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The hidden door in the wall - nice, unusually, conveniently!

Many accommodations do not have sufficient space to, to set them swing doors. The aid could come sliding design, but not always convenient, when it opens along the wall. Sliding interior doors, hidden in the wall, can simultaneously solve the problem of lack of space and lack of aesthetic premises.

Is it possible to manufacture their own pencil case?

To make Interior Doors imperceptible in the open state, it can be hidden in the wall. There are two ways to solve this problem:

  • The first - fairly radical and requires a special permit, when it comes to load-bearing structures. In the wall of the door leaf breaks special emptiness. This process is quite troublesome, it can facilitate, making an additional wall, but then it will take space in the corridor.
  • A simpler way is the case for the sliding doors, own hands to create that simply. This compact solution is suitable for any room, It does not require large material costs or physical, It has enough aesthetic appearance.

Sliding interior doors

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Foam for sliding door It performs several important functions:

  • Improves the aesthetic space, hiding the open door leaf.
  • It protects the door leaf from mechanical impact. This is especially true, If you plan to install glass doors, and armored glass can not afford.
  • Open the door moves along the wall, therefore it can not be anything post. Pencil case takes a small space, but you can move up close to him furniture, hang shelves, pictures, pots straight at him.

Sliding interior doors hidden in the wall

Methods of making flue wall in the door

hidden Sliding interior doors you can do yourself. This creative process is not too complicated. To create a design need to purchase furniture accessories, Details for the foam and components for doors. Pencil case is a continuation of the wall, inside of which will be hidden door.

An important component is the special fittings for sliding doors: need tape, specially created for this project, and guides the door leaf. In order to bring the blade in motion, used rollers, rails, which may be either the top or bottom of the structure, and in both. Do not forget the stop - a stop.

Most often, to create niches for paintings destroyed part of the main wall, then it is recovered by means of plasterboard sheet. The idea is, that the sliding interior doors, pencil which is arranged such, may disappear entirely when opening, and the foam will not be nominated outside the main wall, that is visually its presence will not significantly.

The next important stage of work is the installation guide. They must be placed horizontally, otherwise the door will open it difficult or skew, and open such a structure would be extremely difficult.

interior doors sliding the wall must be fitted with special handles. To do this in the canvas made special grooves. Hang standard handle on this door can not be, otherwise it will hinder the opening of the door and will not allow the blade to hide in a pencil case full.

Hidden Sliding interior doors
Driving mechanism for sliding doors.

Methods for installing interior doors

Before starting the installation of the tape, make sure, whether the floor plane perfectly flat. The same rule applies to the ceiling. Checked and a vertical wall: if the surface is uneven, web can cling to them when opening.

Before closing pencil case plasterboard, you need to install the door leaf and the mechanisms for its opening. If you do not do it at this stage, to bring the work to its logical conclusion it would be impossible.

Install the canister is done by mortgages; they are placed in advance. Upper mortgages need to, that the web is not shifted. They securely hold it in a given direction, do not give a twist. Besides, You need to establish an engagement box: it is necessary for the correct fixing webs.

Driving foam with dimensions for interior door.

Built-in Sliding interior doors are working properly, Only if you are stitching up the wall plasterboard, determine the correct position for the blade. You can do so, that it was going down the wall is not completely, then it will be convenient to pull the handle.

Sliding doors in the wall
Doors that are hidden in the wall

Many owners want to hide the door completely, In this case, it will hide in the wall with a pen. In the second case, to extract the door need to use the lock button, when clicked, will trigger spring, ejecting blade from the slot.

It should be properly taken into account the size of the canister. The unit should be somewhat longer door leaf, if you want to, that it took him fully.

Benefits of hidden doors

Sliding doors, gated pencil case has the following advantages:

  • Place in a room saves as much as possible.
  • By the wall, you can stick the furniture or hang her paintings, without fear, that the door leaf will touch them when opening.
  • Hidden in the pencil box door will be protected from damage, decrease risk of injury designs, since the bulk of it will be hidden inside.
  • When using high-quality hardware design life generally increases considerably.
  • Sliding door, which the foam is produced independently, costs to the owner in a minimum amount.

design flaw:

  • The construction of the canister will be released is still more expensive than a conventional sliding door assembly.
  • Installation requires more effort than installing a conventional sliding door.

Sliding door in the wallan original aesthetic solution for any interior. It will help to increase the space, do open the door unnoticed, to use all the space available in the room the most profitable.



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