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As pokleit wallpaper on the ceiling right

When choosing wallpaper for finishing the ceiling, you need to know, what are the wallpaper, what quality it is desirable to select and many other nuances. There are so-called special ceiling wallpaper. they produce white color, and they do not necessarily need a smooth surface on the ceiling. These wallpapers are made only in Russia.

It should be borne in mind, that in Europe there is no ceiling wallpaper, there instead of wallpaper wallpaper for use as pokrasku.Est not only paper types of ceiling wallpaper, but also non-woven.

What are the differences between our wallpaper and imported. Imported wallpaper dense, porous and have two layers, and can be painted with water paints, and more than ten times. Still it is necessary to bear in mind, that domestic wallpaper will last about five years, and imported in two, or even three times longer, they can be washed, paint, and of course their price is significantly different.

How to pokleit wallpaper on the ceiling

First you need to prepare the ceiling surface, that is, it must be dry, clean and smooth. If it were still the old wallpaper, then it is better to use a solvent, which removes the old wallpaper. The ceiling is painted with paint, then you need to check, as this paint is durable, that is, a special glue a piece of adhesive tape and sharply tear. If the tape will paint residues, so, You will need to clean up this paint. plaster ceiling apply only, when there are large defects. Lime is washed off easily enough, We need to hold a brush on the surface with hot water, wait for about half an hour and rinse with a damp cloth. And most important to check all the electricity, turn it off completely, and only then start to work!

Marking and preparation

Next, make marks on the surface of the ceiling. Wallpaper should be glued to the opposite side of the window. This is done, that the joints were invisible. Also need a pencil to mark the roll width and subtract two or three centimeters. The same should be done on the opposite side. Connect the marks from one side to the other by means of the cord.

The next stage is the preparation of glue, it is necessary to prepare for half an hour before pasting wallpaper. Perform all the required instructions to the glue. For different types of wallpaper, also used a different adhesive. In order to properly dissolve the glue, be sure to first create a vortex in the water and gradually sypte glue and stirring. After leave for half an hour.paperhanging

Next you need to carve out the right length of wallpaper, definitely a plus one to two centimeters. It should be taken into account, that the cloth after smearing glue may be reduced in length, absolutely on slightly, but it is necessary to know.

Now carefully apply the adhesive and start sticking to the walls, one upstairs aligns all moments, and the other at the bottom of docks correctly, then cut off the excess wallpaper special sharp knife. The remaining webs are glued in the same manner, Only already joined and are equal to the first material web.

The order of providence works

The periodicity with a sticker wallpaper on the ceiling next:

  • It is important to stick the first strip of wallpaper. To do this, draw a straight line at a distance 50 cm from the wall.
  • schedule 2 score, then putting a marking cord and repel the line.
  • Taping ceiling adhesive should be thick, than for pasting walls. The heavier wallpaper, the thicker the glue.
  • Blades cut to 8 cm longer, than the width of the room, we need, the ends slightly overwhelmed wall.
  • Ready-strip of wallpaper glue to thoroughly coat with a roller or wide brush and fold "accordion".
  • bends 1/3 folded "harmonica" wallpaper strip to the middle.
  • Along the marked lines of the first strip of wallpaper is glued and pressed it to the ceiling.
  • First wallpaper presses hands, then smoothes with a brush.
  • After the next strip pasted, suture are passed fluted roller along the seam, to butt was invisible.
  • Glue, speaking of a wallpaper, I soak a cotton cloth.
  • Once dried up wallpaper, clipped the overhanging ends with a knife.

When done pasting ceiling wallpaper, you need to close all the windows and doors, no drafts should not be, and should be given after the end of the room remain closed day. Correctly pokleit wallpaper on the ceiling is not difficult, now you will see this, but will have to work a little. Good luck!




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