the main / design apartment / Choosing a model curtains to create a cozy interior

Choosing a model curtains to create a cozy interior

Window decoration perfectly matching curtains able to make every interior comfortable and original. Unique textiles is becoming more and more popular with each passing year, as always it looks stylish and fashionable. In recent years, the window decoration market makers are increasingly expanding their range, offering a wide range of blinds, roller blinds, panels, blinds and curtains.

Modern design window curtains

Contents window openings can be different. They prefer classic options, others prefer a modern practical style, and still others prefer to design and do the windows without curtains. The diversity of the current range and is able to cater to the, and other.

Fashion trends in the design of the windows are now offering such options curtains:

The classic version

Classic is always in fashion. This is always true, organically to any interior. therefore, if you want to create in the room a comfortable relaxed environment, this option decorating the windows fit the greatest way. They are able to decorate the living room, bedroom, office and even the dining room. Comprising all this beauty of the dense curtains, thin curtains and pelmets.

curtain variants
Classic curtains


Pelmets - finishing elements, which are located above the window opening in a horizontal position. They cover the upper part of the curtain. Window decoration curtain with elements such loved by many, but still has most opt ​​for the more modern variants.

Making Window curtains
Curtains labrekenami

French curtains

window decoration curtains frantsuzskimi.- is one option, which in any case will look expensive and luxurious. They represent more sections, forming a smooth flowing folds. Like decorating the windows will always look elegant, special, as a finishing touch to the classic interiors. They are ideal for arched frames bedroom.

Franuzskie curtains
Franuzskie curtains

Austrian curtains on windows (new design).

It is a versatile option, for normal modern apartment, and for a country house interior, made in the classic style. Their main difference - the ease and simplicity.

Austrian blinds
Austrian blinds in the interior of a bedroom

Roman curtains

Strict geometric forms is always a win-win fit into any room design. This option is very popular. With the help decorate balconies, loggia, food, doorways. This is perfect, when it is required to solve the problem of increasing the visual space. Design Roman blinds both simple and versatile. You can mount them on the wall, and the ceiling, and on the very opening. Window with curtains of this type can be decorated and further other types of curtains.

Windows with curtains
Roman blinds are ideal for draping the windows in the bedrooms, living rooms, canteens and kitchens


This type of fans choose the convenience and practicality. Manufacturers offer a very wide range of colors and a variety of patterns. In general, you can select an option for the living room, and for a child's room, and bath.


Japanese curtains

Unknown until recently, the domestic consumer faceplates all become very much in demand for several years. They differ in compatibility with any design style, originality and sophistication. Most often they are used for zoning rooms and space division.

Japanese curtains
Japanese curtains in the interior

bamboo curtains

At present, this is still an exotic option for us, but he is already gaining popularity.

window Dressing
bamboo curtains

Curtains on the grommet

One more, very practical and fashionable option - the curtains on the eyelets. This special ring, made of steel or plastic,. They are part of the curtains, and serve for placing curtains on the ledge.

Due to such a system,, curtains can be freely moved in different directions, wherein, without spoiling their shape.

Curtains on the grommet
Curtains on the grommet

Tips for design curtains windows

window decoration is an integral part of the interior, so you should treat this process with great responsibility. These two points must be in harmony with each other.

The main thing in this case - do not overdo it. Even the most banal error, eg, assembly or assembly, capable to change for the worse the entire interior of a room.

Curtains for large windows
Making interior bedroom

To make things right, should be guided by several important rules:

  1. Do not pick up the color of the wallpaper, carpet. The curtains should be in harmony, Firstly, with colors upholstery.
  2. Color curtains necessarily choose, or darker, or light walls, so as not to get lost on their background.
  3. The choice of fabric texture should also focus on the furniture, pillow, blankets. If you prefer not to monochrome version, and drawing, It must match the carpet ornament or themed room design.
  4. The most practical fabric - a mixture of polyester with cotton. Kitchen is best to choose a product from flax.
  5. The curtains on the tall windows, but narrow, better pick up of loosely woven. This will make the room lighter.
  6. Curtains for the large windows, you can choose from a dense tissue.

By choosing colors should also be treated seriously. Color is a powerful tool for influencing the physical and mental state. choosing a shade, think about it, what effect do you expect from him - calm, inspiration, etc..

And the most important thing in this design - always the most accurate count fabric yardage. Be sure to note the presence of radiators under windows.

Applying a few simple techniques, you can control the geometry of space in your own home. Correct curtains - a pledge of comfort and harmony in the room.



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2 Comments to the post "Choosing a model curtains to create a cozy interior

  1. Curtains needed a piece of furniture. We curtains two functions: The first function - this, of course, providing comfort and comfortable stay in his apartment, shelter from prying eyes from the street and neighboring houses; second purpose – This design solutions, the correct selection of the curtains will make of your room or in the kitchen a work of art. On the choice of curtains is best to consult with the designers of premises or sellers in stores curtains.

  2. Curtains for the apartment is very important, interior all the more so, In this I was convinced a few days ago. And in the kitchen and in a small bedroom we hung blue curtains, in the kitchen, they are closer to the heavenly color, But in the bedroom is blue. And then my daughter tore cornice, I took off the curtains and tulle, in order to wash, when her husband again nailed the cornice and we hung a tulle, the room was very light and it has increased visually. And I knew, these curtains in the bedroom to see, I do not want to continue in the future will know, that dark curtains only for large rooms. Now I really like bamboo curtains. As for me it is very convenient, just do not know whether they fit into our bedroom. In the near future I want to consult with a specialist, namely with the designer, here while I am in search of a good designer. but the kitchen clearly we buy blinds, coffee color. We have ground floor and the whole apartment, in full view. Therefore, this kind of curtains for the kitchen will be the perfect, during the day it can be opened, but in the evening and closed nicely, and nothing rayed.

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