floor screed is necessary in order, to perform efficiently and smoothly "rough" version of the floor, for subsequent flooring flooring of any kind. It can be used in almost any environment, in shops, the floor of the garage, apartment or house. The most popular is semi-dry concrete screed, that every day is gaining popularity in the construction industry.
through semi-dry screed technology base acquires greater strength and becomes as flat. Subsequently, it is not necessary to carry out any activities, to prepare it for coating flooring floor. This not only saves time, but also the means. It is also worth noting, that the drying time is finished the solution is reduced compared to the "wet" embodiment.
As part of a semi-dry screed recovered sand, Cement, and fiber for reinforcement. In the latter case isolated fiberglass, offering the best quality, than steel mesh. Each material gives the finished ground a lot of positive moments. Very important this screed in case, when the floor slab has long been in operation, in old buildings, as well as the wooden base. Weight semi-dry screed ready-insignificant and hardly makes any load. Particularly here manifest themselves reinforcing fibers, that merge together and practically insoluble in a mixture. Their weight is minimal and generally not noticeable compared with metal elements.
But you should pay attention to what, that does not always use semi-dry screeds It brings only advantages in the use. Can be released and some negative manifestations.
The main disadvantages
Mainly manifested screed floor cons, made up of a semi-dry mixture, tightly interconnected with the technology of the work. If you do not perform the steps in sequence and in violation of the, the quality will not achieve. floor screed exhibit disadvantages when using low-quality material. It is also important to implement the work of special equipment. But it requires additional financial costs, even if the equipment to rent. It has a semi-dry floor screed defects:
- For quality of the screed installation will not be superfluous to use special equipment: grouting, Pneumosupercharger, gasitely, trowels and more. In addition to them there are a sufficient number of related devices and trivia, that is also a waste of resources. Uniformity is very difficult to obtain while stirring all the components manually.
- The finished screed must be protected from moisture or excessive humidity. She is very afraid. The fact, that in this embodiment, the floor unit, cement hydration process has not reached the end. Once it get drops of water, he begins to swell. This process will cause the appearance of cracks on surface.
- Scratches may appear due to the fact, that after installation it will be semi-dry screeds defective rammed.
Destruction can not be ruled here. It most often occurs after, as a paved floor. To correct such errors in the work, It would not only have to disassemble the floor, but also to carry out the dismantling of most ties.
- Due to the low capacity of self-compacted, semi-dry screed must have a minimum 40 mm thickness of the finished base. The optimum embodiment will be equal to the thickness 5 cm. by the thin layer is very brittle, not reliable for future use.
Carrying out works in the winter
Work on a semi-dry screed unit disadvantages arise because of temperature fluctuations. In winter, almost impossible to carry out installation. This is due to the fact, that all equipment and materials are placed in the street, but only after mixing is served inside the room. Sand in freezing temperatures starts to freeze, turn lumpy. It is also very difficult to become a ready supply of the solution through the hoses, as it begins to freeze and create a lump. Appeared plugs should be removed and remove a variety of ways.
This is why coming up with various options "to hide" the entire process and give it a sufficient temperature. built premises, is further heated. Such nuances make it possible to carry out all kinds of work, even with considerable negative temperatures, that reach -25 degrees.
perform any
to perform semi-dry screed sex, should have at least a minimum amount of knowledge and experience of the work. But here it is necessary to take into account the fact, that all must be performed immediately, until a setting solution. I.e, after casting almost immediately have to start the Leveling, tamping and subsequently to grout, resurfacing. If you miss more 6 hours, then change nothing will not succeed. Consequently, get low-quality foundation for flooring.
This can help the specialized equipment, which acts as a cement mixer, mixer, Pneumosupercharger and more. Each of them requires investment of Finance, even if just to rent. Conventional construction crews are unlikely to get to work, if there is no such specialized equipment. But construction companies and firms, specializing in semi-dry screed, conversely, perform the work from start to finish and take a fee for their services.
Each process step should be fully met. You can not deviate from the solution of creating proportions, because it will increase the weight of the semi-dry screeds, and lost all the positive qualities. Excess water will manifest itself in the near future. The truth has to be paved floor, which will have to clean up.
To "rough" sex option has been implemented with high quality and found even, should adhere to the technology. Besides it is not superfluous to use the equipment for work. This saves not only time,, but also provide an excellent result.