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The optimal choice of radiators for apartments

When a new device of the heating system, including individual, should approach responsible to the selection of radiators. From them will depend on the degree of heat, as well as the consumption of energy. In the market represented a huge range of, but each has a specific set of positive qualities. You can not do without negative, which manifests itself in the operation of heating the battery to an apartment.


When you purchase should not fall for the tricks of swindlers. It is often counterfeit and low-quality heat sinks on the market disguised form of global manufacturers, spoil their reputation. For this reason, it is best to pay attention to the specialty stores, where you will be given certificates for their products, as well as all accompanying documents. Selection radiatorsAfter studying them we can understand, they came, and which way passed before hitting on the counter, which in turn will provide the answer, any radiators to select apartments.

In total there are a huge range of products. It mainly depends on the fabrication material. Also aluminum can be found bimetallic radiators, iron and steel panel. In addition to this, each has subspecies, having certain qualities and properties. This is all reflected not only in the cost of production, but also to exhibit the characteristics in use since their introduction into the heating system.

Should pay attention not only to the, which radiators put in the apartment, but also on related products, as attachments, brackets, valves, etc.. It would be best, if you buy it all complete. Then you can not worry about the lack of coincidence of the thread or other moments, creating obstacles for quality installation of heating system in the apartment. In addition, not everyone knows, how to choose the heating system for the apartment and to combine it with the components of the system.

When manufacturing aluminum radiators embodiments, they can be added to specific alloys. Additionally there may be silicon additives. With them are one-piece construction, installed in any room apartments, and for individual sections. Depending on the production technology can distinguish extrusion, where we have quality products of the heating system in the apartment.

Extrusion is translated from Latin, as the ejection. Consequently, to produce a battery metal is forced through a special form. That will have the desired profile, supplied to the counters. But not so fast, it seems to actually. Initially, the individual elements are obtained, such as front and rear portions, whereupon they are connected to each other. There is already applied pressing under high temperatures.

Despite, you can get a whole collector technology, subsequently still have some bonding between a workpiece, Using the process described above. They will meet the parameters of manufactured batteries. When installing it will not be possible to adjust up or down. Such products are ready to give international manufacturers, how «Swing», «Olimp». On one side is left and the local production - "RS-500". This should be considered before, how to choose the radiators for apartments.

Selection radiators
Types of MS tubular radiators

If we compare the characteristics, exhibited during operation of radiators, they are somewhat inferior to all other types of panels of aluminum. This is primarily due to the reduced heat transfer parameters. Among the disadvantages and get stitches radiators, which can leak in the event of high pressure in the system. Yes, and the heat transfer fluid has a negative impact on the material, leading to corrosion. Much will depend on the manufacturer and the percentage of aluminum content in the finished product. It boasts the company «Rovall».

Anodized aluminum radiators embodiment

Still other types of radiators are presented in a flat aluminum. The metal content in the finished product is of the order 98 percent. Selection radiatorsThe entire surface extends process anodising. This is done not only on the outside, but inside. By anodizing the anode is commonly understood or electrochemical oxidation. presented film, located on the radiators is designed to carry out not only defensive, but also a decorative function. They are even capable of resist corrosion due to the action of the coolant in the use of equipment in the heating system, nothing special boast cast iron radiators for apartments.

It is possible to describe several anodizing process, resulting in a really high-quality products:

  • Preparatory work, includes washing products. Radiators are arranged in a special container with alkali. All oil stains along with other dirty elements are removed.
  • metal etching. This step is called in producing chemical milling. Having an oxide film with a very thin layer of metal is removed.
  • Getting rid of the heavy metals aluminum composition.
  • Radiators room in a container of electrolyte, that includes anodization process.
  • coloring products.
  • clogged pores.

    Selection radiators
    Types and characteristics of radiators

Inside such radiators completely smooth due to bonding between the elements of a dry clutch from the outside. This leads to the absence of stagnation of coolant inside the element, as well as significantly reducing the flow resistance. Selection radiators apartment for most of this, and based.

If you pay attention to manufacturers, the Russian market of high quality and have demand for the company from Italy «Aluwork».

This type of radiator is perfect for replacement of cast-iron batteries 5 storey houses.

casting technology

Before, how to choose a radiator in an apartment, can be considered a way of casting products. When using such a method is used in the production of aluminum alloy, where there is some silicon supplements. From all the last composition of the metal in the final product is 12%. The result is high-quality radiators, with full high level of heat transfer.production of radiators

During manufacture of radiators alloy obtained in this manner is poured into a prepared form, where it subsequently crystallizes. Next, mold opening occurs and the time waiting is to dry, then removed and chopped off the tide. Product tightness check is carried out in special high-pressure vessel. both inside, and outside surface is treated against corrosion by special structures. During coloring used epoxy polymer powder enamel. When the checked state ready aluminum radiators in flat on tightness and strength, they are sent to the realization of.

It is this version of the production is used by most manufacturers of Russia and Europe. This is due to exhibit the characteristics, such as high heat transfer efficiency in, combined with long operating period. The Italian company «Rovall» produces fill several sections at the same time. Subsequently, they are fixed to each other by means of nipples with gaskets made of silicone. This makes it possible to replace only one unit in case of damage. Instead, he put a new. This item is a significant plus, which may not give cast-iron radiators for apartments.

"Alterplast" The company produces advanced batteries for heating an apartment with six ribs on each section. This improves heat dissipation during operation. In addition, even the hot air has a peculiar direction inside the room. He creates the kind of curtain over the window, which significantly reduces the degree of heat loss.

permissible characteristics

Each radiator at the time of purchase must meet certain requirements. Thus products must include a working pressure in the range of index 6 to 16 atm, and a high power section, reaching up 212 W. at battery installation on the wall creates a certain load. It will depend on the mass production, which may range from 0.8 to 1.47 kg. And this is only one section. So it pays to be careful, how to choose the heating radiators in the apartment, correctly make a choice of fixed brackets.

If it is selected from aluminum battery, they can place a heat transfer medium with a maximum temperature in 110 degrees. This is particularly important for multi-family homes, where such requirements are not always to be respected by the service organization. Virtually all manufacturers of their products offer a lifetime guarantee, reaching the 25 years old. Everything will depend not only on the material itself, but also the mode of production. But this will be achieved in the case, if all operational requirements are met.

Selection radiators
Types of radiators and parameters

To install the required purchase of certain parameters of the radiator. It must be calculated on the basis of the situation. At the same time it draws attention to the necessary distance from the wall, poles, etc.:

  1. Floor-to-sections maintained distance 10-15 cm.
  2. Installing reflective screen on the wall behind the battery. As a material suitable foam foil. This will improve the heat transfer rate.
  3. Before sill distance should be at least 10 cm.
  4. It is maintained and to wall in 3-4 cm.

Particular attention should be paid pressure, is able to withstand a product of aluminum. If we look at the technical data, as reflected in documents, there there are two readings - operating and crimping. The second indicates the pressure, at which the test. It usually comes to 30-35 atm, sometimes even more. relative to the working, figure normally varies 10-16 atm. Should pay attention, which is not always in the central heating system pressure will be on the same level. This is due to various factors.

If you still have the desire to install aluminum radiators in an apartment with central heating, pre-better to ask, a pressure is applied to the system. But this option is most suitable for the production of independent heating, when you can actually monitor the condition of the pressure and temperature levels. This will stop the selection of radiators for high quality apartments.

Advantages and disadvantages of aluminum

From all this it is possible to make a definite conclusion on the presence of positive and negative qualities of aluminum, if it is used as a material for radiators. Its main qualities are as follows:

  • high efficiency. Rapid heating of the room due to the increased level of heat.Selection radiators
  • the battery can be placed in perfectly anywhere, choosing your own size themselves radiators.
  • fast and easy installation, associated with low weight products. All work can be done with their own hands without the involvement of experts. Will only have to set the brackets to hang sections and connected to the pipeline.
  • Fit into any decor. In addition, there are now a variety of design solutions.
  • Perfect for children's rooms and hallways. Material pretty soft, that does not lead to serious consequences during strikes.
  • These are further thermostat, by which to increase or decrease the heat transfer.

None of the products can not boast exceptionally positive qualities. That's not without its disadvantages, which include:Selection radiators

  • Virtually instantaneous failure of at hydroblows. Similarly, there is a constant change in the pressure level in the system.
  • If you make a poor-quality installation, individual battery will heat up section.
  • Because of the aluminum can be generated within a higher degree of gassing. This has a negative effect on the wall, seams and joints. It is not uncommon occurrence of air pockets in the system.

Even all they talk about the possibility of getting rid of them during operation. And the other negative qualities are acceptable on the background of the positive aspects.

bimetallic radiators

Not everyone knows, What are the radiators to the apartment, described above except. You can select another option, installed in residential areas - bimetallic products. They assigned 1st reliability and durability. In the production process other than aluminum and other alloy used - stainless steel, put into it. This shows the quality of the secret.

It is worth considering, what kind put the battery heating in the apartment. After the steel member makes the whole construction heavier. Thus acquires quality reliability. This makes it possible to cope with a working pressure in the high-rise buildings to the maximum, and opposes waterhammer. The smaller the compounds used during the installation, the higher the quality of the whole structure. Besides, if necessary, may be added to the individual blocks and sections.Selection radiators

Aluminum "enclosure" does not suffer from the heat carrier, which happens more often with aggressive media. If this happened, it would simply collapse under its pressure during operation. In this case, aluminum itself perfectly transfers the heat into the room, further having several channels convectional. A coating of enamel protects the outer surface from scratches and damage. These types of radiators for heating apartments and has quality displays in certain situations negative.

Positive aspects are far more, which manifests itself in excellent heat transfer. At the same time they are able to withstand the pressure, reaching up 50-70 atm. It all works, as opposed to high-value products. Payback is less time, than that of counterparts, and that provides an opportunity to reflect, how to choose a radiator for an apartment.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main disadvantage, which will have to face during installation of the heating system of bimetallic radiators - high cost. But it also reflected significantly on the operational characteristics, do not compare them with iron or aluminum counterparts.

In any case, the right choice of a radiator in a multi-storey apartment - a bimetallic battery.

All positive qualities for this type of radiators in the apartment will be much more, and that is reflected in the increased demand for batteries.

  1. Virtually instantaneous heating of the room due to the presence of aluminum.
  2. The ability to fit into any decor and style of the room.
  3. battery durability due to resistance to coolant.
  4. Easy maintenance during operation.
  5. Easy installation, performed in-house without third parties.
  6. with the ease of transportation.
  7. Perfectly suited for any heating system, including the presence of a central heating. This manifests itself in the resistance to high-pressure, as well as high temperatures.

Outwardly, they practically does not differ from the aluminum counterparts, that will make think, a heating radiator put in the apartment. All will be shown at cost, which will be much higher. No need to strive for discounts and promotions. If the choice is stopped on a bimetallic radiators, purchase better to do in specialized stores, where all the documentation for the products will be presented.

panel radiators

For panel radiators has its own specific classification. Feature is, it is displayed as a numerical value, from which it is already possible to understand, What is the radiator and that it has. So, such as position 22 It indicates a double-row radiator with two convectors, but 30 - triplex with the lack of convector, what are the batteries to heat apartments.

Selection radiators
Types of panel radiators

Panel radiators for apartments differ as impressive possibilities for choosing the product size. They are suitable even for low window and fit in perfectly with any interior room. Its height may be from 30 to 90 cm, and length - 40-300 cm. everything will depend on the final power to heat the room, as well as the ongoing installation space. If necessary, you can use the calculator to calculate the battery type and capacity.

Connecting these radiators made with side or bottom connection. That model will point to a particular embodiment, how to choose the radiators for apartments. Every detail is taken into consideration when making a purchase.

Esteem and negative

Using a panel radiator allows you to set them the best and the worst. It eventually play a role in the selection of specific products in the shop. Among the advantages can be noted:

  1. At the expense of the integrity of the installation of radiators produced in a short time. In addition, it can be done with their own hands. All that is required - to fix them on the wall brackets.Selection radiators
  2. The high degree of heat. It often becomes a major factor in favor of purchasing this particular variant, and not sectioned.
  3. When used in Autonomous heating system manifested economy. This is due to the panels by circulating within a small amount of coolant. Consequently, to reach a certain temperature in the environment will require less energy. If we compare, eg, with cast-iron batteries, the flow rate is less by almost 40 percent.
  4. Safety for children. Upon impact, a radiator, they will not receive serious injuries due to the softness of the metal.
  5. Elegance and style products. There is no need to close them with additional screens.

Relatively minuses can say, that often they are hiding, if approached correctly and wisely. They can turn even the pros, under certain conditions. The central heating system can cause water hammer inside the structure. All pressure differences have a negative impact on the radiators, resulting in damage to and failure of. During the operation, you can think about buying and installing a pressure reducer. So this option is better to buy the battery in the presence of autonomy in heating.

Channels within the radiators are very narrow, which leads to the necessity of buying and pure quality heat carrier. It also strongly shown for central heating of rooms. Narrow channels quickly clogged and will not be able to transfer heat.

At the time of purchase should pay attention to appearance. If modern radiators for apartments will be poorly painted or have a damaging, You can be sure, that soon will appear on the corrosion of the metal. Damage to the metal may occur due to improper transportation.

What to look for

By purchasing products and options of any material, We should pay attention to certain points, to answer, any install radiators in the apartment. Selection radiatorsIt will be easier with panel radiators, as they have been marking tell you about products. In addition to the type of each manufacturer may reflect information about the dimensional parameters. The number of panels will affect the overall thickness. Thus three panels create a thickness in the 15-18 cm, and one - only 6. It is not always better to take two-panel radiators instead of one panel. The fact, that the first part of the back has a capacity of heat transfer order 60-70 percent from the front. There may be different connection type: side or bottom. Besides repair process several different.

By purchasing or aluminum bimetallic radiator, It focuses on certain points, which include:

  • The working pressure in the heating system. For high-rise apartments on 16 floors are suitable only Bimetallic radiators.
  • Weight and structure of each section. The more he, the higher the quality and reliability. The probability of failure at hydroblows minimized. In addition, these walls are able to provide higher heat transfer. Buying light product will not bring the desired result. With the reduction of these parameters are the thickness and weight also reduces the manufacturer.Selection radiators
  • heat transfer agent. Not always able to afford the quality of its use, e.g. aluminum radiators. All data should refer to the nameplate on the product before, how to choose aluminum radiators for an apartment. Acidity of coolant has a negative impact on the internal state of the wall, which leads to the damage and the need to replace sections.
  • Thread. The end of the threaded joints must not be filled with paint. Otherwise, immediately pay attention to other products. On the purity of the compounds will depend on the quality of.
  • Painting. Particular attention is paid to the appearance of each of the heating system of the product. Better to get them when buying packaging and carefully inspect. any nodules, paint roughness, burrs are talking about poor performance during production. Reduce the level of heat transfer and significantly paint layer, which can be felt. Warmest radiators for the apartments should be painted with a thin layer.
  • Vertical Channel. It can be wide or narrow, thick or thin. It is better to pay attention to the thick and wide, that will be combined with a further elevated heat transfer qualities.
  • Documentation. If you already have acquired a new heating system, radiators should be presented by leading manufacturers. At the time of purchase is not superfluous to demand certificates of compliance documents certification test. If you need the company's reputation, he wants to keep it, all this will be in stock. This will vary not only the warranty conditions, as well as places, where there is an appeal in case of breakage. Not every city will be after-sales service.

Paying attention to all these details the acquisition of a particular variant of the radiator for heating system, we can conclude is really high-quality products depending on the particular conditions of use. If you observe all the details and nuances, including the installation, battery can last for over a long period. Not have to think in the future, how to choose the right radiator for apartments.

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