One of the main elements of the window opening is a window sill: thanks to him, the window looks neat, the room gets additional protection from heat loss and rainfall, but on the surface can be set fresh flowers. At long operation may be required to repair the window sill; with their hands to hold the procedure is quite possible, the main thing - to get all the necessary materials and tools, and read the instructions.
When you may need to repair window sills plastic windows?
Restoration work may be required in the following cases:
- Surface windowsill covered with cracks, Skole, scratched or scuffed, that not only detract from the appearance, but also the characteristics of the product. Most often this element is suffering from excessive strain.
- The deformation of the surface, that can bend or be damaged when subjected to elevated temperatures.
- Burn surface from ultraviolet radiation. Constant sunlight causes fading, which is especially noticeable on the product, not having a classic white, a different shade or ornament.
- If the product is made of wood, it may be affected by contact with moisture,, and in this case may require the restoration of the window sill or a complete replacement.

types of window sills
These products are classified according to material manufacturing:
- plastic. Such elements have a simple installation and care, a large assortment of colors, reasonable price. The downside is considered low strength: repair of window sills of plastic may require the appearance of scratches, cracks, as the product is sensitive to high temperatures.
Plastic sill under a rock - wooden. They are distinguished by environmental friendliness, ease of installation, strength and elegant, natural design, but such products are unstable to moisture, fungus, and also have a high price.
- Of concrete or stone. Such products are practical, easy to care for, they can be given any kind of; disadvantages - a large mass and complex restoration sill.
Old man-made stone - Fibreboard. These elements are very strong, do not fade in the sun, not deformed when a temperature difference, presented in a large variety of colors and patterns.
How to Repair a plastic windowsill yourself?
Repair Procedure element may vary depending on the degree of damage, manufacturing material, and recovery method. It depends on this choice of consumables and tools. PVC window sill repair includes the following steps:
- Surface cleaning of dirt, embedding cracks, degreasing alcohol.
- preparation lining, product cutting to size the window sill.
- Application of adhesive on a mounting surface or structure, installation of an overlay. After that, it put the press and leave the structure before the adhesive has dried. This will require 1-2 o'clock.
- Gap under the cover plate is filled with sealant, ends camouflage caps.
- After drying the adhesive to the top of the lining film is removed, coating which protects against mechanical damage and chemical.
Repair window sills made of wood involves the following steps:
- Removing paint residues, luting if cracks, chips and scratches.
- Impregnation of water-resistant and flame-retardant compositions.
- After drying, the surface is covered again filler and sanded.
- staining sill, applying a transparent or colored lacquer. You can use a brush or roller.
- Dried surface is polished and leveled.
Council: wooden structures require regular preventive action to protect from moisture, and minimal repair their own hands the windowsill means applying polish and impregnating every 3 of the year.
To restore the concrete product, you can use putty. Traces of paint from the surface was removed, dirt and grease, hruntuyut, shpaklyuyut ee, then painted windowsill. This is the most simple way, if the product has minimal damage. When, if they are more serious, Restoration carried cement solution in the following order:
- Removing paint, degreasing.
- surface primer, drying composition.
- Preparation of a mixture of cement with gravel in proportions 1 to 1, installing the formwork and casting solution.
- after 2 day, after drying, surface should be roughened.
- Finishing stage - installation of tiles or painting.
Council: during grinding should be watered concrete small amount of water for the best effect.
Repair window sills plastic windows, made of ornamental stone, comprises treating special pastes and impregnations. The surface may be sanded, if there is need to purchase chips compositions, reducing fabric structure.

Recovery products MDF includes the following steps:
- cleaning, removing delaminated fragments, if any.
- drying, sanding the wooden floor with a simple sandpaper or a drill with special nozzles.
- Mixing the solution based adhesive with sawdust.
- Embedding cracks and chips obtained composition.
- Installation media for the protection of products from unintentional strain.
- Application of the silicone sealant, able to protect the subject from moisture.
- Gluing fragments originally taken from a laminate.
What's better: plastic window sills repair or replacement?
Many owners think, whether to repair the product, if you can buy a new windowsill. Recovery costs less and takes less time, in the case of small lesions. Complete replacement is usually performed, if the product has substantial defects, and restore it with full preservation of operational properties (strength, durability and so forth.) will not work. Besides, Repair of plastic window sills has the following advantages:
- Substantial savings money: even large chipping and deformation fix cheaper, than to buy a new product.
- The lack of garbage, that will be required to take out when removing the old design.
- Ability to change the window sill design without unnecessary waste of time. With the help of paint, compositions of hue change, linings can give the product a fresh new look, achieving its harmonious combination with a common interior house.
Old window sill with glued mosaics
Conclusion: If you want to understand, how to repair a plastic windowsill, you only need to acquire a minimum set of tools and strictly follow the instructions. The procedure takes less time and allows you to return the items updated look.