Care semi tie

It is not enough simply to arrange a semi-dry screed indoors. After all the work there is a certain time, for which should be made care of the grounds "rough" sex. He should gain strength and hardness, to be able to carry out the flooring floor covering. Strength semi-dry screeds It will also depend on the quality in all phases of the installation. There are some subtleties and nuances in courtship, with which everyone should read, who have decided to carry out repairs in his apartment.


When you need semi-dry floor screed, it is important to remember its main features - a small amount of water in the resulting solution. Process of hydration of cement extends not so rapidly, so it's worth carefully monitor the "maturation". If this is not done, then give semi-dry screed cracks, which subsequently have to close up. Care semi tie

Plenty of water, in excess of, lead to a reverse process. The specific locations will begin a rapid expansion of cement mortar, which will lead to all sorts of surface destruction. Many also say, that the Bay of semi-dry screed. If this happens, it is best to remove the site immediately to a solid base and pour again, but using a metal mesh. So it will be safer in this case,.

The temperature also brings about changes. They must be maintained at a certain level, especially in the first days of hardening screed. We can not allow drafts and winds, and preferably once to cover the entire surface with a film of polyethylene.


During the laying work semi-dry screeds special attention is paid to the process itself. The same applies to the careful care of the ready option. Here will help answer many questions routing semi tie, including the fact, how much you need to water the screed in the apartment. Care semi tie

The map was compiled on the basis of numerous building codes, namely:

  • SNIP 2.03.13-88 "Floors".
  • MDS 31-6.2000, which defines guidelines for quality flooring unit.
  • numerous guests.

Among the items are registered and points, in which care is a must for the semi-dry floor screed. Furthermore the polymeric film may be used plastic sheets. However, they all have to overlap each other in areas, which are connected to each other. But best of all - to buy an entire film on the entire area of ​​the room.

With regard to moisture in the routing device according to a semi-dry screeds responds to the, whether you need to water after pouring screed. Care semi tieIf the room temperature is high, and low humidity, then during the first 3-5 days, she just need to, lest there be surface cracking.

Flow chart of the unit semi-dry screeds registers, after drying permitted occurrence of shrinkage cracks. But they can easily get rid, if repair semi-dry screeds.

Terms of maturation

Strength semi-dry screeds the floor will depend on, how much qualitatively performed installation work, and implemented care of it. During normal maturation coupler can be executed only in the case, if two important conditions are met:

  1. Do not allow instant drying of the dry mixture solution. This is particularly true of the first week after installation. If during this time the temperature will be kept within 20 degrees, then pick up some cement 70% all need strength. Everything else will accumulate over time, within about one month. It is also worth paying attention to, that even after the flooring floor covering, solution will pull moisture from the residue itself, as well as the environment. hydration reaction does not end so fast. Care semi tie
  2. Freshly solution should not freeze. During the works the best to choose from zero temperature. This will not only prepare yourself solution for semi-ties and carry out the installation of "rough" sex.

In the presence of drafts in the room, and minor changes in temperature, no harm will generally cover the semi-dry screed polyethylene film. It will provide the necessary level of humidity, and adequate ventilation.

humidity level

That humidity is given great importance. Here everything must adhere to regulatory requirements, namely, building codes 3.04.01-87. First 8-10 days after laying the screed, these figures should be at an appropriate level. In the following days until 25 day, Cement can gain maximum strength, equal 90%.

Moisturizing semi-dry floor screed after installation should be performed only when necessary. Care semi tieAfter screed itself able to dial the required amount of moisture from the prepared solution. It is worth paying attention to, that the finished screed can dry only, When recruited the required density of the semi-dry screeds. In the drying process it is important to monitor the state of the surface of the entire floor space. If necessary, you can water the semi-dry screed alone.

When moisture is not sufficient for cement mortar strength, and tie will not stay hydrated, it will begin to crack and crumble. We have to exert additional efforts for its restoration and surface repair.

But not everyone knows about, how to water after pouring screed. This should be done in the first 3-5 days after the installation. Generously may not be filled with water surface, but only sprinkle lightly. You can also use plastic wrap, which served to tie uniform drying. But even in this case it is necessary to pay attention to his willingness. Moisture can not reach it and then have to intervene. But how many times to water the dry screed? It will be enough, and a few times during the day. Everything will depend on the circumstances and the maturation process.

After one week of the screed must be dried naturally. To achieve maximum results, it is impossible to hurry, and to "rough" floor stand for as long as possible. In this artificial drying is not recommended under any circumstances. After it often cracks, and the drying is not entirely uniform. So that moisture does not evaporate prematurely, there should be no drafts in the room. They should be avoided for about two weeks after the execution of works.

recommendations manual

All work on the technology must be carried out with minimum ambient temperatures not lower than five degrees. The same applies to the initial phase of maturation of the finished solution on the floor surface. To perform a semi-dry screed at the proper level, should adhere to certain operation and recommendations:

  • Any load with a maximum distance of up to 100 kg are permitted only after 12-18 hours after pouring and smoothing solution.
  • If there is a need for a more weighty loads, over 100 kg, you will have to wait, at least five days.

In these cases, you can experiment, go ahead of schedule. But no one is immune from the negative effects, which can lead to the remaking "rough" sex. Care semi tie

There are a few tips, to be followed during the process of operation semi-ties. No heavy objects should not fall to the surface, especially if they are sharp. When at the same time providing underfloor heating installation under screed, then he should not be in operation during the 30 days after pouring the solution. Finishing work can be carried out indoors, but for at least ten days no one advises to expose the forest, ladders based on "rough" sex.

Each of these items can only hurt svezhevylozhennoy screed, damage it.

drying time

after 12-18 hours screed is ready to bear on itself adult. But this does not mean that, that can be run on the surface, put various objects on it, etc.. Only movement and then, if necessary,. Depending on the type of floor covering must wait a certain time until complete drying of the prepared solution. It takes a minimum 4-6 day. But in any case, should be constantly monitoring to ensure, to get the desired result.

Some wonder, whether it is necessary to reinforce a semi-dry floor screed. To this end, there is enough material in the world today, among which enjoys great popularity fibrovolokno. It has no effect on the time completely dry. But in the end it turns out robust design for any kind of floor covering.

Expansion joints

Besides, that carried out the installation of the damper tape around the perimeter of the premises at the junction in the subsequent "rough" floor to the walls and architectural structures, expansion joint is a semi-dry screeds. It is necessary to compensate for expansion of the solution under temperature conditions change. This is especially necessary when screed over underfloor heating.

These gaps have their own classification:

  • Insulation. That is distinguished from other existing structures. In this way, de-energized, which could be passed on to each other. Even in the semi-dry wall screed should not press, which uses a damper tape. Sutures are performed around each of the elements (columns, recesses, wall).
  • shrink. The depth of such sutures is typically 20-30 mm (a layer of concrete thus should be about 100 mm). Upon completion of the grout surface, they are cut evenly across the floor space. All the distance between them should correspond to SNP. This number is approximately equal to 30 times the size of the mortar layer thickness. Configuration - only the rectangular. The map of the floor must be taken into account and all other existing gaps. Diagonal can be performed at a small rectangular room size.

    Care semi tie
    EXAMPLE structural weld

  • construction. Operate at their tie device in several stages, when some parts are. A very simple variant - to complete work on a specific area edge carried out in the form of comb. Subsequent step grouting will cling active portion, engages. Under certain circumstances, using special compensation rail.


How much it has been said above about, which requires a semi-dry screed care, Yet there may be situations, when semi-dry cracked screed. In this case, a very important time to take all measures to restore the structure.

Lighthouses, profiles, that were not attached to the ceiling surface, after 18-24 hours can be removed. The same applies to screwed screws. But instead they are only the recesses and holes. They sealed ready solution, after which the grater is applied to the surface of the mashing. It remains only to moisten the semi-dry floor screed which is used for spray. In any case can not forget about covering the surface of the film, as in the conventional embodiment. For drying should be left for a day. If you need to repeat the procedure with moisturizing "rough" sex, make sure everything is done.

It is important to view, Are there gaps in the floor. This is done later 3-4 days after the founding of the fill. Any gaps will not, if semi-dry screed technology was observed. Slight deviations, it is not critical. When the gaps are clear and visible, the special mixtures used for their zaravnivaniya. But this can not be done until, strength until the cast solution did not reach the maximum performance. Branded strength is only achieved after 4 weeks after the installation of "rough" sex. Only in this case, you can try to apply to artificial dry flooring flooring. It can not hurt, If done in moderation.





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