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How to choose the electric drive for windows

Everything you need for life is constantly accumulates useful or convenient functionality. it, fully, As for the window systems. The classic design is complemented by today decorative accessories, mosquito nets and existing ventilation systems, sun protection, opening restrictions. It is gaining popularity for a universal electric windows, suitable for mounting on the frame of any material.

When applied window drive

remote-controlled skylight

Due to the high cost of drop installation option considered devices on all windows of the house or the apartment only for comfortable control at a distance. We distinguish the situation, when without the electric installation is hard to do:

  • Windows industrial buildings, halls of business centers, shopping complexes have a high location.
  • Massive window shutters or transoms large area can be opened, closed only by the considerable physical effort.
  • Inclined mansard windows or horizontally placed windows of other buildings in the winter is difficult to open because of the layer of snow covering them.
  • The need to simultaneously open all the windows to ventilate the gym, fitness center, entertainment complex.
  • On the upper floors and in areas of constant gusty winds windows drive will facilitate opening, prevent damage from a possible sharp glass sash slamming.
  • The need to ventilate the translucent structure facade.
  • The house is inhabited by people of advanced age or with physical limitations.
  • In the "smart house" windows automated drive is included in the climate system, responsible for maintaining the premises of the selected temperature and humidity.
  • Automatic ventilation for greenhouses, conservatories, greenhouses.
  • Access to window units is difficult.
  • hospital, nursing home, medical complexes with large window openings.

automatic opening system demand and to ensure correct emergency running duct, ventilation systems, chimney.

Defective actuator for PVC windows is a tireless assistant in the operation of movable wings and transoms. The selection is confirmed by some of the features of free use:

  • Mechanism without undue effort running smoothly and accurately, increasing the service life of the locking mechanisms and accessories.
  • Window easily transferred to the manual opening mode during a power failure or breakdown of the device. For this purpose, the sliding element quick coupling without effort disconnects flap.
  • model, rated at 24 AT, eliminate the risk of electric shock. They are safe to operate on aluminum frames, in very wet areas of greenhouses and pools.
  • Drives for automatic opening of windows large, with significant weight, can be used in the group. They are installed along the edges of the leaf or uniformly along the edge extends when you open the.
Drives for automatic opening of windows large
The window glass in an inclined roof, open without actuator will be very difficult

Disadvantages of electric drive systems

  • The interior of the cottage or apartment elements of the window opening systems are noticeably stand out, not matching the overall design decision.
  • In the absence of an emergency or a planned opening of the window sash of the supply voltage must be done manually, after disconnecting the actuator from the movable frame part. Using emergency power battery involves additional costs.
  • High price. to drive prices to start from the windows 5 thousand. rubles reach double figures indecent.

With additional sensor equipment in the absence of nearly closes window units in strong winds, rain, snow; open - to remove smoke toxic combustion products; Reacting to changes in humidity, will activate the ventilation system.

Types of used electric

chain belt

For small and medium-sized windows with any arrangement of sheds used to drive low power executive body - the bush roller chain. The circuit is in the receiving drum, which is located on the shaft of the motor reverse. When opening the circuit unwinds and pushes the flap. Rotating in the other side of the motor shaft winds the chain and draws back flap. Working stroke chain may be 90-500 mm (depending on the model), buoyancy force - 8-30 kg (decreases with increasing stroke). This type of drive is most common, because it is considered low.

Electric drive for PVC windows
Mounting kit chain drive

spindle drive

The drive is compact and easy to use in confined spaces. By a pair of screw-and-nut actuator - rod - is driven. 180-600 mm - a possible stroke. Tractive driving power - 40-300 kg. Spindle drive recommended for automation of sashes of windows with large mass and area. Robust and hard screw mechanism requires periodic lubrication.

windows drive
Mounting kit for spindle drive

Rack and pinion drive

To increase the life of the convenient and reliable mechanism of the actuator of any type requires a periodic inspection, adjustment and lubrication.

Electric drive for windows
Mounting kit rack drive.



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