the main / design apartment / Creating a beautiful bathroom with mosaic tiles

Creating a beautiful bathroom with mosaic tiles

One of the important questions, facing the start of repair, It is the determination of finishing materials for premises. Mainly for wall and floor tiles selected one type of finish. Choosing design options, should take into account the basic parameters of the materials resistance to moisture, temperature changes, and ease of care. Frequent cleaning of the bathroom causes a variety of mosaic tiles for the bathroom, which beautifully decorate your home decor.

Advantages and disadvantages of mosaic tiles

The use of mosaic laying in the bathroom is gaining popularity among consumers due to their attractiveness design. More recently,, tile mosaic was considered expensive material, but in recent years, Some manufacturers have learned to do without the use of expensive materials in the mosaic, and the finished product price has dropped significantly. The main feature of this material - the size of the mosaic: tiles are small enough in size, for this reason they are used for collecting pattern.

It is necessary to highlight the main advantages of using such a finishing material:

  • Large choice of materials. To date, the market offers a wide variety of materials, among which you can choose the appropriate;
  • The strength of the tiles for the bathroom. As well as ceramic tiles, mosaic exhibits durability and wear resistance;
  • The possibility of finishing the bathroom mosaics even with uneven surfaces.
  • Color mosaic tiles do not burn, so this finish will be a very long time;
  • Plenty of room for imagination. With the mosaic can come up with the most not, intricate paintings and canvases.


some disadvantages also exist in the design of the bathroom tile mosaic. it:

  • The high cost of the material. To high-quality mosaic it was necessary to choose the product, which will have a corresponding cost;
  • Time and monetary costs of laying. Very good, if you are able to coat a material room, but the time this process takes a lot of.

But still, benefits of using this material, significantly exceed the minuses, and the result, which is obtained at the output, It exceeds all expectations.


Tile manufacturing materials

Mosaic is a material, by which creates a certain pattern. In most cases the slab is produced in the form of rectangular or square. Due to the size of the mosaic, tiles, which is patterned, transmit all its attractiveness. But not only the beauty of the material is a factor when choosing a, and high water resistance mosaic makes it popular.

stone mosaic

Today there are several types of materials, of which is made this type cladding:

  1. A natural stone. Such material is advantageous resistance to mechanical damage. The stone is durable and robust, so it is widely used for the manufacture of mosaic. The most common is to use granite and marble. This mosaic floors spread, due to the high demands
    ceramic mosaic

    strength to that surface.

  2. Ceramics. It is the most common material. Ceramic mosaic bathroom has a relatively low cost, and also has a wide color spectrum. Choosing tile mosaic of ceramic, You can achieve the desired pattern transfer accuracy.
  3. Glass. Advantages of glass mosaic - tiles with a smooth and even surface, that allow for quick and easy care material. The main feature of the glass mosaic is its
    glass mosaic

    opposition to change in temperature, as well as moisture resistance. Design a Mosaic allows you to invent the most original figures.

mosaic size of the square shape window is 20 mm on one side, and the thickness of such articles reaches 4 mm.

  1. Metal. This mosaic draws its appearance, however, due to metal features, the widespread use of it in the bathroom
    metal mosaic

    the room is not possible. In the room with high humidity is only appropriate decor of metallic elements.

  2. Tree. This type of mosaic is rarely used for the bathroom, because its application in this room is meaningless. This happens only in the case, if the wooden tub has been selected. Then the finishing material will complement the overall picture of design bathroom tile mosaic wooden type.

choose material, for bathroom design is necessary in view of its properties. After all, it is important not only for the beauty of the premises, but also practicality.

Options for bathroom design mosaic

The main feature of the mosaic tile is its ability to create drawings and designs. It is because of this property,, even though the high cost of the material, Consumers give it preference. Tiled interior is quite simple mosaic, You need to think about the choice of pattern, and then give the matter in the hands of professionals.


Laying patterns and patterns

This method of cladding sufficient distributed, by virtue of, that the mosaic is used in combination with tiles. The basic material for the cladding tiles acts, who gets off most surfaces in the bathroom. Mosaic here acts as a complement or instead of the decorative frieze.

There are also ready-made blocks stacked on them tile. When mounting several blocks in a certain sequence, created ornament.


Ornamental patterns can be finished and all the space of a bathroom. Particular attention can be paid to the floor, after all, in fact, it does not carry the load of decorative, and laying artistic drawing on the floor will be unnecessary. Therefore, to decorate the surface of the floor can be tiled mosaics - the interior at the same time has to be selected. for example, you can put the Greek pattern on the outer perimeter of the floor, or choose a meandering patterns.

Laying of ornamental designs and patterns is relatively simple, if we take into account the application of artistic drawings and paintings. Here you can choose the design of glass mosaic - tile enough flat and ornament lies evenly.

Ornament involves adherence to precise elements, without the addition of colors and complementary colors, because often in the ornaments used to 5 colors.


floral motifs

They are popular in the selection pattern for the bathroom. Such a pattern can fully occupy one of the walls in the bathroom and will look very originally established under the snow-white bathroom mosaicsin, vibrant colors,. Motifs with images of flowers are common due to the pattern of freshness and a touch of romance. They are charged with positive energy, customize relaxation, even if it made in two-color embodiment. smooth bends, unhurried color transitions create a dreamlike mood.


marine paintings

Using a marine theme speaks for itself, because the bathroom - a place of water treatments, and everyone wants, taking a bath, close your eyes and imagine yourself in a warm and gentle sea. Consequently, marine theme drawing will facilitate this reincarnation. This is not the last role is played by the size of the mosaic - tiles must be sufficiently small, to reliably draw the drawing elements.

To finish with marine motifs suitable ceramic mosaic bathroom, such tile has a wide color gamut, and help with the accuracy to transfer all the smallest details of the selected pattern.

From popular panels, I spread a tile mosaic in a marine style, most people prefer dolphins image, various fish, ships in sea harbor, as well as the image of marine plankton on the ocean floor. Besides, You can oblitsevat the bathtub under the mosaic, if it has no additional accessories or trim panels.


How to lay tile

Before proceeding to the design of the walls and the bathroom floor mosaics have to perform the preparation of surfaces. To do this, the walls are treated with antifungal compounds, establish waterproofing, align the work surface and primed it. After that, go to the baths with mosaic decoration.

The material for the lining is glued on a special adhesive composition, according to the picture, after which a grout mosaic tiles, if necessary.

There are several ways of placing technology at the baths with mosaic tile design:

  1. Grid - with this method of laying, chosen similar in color and tone mosaic squares and assembled in an orderly fashion, respectively figure;
  2. Diagonal. It suggests gluing the tile at a certain angle. Such a course of the wall visually expands;
  3. The staggered - with such a clutch is necessary to combine two contrasting colors. In this case, the suitable application of mosaic tiles in combination with, which can be used as the basic background for the bathroom ;
  4. In a herringbone - in this method requires the use of different shape and size of rings. Stacking occurs by displacement of the element;
  5. Offset - each new row is shifted by one piece in any direction;

self laying tiles mosaics in the bathroom is not a complicated process, but, It requires a long time and is rather monotone, therefore it is better to transfer this task in the hands of professionals.



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One comment on the record "Creating a beautiful bathroom with mosaic tiles

  1. When we are with our family plan to do repairs in the bath and toilet, Opinion in all differed. Me and my uncle were for the use of mosaic tiles, but the grandmother did not agree before the end of, until we eventually did not go and did not buy it. We chose a ceramic mosaic, although very much like a metal, but it we are stuck here and there)) The colors we chose the quiet, beige, white, black and coffee with milk, even a little darker. In general the combination turned out cool! Well to put it is certainly hell. This is really a very long time, we took on a mosaic laying open 8 days, so it is with the, that was engaged and the master, and uncle, I joined on the third day. I can not say, I'm a great assistant, but it would take days without me is spitting 10 just. The most tired of the monotony. But we coped. I can not say, it is not difficult, just do not have enough time, but for that, and you end up with such beauty, that when a mosaic forget about the days spent, and the fact that in the calculations is enclosed and your own work, double pleasure) On practice, a mosaic of ceramic is very practical, Here we have it for the second year. clean fine, does not fall, Although the humidity is not small in the bath. In general I would advise it to the bathroom ceramic mosaic, you will not regret!

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