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Video on the, how to make the original homemade kitchen table

Area enjoys a commanding position in the kitchen space. This is an important element necessary for cooking and eating. Making the kitchen table with his handssimple work, but, as in all actions, in this case, it requires certain skills, as well as related materials and tools.

Today, almost any, even the most difficult, woodworking equipment can be rented. Which it is very beneficial and economically. Besides, materials also exhibit acceptable value.

In this way, production of the dining table with his hands allows to obtain high-quality, unique and reliable product, meets personal aesthetic preferences and the desired size with minimal cost.

Homemade model kitchen table
Homemade model kitchen table

Tools and materials, which are needed to create an improvised kitchen table

In the manufacture of the table for the kitchen with his hands may need a variety of materials. Their choice depends on the design solution, type of construction and decoration. It is mandatory material for countertops and legs.

To create a self-made table in the kitchen must be purchased:

  • furniture board, having a thickness 40-45 mm. its width, usually, may be from 600 to 800 mm. The length is usually chosen based on their own preferences. In conventional embodiments, it ranges from 1 200 to 1 400 mm;
  • Square timber for the production of table legs. The most constructive embodiments is timber dimensions 60x60 or 70x70 mm. You can also buy ready-shaped legs in store, which is specialized in such goods. These products can be made from both wood, and metal;
  • Bruce 40h40, having a length corresponding to the size of the countertop around the perimeter. This material will serve as a stiffening of the whole structure.

If the whole countertop, for some reason, there is no, then it can be replaced by a set of separate boards, suitable size. Boards to be bonded together or otherwise connect.
For the production of the dining table with your hands need the following tools:

  • Hacksaw or electric jigsaw;
  • Plane;
  • Electric drill, with a set of drill bits for wood;
  • Sander. It can replace the special attachment for grinding;
  • Sandpaper with different grits;
  • centimeter ruler, elbow, building roulette;
  • fasteners, bolts, screws, nuts.

Stages of the production table on their own

The main steps of creating a kitchen table made of wood with their hands are:

  • Projecting;
  • Making countertops;
  • Installation of reinforcing bar;
  • joining legs;
  • Finishing and Decorating;
  • Paintwork.

If there is no ready-made furniture board, is the easiest and best solution to create countertops will blank of laminated veneer lumber. To make it, must:

  • Sawn timber blank on the desired size. You will need an electric equipment;
  • Carefully handle and polish the mating surface;
  • By a special glue to glue and secure them preforms clamps, placing on a flat surface. Leave to dry completely;
  • Sand the finished block;
  • Chamfered and rounded corners.

Grinding table countertops
Worktop - the most prominent part of the table, It requires careful grinding.

Very unusual and looks aesthetically pleasing countertop, decorated tiles. To create it is recommended to use a furniture tile or solid block of solid wood.

  • Remove part of the cavity on the countertop depth corresponding to the thickness of tiles. To this end, suitable chisel or manual milling;
  • Along the perimeter to leave the rim height 50-70 mm;
  • Glue the tiles with adhesive on the resulting surface.

What would the next table was strong enough, perimeter countertop bar fastened with screws.

Ustanvoka table legs
Optional mounting legs to the table top.

Before attaching the legs to them, drill holes in the 1 mm less than the thickness of screws. Further fittings attached to the legs. Then legs fixed to the table-top special mounting fittings.

Paintwork should be carried out in several stages. The more layers applied, the more beautiful the product will look like.

Waxing table countertops
For the protection and beauty homemade table should be covered with varnish or wax.

This is one of the simplest models homemade kitchen table. In the video below you can see the more interesting konstruktsieyI and complexity;

Recommendations and especially the manufacture of kitchen table with his hands

Before to make the kitchen table, We should carefully consider all elements and details, which will be used in it, as well as technological solutions. Stage designing meets the, how beautiful and convenient to the table.

The most critical point is the production of table tops. It is recommended to carefully approach the issue of creating the most visible part of the product.

Installation of the reinforcing bar to the table top should be performed taking into account the precise layout. Besides, we should not forget to leave a certain distance to secure the legs.

Before painting and decoration of the finished table is recommended again thoroughly sanded all the construction details, that they are completely smooth, and a unique timber structure.

Make a dinner table with his hands from the recommended high-quality dry tree. The finished product of such a material may be coated with varnish and wax. Wood putty can be flawed, ground and decorated using acrylic paint.

Prior to coating with lacquer or paint to be rid of dust and dirt on the surface. Recommended dried indoors at room temperature. Modern paints have a positive effect on the surface protection from all sorts of damage and premature failure of the material. Toning properties of the product make it possible to achieve any desired shade. Including the table giving the finished appearance of the respective valuable wood species.

Following simple instructions, and the use of imagination and some engineering skills will easily solve the problem of, how to make your own kitchen table. In the manufacture of more complex objects, than that, It has been described, need more experience and skill, as well as carpentry skills and, possibly, special tools.

wooden tables manufacturing ideas, video



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