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electrical wiring in the attic of the house

With each passing day more and more often used for arranging communications attic, particularly for electrical wiring. Basically, to equip the attic wiring becomes a saving on materials, because it does not require the purchase of additional decorative materials to hide cables. But you need to know for a device of such communication systems, how to do the wiring in the attic, what material to use and what to consider when working.

Is this necessary wiring?

Most of the attic and performed legkovosplomenyaemyh materials, the main of which is wood, as used truss system. Such popularity is due to its cheapness, light weight and ease of installation. Even with protective compounds weight, tree never cease to be fuel.

Besides, attics are usually a lot of dust, which could easily cause a fire, If wiring is properly arranged.Wiring device attic

And of course do not forget about the various insects and rodents, who are very fond of gnawing insulation wires. And as you know, impaired insulation main cause ignition circuit and. And while in the attic of a lot of things, which ignite easily.

In the end,, With so many negative aspects of the attic, wiring it is better not to do, because there is a great risk of fire. But despite this, Many still carry out its, as such a step can significantly save on decorating, eliminates unnecessary installation work, shtrobleniya ceilings, walls and floors.

Besides, often the wiring in the attic of the house is usually done for the supply of electricity from overhead power lines to Home shield. There can not do without the intervention of the attic.

In total, the wiring arrangement in the attic is not the best solution, but if you can not do without it, perform all work necessary to correct, Considering all the features and precautions, and for this it is necessary to explore ways of arrangement and its basic rules.

types of electrical wiring

When equipped with attic, possibly, use two types of wiring:

  1. an open, It should consist of copper wires.
  2. closed, of aluminum wires with insulation and installed in a non-combustible materials

Open electricity wiring is routed through the steel pipe, or on insulating castors.

Another good option would be to harness tension on the strings, but it is possible to equip, Only at the height of the attic more 2,5 m, and those are extremely rare, if still exist.

The structure open wiring includes wires with non-combustible shell. This type of wiring can be stretched anywhere.

Practical electric wiring can be formed in the walls, ceilings of fireproof materials on an arbitrary height. But its improvement is not recommended, Exceptions can be noted attics of non-combustible materials.types of wiring

What materials to use for work

Now it is necessary to understand, what specific wires must be used.

  1. Given the high loft fire, You can not use aluminum wiring. Except mention only lead-in cable (provided no more than its length 5 m).
  2. Accordingly, subject to the use of copper wire only.

These requirements are spelled out in the EMP (Rules for Electrical Installation). We recommend to use this set of rules for any electrical work.

At the same time, we note, and that the copper wire is suitable not any, his choice must be approached responsibly. Use only wires with a non-flammable and low smoke insulation. To simplify the problem, marking of:

  1. NG.
  2. НГ-LS

Also a good option would be a new kind of cable, which has insulation, protects against rodents. It contains the poisonous substance, that repel them. But it is worth noting, that such isolation is harmful to humans, because they can not be used in residential areas.

And now is to understand that, how to perform wiring in the attic of their own.

installation of electricity

As mentioned, the installation can be done in several ways, namely:

  1. through pipes.
  2. On the insulating rollers.
  3. closed method.
  4. string method

Let's look at the features of each of the presented.

Apparatus for wiring an attic in tubes

This is the safest form of power arrangement in the attic. Considering the state of the Russian Federation standards, Network arrangement for metal pipes with a minimum thickness necessary to apply the spirit millimeters. European standards allow the use of non-combustible plastic pipes.

Consider some features of the system:

  1. Since the gasket wirings necessary to exclude the penetration of dust to the wires, which may cause a fire, used for everything tight junctions with the thread in the terminal box.
  2. The main factor is the tightness of connections.
  3. Tubes without seals may be used in dust-free spaces.
  4. When installing the pipes is necessary to put them at an angle in order, so they do not accumulate moisture.
  5. Compound wires of different materials is carried out in junction boxes clenching or welding.
  6. Devices for tripping, Power must be installed at the entrance to the attic, instead it.
  7. Before turning on the devices in the network need to check their ground.
  8. Pipes themselves must necessarily be grounded and neutral earthing.
  9. Installation is carried out on a wooden surface at any wiring in the attic

Posting on rollers

In this case, a surface mounting with fixing wire for trained rollers. For this type of device it is desirable to use the cable with protection against rodent. Among the main features of the installation:

  1. Rollers provided between the distance should not exceed 60 centimeters.
  2. Directly between the wires distance is not more 5 centimeters.
  3. In contact with the wooden surface wires are provided gaskets made of incombustible material thickness 1 cm.
  4. Cable wires through the septum using a metal sleeve, that there was no contact with the tree.Roller wiring in the attic

It is also a form of a roller arrangement, It is a string wiring, among its features:

  1. It is a wire device, unprotected insulation. It is fixed at a height of not less than 2,5 meters from the floor.
  2. Fasteners are spaced 5-6 centimeters apart.
  3. The distance between the wires 5 centimeters.
  4. Sami rollers arranged fixed on separate boards, fixed to the rafters.

concealed wiring

We now turn to the last view and consider its characteristics:

  1. As mentioned, this form is used only in the attic spaces of non-combustible materials.
  2. Thus necessarily presence plaster layer is not less than a centimeter.
  3. Sami cables are laid in tubes (corrugated), which greatly simplifies the further wiring repair.
  4. Various wiring and connections are made strictly in sealed junction boxes.

At the same time, we note, that the connection cables torsions is strictly prohibited. All connections should be executed only clips, clips or other intended for this purpose konnektarami. Also we recommend that you read, how to carry out the installation of hidden wiring under plaster.concealed wiring in the attic scheme

additional recommendations

In some cases, you may need a lighting device, in such situation, should observe the following rules:

  1. All connections and fixtures executed only sealed.
  2. Means of protection, and all the switches must be arranged outside the attic.
  3. If possible, use a step-down transformer.

The counter of consumed electricity is installed directly outside the house. It can be equipped with both automatic, and manual power off.

If necessary, set OUZO to turn off the light. Such a switch performs the function of protecting against unforeseen situations - abrupt leakage current, etc..


It is worth noting, that even properly completed wiring does not give security guarantees, but significantly reduces the risk of. Besides, you need to regularly check its integrity. And yet, for your own safety, it is recommended to entrust the work of such professionals, and better and does not use the attic for wiring devices (and if used, in a pinch).

We offer watch a few videos, o tom, like settling wiring in the attic.



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