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How to choose the right one septic tank

Septic is an autonomous sewer. It is mostly used in suburban areas. This plant is able to accumulate in drains and clean them. With such a system drains safely absorbed into the soil and do not cause any damage to the outside. find out, how to choose a septic tank for a private house. types of septic tanks, performance and other characteristics of the wastewater treatment systems.

varieties of septic tanks

If we talk about the arrangement, the septic tank, it can be both horizontal, and vertical. And in some cases, the last option may be preferable - why?

Based on the name itself, clear, septic that the vertical - a receiver for sewage, whose height is much more, the diameter / size of the tank.

Now buy septic preferably polypropylene or fiberglass. At the root of the properties of a material substantially identical, However, prices of fiberglass septic tank may be higher, than the price of a septic tank made of polypropylene.

vertical septic tank
Structure vertical septic

so, the simplest embodiment of the vertical septic tank - container, having a large amount. Usually, capacity is used as a settling tank for waste water, after which the effluent is pumped through drain pipes on the soil advanced treatment.

vertekalnye aeration station

Such variants can be used as a septic tank for toilets or septic tanks baths.

Major manufacturers of cleaning systems uvlyayutsya:

  • ZAO TD.
  • Engineering equipment.
  • THAT.
  • Granite-M.
  • SBM-Group.
  • Topol-Eco.

If equipped with a simple vertical additional septic tank cleaning system, the wastewater, undergoing deep cleaning, It can then be used as irrigation water.

Vertical septic tank to septic tank
vertical septic tank

In this case the area must be routed drainage pipe - with a certain slant towards the receiver wastewater, of course. Lining them in particular, and excavation works in general can perform buses, for example, the same truck or dump.


smaller area (particularly beneficial to such construction sites with limited dimensions)
Excellent operation even in the coldest time of the year (too elongated structure is not chilled in the cold)
Good flow processes settling wastewater (the deeper the septic tank, the better distribution of effluent particles occurs, respectively, better quality of water purified and clarified)

Using improvised containers exclusively in groundwater with low water levels
Inability to use the self-cleaning functions - it will have to additionally use bioaktivatory to clean the septic tank
The conclusion, that these septic tanks perfectly applicable in cases, when on the land there is no place for the equipment full horizontal septic tank.

Aeration station

determine , a septic tank is best for home, we can not ignore the aeration station. Of course the cost of such systems would be more expensive. Today it is the most advanced system of microbiological treatment of domestic and commercial waste. The design of such systems requires the presence of several compartments in the septic tank, where drains are settling step, mechanical separation, purification by anaerobic bacteria and aerobic microorganisms, final filtration. Of course this perecheski septic tank maintenance-free.

aeration station
Equipment aeration station

water treatment quality is the high degree of wastewater treatment. In this connection a natural question arises, which empty the septic tank in the winter?

High quality clean and virtually no odor enables the owner to use water for industrial purposes. Purified liquid is allowed to use for irrigating plants on a plot. Multistage bioremediation allows no harm to ecology reset liquid directly to the soil or poured into the ditch.

Winter aeration septic tank for year-round use does not require any additional insulation measures, as all processes of processing biomass by microorganisms flow with heat release. The water in the tank does not freeze and does not require seasonal pumping from the tank.

Do not zamerznut goods in moroze? Do I need to insulate the septic tank?
If continuous use, it just does not freeze - inside is constantly kind of bioreactor, releasing heat. In extreme cases, you can insulate, by pouring the top layer of straw or leaves.

it is recommended to fill the container at a seasonal operation on 2/3 sinks, further insulated from above. So capacity is not pop up and will not be crushed frozen ground. We recommend additionally read the instructions in the specific model, the manufacturer may have a different opinion on this matter.

Conclusions about the pros and cons of the use of biological treatment plants in the country site.

dignity: high quality of domestic waste water purification, lack of smell, the possibility of draining on the ground, the possibility of the use of water for irrigation and technical needs. disadvantages: high price, the need for energy to ensure operation of aerators, demands a qualified service.

Choosing volume

Calculation of the volume of camera plays an important role, because of their value depends on the performance of buildings. Additionally wastewater must not be located in the cells over three days. To do this, you can resort to this calculation: one person spends about 150 liters of wastewater per day, for three days, this figure will increase and will be 450 liters. If the house is home to the whole family, accordingly the calculation will be different and will increase the amount of cameras.

Below are the data for calculating the exemplary two-, three-section of a septic tank:

  • 2-3 person - to 2 cu;
  • 4-5 human - 4 cu;
  • 6-7 human - 6 cu.

When the family decided to take a shower constantly, there is a washing machine, water heating tank, dishwasher, etc., the average daily consumption of liquid is considerably increased.

To reduce the cost of services assenizatorskaya machines, better to choose a septic tank with a large capacity. But keep in mind, that the cost of such installations is high enough, so buy them at cost of permanent residence in a private home.

Proton filtration Septik
septic vertical

When the seasonal stay in a private home is not necessarily a complete wastewater treatment system. It is much easier to install a simple septic tank storage. In addition, the cost of such a structure on the order of less than more complicated models. If permanent residence is better to choose a septic tank with several sections.

With regard to the location and shape of the septic tank, you should choose, based on the following factors:

  • If the groundwater level increased, it is advisable to install a septic tank horizontal;
  • Vertical models fit, if there is a need of a compact placement of the cleaning system.

When it resides in a private home, septic tank with suitable filtration or deep soil bioremediation. Both devices filtered effluents, but cleaning level they have somewhat different, if this difference is not essential, it is better to choose a design with soil filtration, it is somewhat cheaper and does not require electricity.


Septic tank can design and install yourself. First of all, Make a detailed outline of the construction, correctly calculate the volume of chambers and choose place, where the installation will take place. It is important to adhere to the norms, indicated in the document of SNIP 2.04.03-85.

The consequences of improper installation of a septic tank

Installation diagram drawn according to the location conditions. Usually, it comprises a conduit, coming from the outside of the room to the treatment plant. It also includes a camera, made of plastic and rings. The circuit includes a tube, connecting additional cleaning soil and out of the septic tank, and aeration field, where the absorption of wastewater is carried into the ground.

And do not squeeze if the capacity of the soil? Capacity may emerge, If improperly installed. That is why it is important to follow all the manufacturer's recommendations. They take into account the capacity of the construction: its geometry, weight, the presence of additional elements, preventing pinching and squeezing.

During the installation of a septic tank, be sure to pay attention to material selection, from which chamber will be manufactured. They must be strong and not be exposed to aggressive media. Do not use metal tanks, because they are quickly destroyed by corrosion influence.

Once the installation of the project will be ready, proceed to installation. To begin, prepare the pit and dig a trench for laying pipes. Chamber must be set below the frost line. If you can not do so, should think about warming chambers. Sprinkle the bottom of the pit with sand, about 15-20 cm.

Further, the septic tank is collected chambers. In this case, well sealed joints between the rings, here is important leaks. Upon completion of all work, connect the camera to the pipes and start the construction of a solution to fill the sand with cement. The top cover septic tank hatch cover to from time to time to pump sludge from the chamber.

In this way, installation of a septic tank with his hands is absolutely not complicated. the main thing, comply with all requirements and standards.

Septic tanks for garden: What is better to choose the budget and middle price segments

For ease of selection be sure to check with some models of the three known producers of septic tanks.

Company Eco Septic. It is offering "Tapas" cleaning system, «Astra», "Deco". Prices from 67 thousand. rub. for local treatment station to 4 man.

company Multiplast. Septic tanks budget segment, cost from 52 thousand. rub, for volatile recovery settling. To 76 thousand. rub, for full station bioclearing Ergobox 6 S, designed for servicing of six people.

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