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The choice of baths - overview of the characteristics and materials

Always question before repair in the bathroom, bath which to choose and how to avoid mistakes when it is selected. It is worth noting, that the right choice of sanitary equipment - is primarily a guarantee of comfort and health. That is why, should pay particular attention to the choice of coatings and mold design.

Variety of models and forms

It is worth noting, that the market today is quite a large range of sanitary ware, which adapts to the requirements of buyers, namely:

  1. design.
  2. Price policy.
  3. Material.

And it causes a kind of vertigo, caused by a variety of choice for plumbers, and in addition and complementary accessories to it.

In total, the whole can be noted three types of baths:

  1. Cast iron.
  2. acrylic.
  3. steel.

Before, How to define with the choice need to examine the quality of each type of plumbing, what we will do now.

Cast iron bathtub and its features

This type of bath is not innovation, but it is still quite popular.

What bath choose
These products have the following characteristics:

  • The minimum weight of the product is about 80 kilogram.
  • Samples of this material have high strength and durability.
  • Lacquer provides easy care of these household items.
  • If we compare the acrylic and cast iron bathtubs, the surface of the iron models has significantly greater resistance to scratching.
  • These models are capable of withstanding very high temperatures.
  • Models made of cast iron have good thermal insulation characteristics.
  • A disadvantage of such products is the limited range of, associated with the peculiarities of their production.
  • The service life reaches 50 years old

It is also worth considering the factors, are worth paying attention to when choosing a bath.

  1. When viewed from the bath surface should be detected cracks and chips.
  2. It should be taken into account, that the enamel, which cover the surface sufficiently fragile, and it is damaged when falling heavy object.
  3. It is impossible to clean with abrasive cleaning agents, because they destroy the enamel.
  4. The surface should be drips, roughness, the color should be completely homogeneous.

what better to choose a bath

And also worth noting, that most of the main criterion of choice is a form of baths. Such a factor determined by the fact, that the cast-iron bath can only be presented in the usual standard form, and if you decide to purchase a bathtub triangular or circular, and possibly other irregular shape, it will be necessary to have to choose among the acrylic models.

acrylic bathtub: pros and cons

Samples of this material appeared on the market relatively recently, but we managed to win considerable popularity among buyers. But what is acrylic?

For those, who knows, acrylic - it is all the usual plastic, which is further reinforced to give the product strength. Such a material does not require painting and enameling. All dyes are provided at the manufacturing stage, that allows the material to retain its color throughout the life of the.acrylic bathtub and its features

Needless coating is resistant to mechanical stress, and surface damage repaired by sanding and polishing.

They have many qualities, forcing them to make a choice in favor of.

  • The weight of these models is usually from 15 to 30 kilogram.
  • The positive difference of acrylic baths from the iron in the, that in its production can give it almost any form. The range of these products can satisfy different requests on the size and design.
  • Their relatively low strength steel frame compensates, used during installation. Its use gives the necessary rigidity.
  • Another advantage of acrylic bathtubs in front of the iron, in higher insulation values. They, usually, several times better, than that of cast iron samples and significantly higher steel models.
  • The good quality of these products is the ability to surface grinding, when it is worn.
  • The difference in the iron and acrylic baths still in the, Acrylic models that are afraid of much higher temperatures, and so do not pour boiling water into them, or they may be deformed.

Important: Acrylic surfaces are afraid abrasives washing , falling objects. Over the years, he loses luster.

some opt for a bath house

And also worth pointing, and what to look for when choosing a, and such factors are not many:

  1. First of all attention should be given reinforcement. Acquire is recommended only copies, based fiberglass or steel mesh.
  2. The thickness of the reinforcing layer should be less than 6 millimeters.

Based on these factors, experts recommend to buy products of foreign companies only, as they fully comply with all requirements in the manufacture of.

An important factor is the choice of design resistance. Usually, cheap Chinese long bath then remind yourself creaks:)

note, that the purchase of sanitary ware from an unknown manufacturer at low cost can be fraught with disastrous consequences. Among them may be not only quick breakdown, but also harm the health of residents. detail, a cleaning means surface.

steel bath, alternatively

And the last kind of bath can be mentioned steel. This kind of becoming the most beneficial solution to the issue, how to choose a bath. But it is worth saying, that profitable only in financial terms, because the cost of such products begins from 3000 rubles.

steel bath and its features

But in order, To determine whether this is so, should consider the pros and cons of such a product. First of all pay attention to the advantages of the steel bath:

  1. Low weight, average 30 kilogram, as in the case of acrylic baths.
  2. The service life is several times higher, than acrylic analog.
  3. Fixer, via enamel replacing.

And now it is worth considering the shortcomings, compared to other types of:

  1. Primarily, this thin wall, which can bend under the weight of water and the human body.
  2. Also worth noting is the lack of variety of forms and.
  3. It requires delicate care, It serves as the primary coating enamel.
  4. When you dial a bath creates quite a lot of noise.
  5. It differs rapid heat loss, therefore it is necessary to gather the hot water is constantly.

As can be seen, this type of bath worse, than cast iron or acrylic, but at the same time much cheaper, because, if the financial margin is quite small, you can reflect on that choice.

What is better to choose a bath?

And now, Having defined the types of baths and considering all their features, It is to decide, what better to choose a bath. And right note, it is better to consider two options, cast iron and acrylic. Because steel is necessary to select only savings if necessary.

how to choose a bathtub

And now look at the main factors, that will determine the choice of:

  1. Acrylic bathtubs are cheaper, and moreover easier to clean, than cast iron.
  2. Synthetic acrylic surface is formed and develops fungal, which makes products safer for health.
  3. Acrylic housing easier, that facilitates the delivery and installation, but at the same time is less resistant in contrast to iron.
  4. The polymeric product is heated rapidly and longer cools, metal on the contrary,.
  5. Acrylic bath can additionally be equipped with a whirlpool and a host of other advanced features.

In this way, it should be noted that the acrylic bathtub at times better than other analogues. The only weakness becomes life, which is 10 years old. for comparison, metal products are used by 30 to 50 years old.

But it is worth noting, Synthetic products are relatively new, and because their life is conditional, and may in fact be several times larger than advertised. because, with proper care the maintenance period can significantly extend.


And it's time to take stock. As already clear stlo, the best choice is acrylic products, but despite this, you should not ignore the other options. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, which should take into account, and be guided by the requirement, which should correspond to a future bath. And finally, we offer watch a few videos about, what better to choose a bath.



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