the main / design apartment / A variety of options and ideas of decoration of the walls with wallpaper

A variety of options and ideas of decoration of the walls with wallpaper

Not every one of us knows, any design ideas can be implemented, using different wallpapers. There are several professional techniques, which can be used for registration of all residential rooms. Usually itself wallpaper design is able to support any stylistic concept. But the option to combine different colors and textures gives even greater opportunities. The main thing to find the successful combinations, that will help create the special effects for interiors. For example, are gaining the popularity of 3D wallpaper, because of its bulk volume figure is obtained Wall.

Why use a combination of

Wall design wallpaper
Wall design wallpaper

Today easy to do in any room design repair their own hands. To this end, various useful wallpaper, design allows you to create the necessary interior effects with little effort. What can be achieved in this way?

  1. Hide existing shortcomings. If the room is irregular wall, has a vertical pipe, who are not in a very good location, divert attention from them helps bright wide strip, glued to the opposite wall. This original fragment decor looks always great on a homogeneous background.
  2. zoned space. The photo clearly shows, like using only one roll, you can visually select a part of the room and correctly position the furniture in the room. It is easy to select different wallpaper for the territory of each family member and create around him feels comfortable space.
  3. correct geometry. The simplest design method, allowing effortless to correct the geometry of space - wall pasted side light rolls, and end - dark. In this case a long elongated carriage will turn into a broad square room feels.
  4. Turn the wall into a central element of the decor. To do this, not so long ago used Mural. But today one can maintain such an effect, papered walls three monochrome rolls, and the fourth select bright print. Focus someone's attention on one element of decor helps separate insertion of the battles. On their background will look great collection of cold arms or baby model machines.

In fact, the flight of fantasy can be limitless, so the decoration of the walls with wallpaper is very popular today. If your imagination is not enough, it is easy to draw inspiration from the already waste reception. Here are the most common ones.

Vertical stripes are expanding the boundaries of interior

wallpaper design
wallpaper design

Ready-wall design ideas wallpaper published on the website, photos allow you to compare several options and choose the most successful of them. The easiest way - vertical stripes sticker. This method is not new, but it works, and today all 100%. Main work rolls used in the same invoice and width, combining elements of different colors. Effect games straight lines running on the adjustment of space, as the visual vertical bar lifts the low ceilings.

Horizontal wallpapers - charming design apartments

The alternation of horizontal strips allows you to expand the walls of the bedroom, living room or kitchen.horizontal wallpaper

But it is important to take into account, that the width of the insert must take into account the height of the room. If the ceilings are low, the width of the narrowest roll should not exceed m. Horizontal stripes form a very comfortable design apartments - wallpaper are inexpensive, but the overall picture of the interior looks very respectable.

Upholstery inserts - the most simple design options


Upholstery inserts are used then, when the decoration of the walls was already completed, but there is a need to make extra decorating touches to his exploitation of.Upholstery insert

Most advantageous to look bright inserts on the plain background. If they are on all sides pasted moldings, It turns out the elements of architectural design. Such rectangular or square inserts are often used to create a baroque or classical. Wallpaper is made of circles and diamonds, trapeze and ovals, it is easy to own hands to try to recreate the picture of the neoclassical.

Patchwork combination - all the advantages in the photo

What other design walls wallpaper can be executed with their hands? Very original look patchwork combination. They help to move away from the standards and create an original design pasting wallpaper.

patchwork combination of wallpaper

Patchwork combination may not only have a rectangular or square shape. Small oval pieces, trapezius and cubic - they may have a common color theme or be contrasting. the main thing, that the total color gamut still resonated with each other, so it's always a win-win - a combination of shades of one color.

The unusual design of niches and ledges

Decoration of the walls with wallpaper
Decoration of the walls with wallpaper

To create a modern interiors often used such material, how plasterboard. With the help of its easy to make your own hands ledges and niches, highlighting their other colors, experienced designers make the interior tune up with new colors. Obkleivaya niche wallpaper contrasting color, each of us an opportunity to emphasize the functional elements. This combination always looks very advantageous and fast, interesting and attractive.

Professional design wallpaper - the basic techniques and rules

Before you make wallpaper design, it is important to take into account the technical characteristics of the room. All premises are divided into two large groups:

  • big.
  • small.

to finish small bedrooms, living rooms and children's rooms is better to use light-colored rolls and perform combining, using shades of the same color palette. They help add a sense of lightness and freshness, visually expand the existing boundaries.

If the wall, where the window is located, wallpaper paste over dark, and all the other vertical line of light rolls, narrow elongated room will seem more proportional.horizontal wallpaper

Allocating a separate piece of any particular functional area, useful to have a wallpaper on the ceiling. so ceilings, visually, of course, will be much higher. Visually lifts the ceiling and vertical stripes, there is shown a small floral pattern.

With horizontal separation wall design wallpapering should be performed with alternating: light top - dark bottom.

Change the dynamics and mood helps not only the color, but also drawing. Flower coating - romance. Floral pattern - a classic. Geometric pattern suitable for creating any other stylistic. It helps organize space, ask him rhythm and emphasizes. Cage is always associated with English style. Embossed cloth can be used to create a special cosiness and comfort.

How view, wallpaper design can play a fundamental role in the process of realization of stylistic concepts. This is the easiest way for independent interior design, which is often used when, When repairs are carried out with their own hands without the involvement of professional workforce.


Features of different types of wallpaper pasting

Nowadays, the most popular and common quality material for decoration of walls and ceilings in residential and office buildings are wallpaper. Each of the types of modern wallpaper has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as a number of features, to be considered a professional masters in their use.

Gluing different kind of wallpaper you need to produce a preparatory stage for the preparation of wall surfaces. To do this, remove the paint, plaster, wallpaper. Then putty and primed surface cracks.

paper wallpaper

The most common - is a paper wallpaper. There are two types of: single and dual-layer. Monolayer thinner, double layer - thicker. It bilayer (duplex) Wallpaper less susceptible to sunlight. When pasting the walls and ceilings need to remember paper wallpaper, These wallpapers are suitable for rooms with minimal pollution and low humidity. Besides, they are durable and their average life span of three to seven years. If the wallpaper pattern suggests, the cutting of panels made in view of the joint drawing on canvases. Then apply glue to the panel and is attached to the wall. Must start from the window to the door, finish - above the doorway. Smooth the wallpaper from the top down and from the middle of the cloth in hand, acting at the same time very carefully.

non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper - the basis of the wallpaper instead of paper advocates the composition of synthetic fibers and cellulose. Non-woven wallpaper presented a huge selection of different textures and design, but more often they are used for painting, They perfectly hide defects and deficiencies surfaces. When pasting the walls of non-woven wallpaper is important to remember: they require a special glue. And it is usually applied to the surface of the walls - not on themselves wallpaper. Thanks to, that they are strong enough they are not necessarily cut into leaf, and you can paste directly from a roll, cropping around the edge of the plinth or floor. Smoothing they must also be as paper, gently wiping speaking glue dry and clean cloth. Only after drying they can be painted with water based paints.

vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper - the basis of this kind of wallpaper paper or nonwoven, and the surface of a thin layer of polyvinylchloride. They are quite strong and durable, as well as resistant to moisture and UV light, so they can be gently wash and even rubbed with a soft brush. The embossed pattern on the wallpaper surface can mask small defects papered surfaces. When the glue is necessary to consider the basis of vinyl wallpaper. When the base paper at the wallpaper - the adhesive is applied to the wall and wallpaper, if the interlining, it is only on the wall. Pick up the adhesive also need special. If the adhesive is applied to the cloth wallpaper, it is necessary to lie down under the blurred paintings of glue from five to ten minutes, and then glue. Important to remember, These wallpapers can not be stretched in width. And they need to smooth special rubber brush.

textile wall coverings

Textile wall - a type of vinyl, in which the upper layer comprises silk threads. They are presented in contrasting colors, which is very convenient for dressing rooms. They are also quite durable and strong. These wallpapers require additional training wall or ceiling surface. Besides, that the entire surface is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust need to glue the walls of a special substrate - waste paper roll. Glued it horizontal to the floor, for, joints to the substrate and wallpaper you do not accidentally coincided. Before pasting rolls decompressed and checked for orientation and the pile pattern coincidence, then cut into strips and are numbered. Then glue is applied to panel, its corners are folded in half with adhesive inside and leave to soak for five minutes. Then carefully glued to the surface, controlling directivity pattern, lint and the joints between the bunting.

Wallpapers liquid

Liquid wallpaper. Their unquestionable advantage of the complete absence of seams. The stores are sold in a sealed container in a dry mixture - which should be diluted according to the instructions and apply on the surface with a spatula construction. At the same time does not necessarily pre-putty small cracks, wallpaper themselves act as fillers.

Despite, that the process of gluing of any kind of wallpaper is not a particularly complicated and the instructions easy enough to find on the Internet, yet does not cost you forget that, that this process will still be quite time-consuming, and it requires a certain knowledge and skill. For, so as not to spoil the expensive material to raise enough to these works of our company specialists, which quickly and most importantly - the quality to cope with all types of wallpaper.



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