes, may contain obscure, but the original elements, that will be a highlight in the interior of your home.

Video ideas partitions from different materials






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