- Ultra-efficient means for the removal of stains from various surfaces
- How to remove traces of any surface with Scotch
- How to remove the double sided tape
- How to remove the tape from furniture
- How to remove the tape from the plastic
- Removing the long-standing mounting frame with a plastic film
- How to remove stains from the ceiling
- Clean plastic windows
- How to Clean windows from the film, which left no traces after taking off
- How to get rid of limescale and rust on plumbing products
- How to remove mold from the wooden floors
Each piece of furniture is important to keep clean and tidy, then it will last longer, and will please the eye of others. But not everything is so shiny, as we: here's a spot on the children's stickers, but spilled ink, and what to do, when there were contamination in the plastic windows and ceiling. Around the dirt and dust, and want cleanliness and comfort - there is a solution.
Ultra-efficient means for the removal of stains from various surfaces
Clean the stain of "cute" stickers and other sticky "creations":
- How to remove glue from stickers. You can try to manually scrape off fingers, without the use of scrap materials.
- with glass, wood, metal and plastic to remove the stain can be a sharp blade, completely removing adhesive residue.
- If the results were disastrous, Then come to the aid of detergent. In this way it is possible to remove traces of adhesive stickers. Who does not want to mess with the chemistry, you can try to use olive oil, white vinegar or peanut liqueur. Due to environmental and safety of such funds can not be afraid to damage the delicate surface.
- How to remove the sticker from plastic? Stubborn stains without stronger substances not win, time will in isopropyl alcohol, nail polish remover, means for removing grease and other synthetic solvents. Before using them, it is desirable to carefully read the instructions and try their effect on small plots, so as not to damage the entire surface.
- How to remove stickers from the refrigerator. You can try to soak in warm soapy water, and then clean with a damp cloth and wipe dry with a towel.
- Barcodes easily cleaned hot air dryer, this applies to dishes, porcelain, car, decorative products.
- How to remove the sticker from plastic, mozhnovspomnit school eraser, which perfectly removes chronic traces of Velcro on smooth surfaces.
- Modern means - melamine sponge removes such contamination with vinyl wallpaper, without damaging their integrity and appearance.
How to remove traces of any surface with Scotch

"Like cures" method,is glued to the surface of another piece of adhesive tape and abruptly retracted. If you do not help, then we understand more, how to clean the window from Scotch tape, a spot that has long since dried up and can not be detachment. It can be applied to the traces of something fat, eg, butter or vegetable oil, and the remnants of dry material to clean kitchen sponge.
How to remove the double sided tape
Nail polish remover can easily cope with this problem, but on the wood or lacquer ware is better not to use this method. Here suitable dry eraser or spray to remove the sticky spots «Label Remover».
How to remove the tape from furniture
A more secure method - a heated dryer surface and scrub soaked in vegetable oil swab. Essential oils do not remove stains from scotch tape,but it is possible to remove gluten, and then you have to wipe microfibre pollution.
How to remove the tape from the plastic
This can be done in several ways:
- The white spirit or unleaded petrol wetted swab and rub the injury site.
- Kitchen and gel dishwashing detergent.
- Using window cleaner "Mr Muscle". Stain is soaked for a few minutes and after wiped cloth.
Removing the long-standing mounting frame with a plastic film
The best way to remove the old film frame - steam cleaner, You can take an ordinary Karcher and under the hot jets soften the material and to remove traces of contamination of clean towel dry waffle. Sticky trail perfectly scrubbed nail polish remover, Here's how to remove the film from the glass easily and safely.
How to remove stains from the ceiling
Over time, the snow-white ceiling may cease to delight the eye landlord. Performing various spots, which sometimes oppress and do not give rest cleanly housewives. Stop! To cleanse the surfaces require the following materials:
- bead;
- White paint;
- putty.
First, dust is removed from the ceiling, primed and painted over after complete drying traces of oil paint. Often, after the first zakrashivaniya, yellow spots still show through, then you need to treat contamination with bleach and then paint over. After such simple procedures ceiling becomes fresh and clean, ready to delight households every minute.
How to get rid of traces of superglue?
Cooled cured, the material brings a lot of inconvenience, especially when it sticks to the hands, new furniture, a seating area or a table surface. In such cases, it does not always come to mind common method of purification "sticky-ended", but scrape and rub your fingers on the sandpaper is not recommended.
Superglue to prudently work gloves, but if you have already suffered a similar embarrassment, then you need to put your hands on a fat cream, hold 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water and soap.
If the stain remains on the carpet, it can be removed using tools to remove fat, after soaking rub the brush and dry. For hard surfaces fit different chemical compositions, cleaner "Contact", "Anticlea", as well as the well-known domestic product "Dimexidum", which can be bought in any drugstore for "hat crackers". Apply toxic solvents to be careful, after use should be wiped cleaned with a damp cloth seat.
Plastic products can be sprinkled with glass cleaner and wipe dry with a cloth made of microfibre.
Clean plastic windows
After the improvement of living conditions, namely, installation of plastic windows, should really care about the purity and accuracy of data use devices. But if all of a sudden in the process of repairing a window got paint, then do not despair, it can easily remove the chemical solvent or agent for removal of varnish.
Attention: before the clear plastic window, It needs to carefully study the composition of cleaning products, not to damage the structural integrity.
How to remove the sticker from the glass,can, of course, People try method, This vegetable oil, put it on pollution, and in minutes 20, when the adhesive swells and absorbs oil, wipe the glass clean with a paper towel.
Plaster with glass easy to clean ordinary soap solution, even if after the first time did not work, do not despair. More perseverance and everything will be just a pure mirror.
Before, how to remove the sticker from the glass, It must be applied on the spot cooking oil and hold 20 minutes. Only then begin to rub the sponge or microfiber cloth.
Attention: You can not use abrasive cleaners on glass, and even more cutting items. Scratched surface can hardly be something to hide!
Remove contamination on the slopes, windowsill, The profile can be specific cleaning products: «COSMOFEN», MAFIX (PVC Cleaner) etc. Just do not hold to, because these products have the properties to penetrate the PVC structure and destroy it from within.
How to Clean windows from the film, which left no traces after taking off
This type of contamination is easily removed with soap and water, just take time, We resolved to spot and went without much mechanical action on them.
To quickly remove the film from the plastic windows, You can use a special cleaner "Kosmofen" plastic, but is a potent and dangerous for human health agent.
How to get rid of limescale and rust on plumbing products
Such attacks on the sink, the shower can not only spoil the neat appearance, but also damage the product. There are many ways, how to remove unpleasant traces of rust folk ways.
Lemon juice with baking soda ready to work wonders, need to lubricate the area with abundant and keep consistency in the minutes 40-50. After the process of abrasive sponge and wash with warm water.
Vinegar works much better lemon, effectively combats this old rust stains and lime stone. Must be applied at contaminated sites sponge, This richly moistened with liquid and leave for half an hour. After that, clean the stain with a stiff brush , perfect unnecessary toothbrush. If plaque is not going away, you need to add in the vinegar 3 tablespoons of baking soda.
Modern cleaning agents are very toxic, but to use them to easily. Stain disappears right before our eyes, leaving no trace of its former troubles. But we need to be extremely careful when using chemical compounds, wear gloves and a gauze bandage.
Using the methods described above will emit your plumbing gloss and clarity for many years, data at regular cleansing surfaces.
How to remove mold from the wooden floors
Hardwood floors are beautiful and practical, but what do you do, when the mold "found a way" to your home?
- Miracle soap solution will remove the stain for a few minutes, when it is necessary to wipe the floor with a sponge and dry thoroughly surface.
- It is also used linen otbelitel, chloro effectively removes plaque fungal. But high concentrations can leave white marks on the floor.
- Sandpaper fine grain used for cleaning hard deducing spots, after polishing on the surface of the floor is necessary to apply a protective varnish of the same brand, as the parquet color or use a water-based akvalak.
Ways to help you get rid of Mold and mildew can be in the article.
Let your world will be cleaner and more comfortable, but these tips will help to eliminate minor troubles on others have interior details.
Help plz recently bought new furniture and I nechayno poured super glue. And I learned that you can use dimexide. And then from that Dimexidum remained white spots. How can I get rid of this help