For ordinary, even the most ordinary decoration in the form of wallpaper pasting in addition to the usual hassle is added on as usual and even more serious problems. Most often it is a crack in the walls, at the junction of the concrete floor slabs and floor screed. And here itself have to make adjustments in the budget and schedule, because sealing cracks in the wall, It comes on the first place of importance, without which further work lose all meaning.
surface reconstruction

Modern buildings, constructed of advanced materials and components, cracks, Unfortunately, It is not something special and uncommon. Shrinkage of the building structure, the impact of external factors, availability of workmanship all this leads to the formation of zones of tension and, eventually, solve the problem of excessive loads on the construction element in the form of cracking.
For repairing cracks in the wall, first of all, you need to understand the cause of their occurrence, dynamics of the deformation and rupture of the material, of which the wall.
And if you can to the cause hypotheses - from shrinkage before the earthquake, with the crack formation rate must be very careful, the rate of development of the bundle material can talk about the beginning of the dangerous trends up to the destruction of the building. And if the cracks on the walls appear with great speed, something about cosmetic repairs have to forget, since it is already going on major overhaul of buildings.
But, mostly repair cracks in the wall associated with the incorporation of a small amount of surface cracks without the use of special equipment and technology. For conventional cracking characteristic:
- small in size separation of the surface layer of plaster;
- Accommodation cracks in freezing, the corners of the room and window placement area, there, where it picks up moisture;
- in places of high temperature - the heating appliances and ovens;
- in the place of installation of additional equipment and other works, eg, Swedish wall or ventilation hoods, where it is necessary to punch through piers.
General technology works
For repairing cracks in the walls of the house need to clearly understand the sequence and methods of work, especially action and the materials used - that is, the technology works.
The first step is always to study problem areas, in which the process is determined:
- the degree of destruction of the integrity;
- crack depth and volume;
- the broken component part of the wall material and especially, of which it is composed;
- the possibility of using different ways of working and building materials.
Surface cracks in the plaster walls must be above all clear from the layer of plaster, which has lost integrity and internal damage to inspect. With significant lesions and the presence of significant voids in the brick or concrete wall is necessary to carry out additional work to fill voids. For such works often as a material for repairing cracks in walls using foam, it is easy and convenient to fill all the voids, to form a solid plug.
In more serious cases,, when the size differences dostegaet 5 cm, composition for repairing cracks is prepared on the basis of the cement slurry and further using a spatula and trowel is laid into the cavity.
For reliability of connection when sealing cracks in the apartment there are various means of reinforcing - mesh metal plaster, mesh of plastic and reinforcing tape. For small areas, this decision is fully justified, but, If cracking has systematic, such funds will be applied as a temporary measure.
After filling the voids inside wall at the site of presence of cracks and the reinforcing layer is carried overlay plastering. For the reinforcing layer applied as conventional plasters ready, and cement, and cement mortar. Perhaps the use tile adhesives and waterproofing mixtures.
Features of repair depending on the material of the wall
Sealing of cracks in brick walls efficiently performed on the wetted surface of the brickwork, mesh, Besides, can be in several places fasten with screws or nails. Next, the solution is applied to an active layer and a float is overwritten through the net.

Features of repair of cracks in the walls of the house acts as the need to incorporate materials, of which made plaster, for lime plaster must be applied for repair mortar, and to cement better suited cement.
Boundary apparatus during repairing cracks in brick walls inside buildings applied spackling ready starting mixture composition and putties. For smaller size portions small enough packing mixtures of each type. Final sealing is performed after complete drying of slurries inner layers. Application fillers after surface treatment is carried out acrylic primer.
Starting putty layer can be laid to a thickness of 5 mm, and not more finishing layer 3 mm. It is recommended to process each primer layer after complete drying, This procedure will provide a layer of strength and ease recoatable material.
For repairing cracks in the concrete wall on a mandatory basis should be used Soil composition, application is recommended, depending on the amount of damage. For deep cracks primer can be sprayed using a sprayer of the detergent for glasses, shallow cracks enough to handle a brush.
It has excellent binding properties tile adhesive which is perfect for sealing cracks in the wall.
Concrete surfaces are repaired with both conventional cement slurries, and using the finished dry mixes, such mixtures, pecking containing components are perfectly suited for the repair work of concrete walls without plastering, and already having a coating. Concrete walls in prefabricated houses and buildings lined up on cast-frame technology are sealed normally, without reinforcing mesh. However, such differences are repaired necessarily filling the entire cavity repair mixture.
In the apartment there was a crack in the wall. brick wall. The first step put the lighthouse, to determine the possible wall movement, if found in the dynamics of movement, on the beacon rate of crack opening is visible. If the crack grows, then call the special service, tk. the house can become an emergency. If the crack does not reveal quite a long time, it is likely, that her appearance was due to the shrinkage of the house. Repaired crack this is possible using a primer, tile adhesive, plaster and plaster for surface treatment. If deep cracks also use special nets for better adhesion to the wall solution.