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Heat-measuring devices in the apartment

High utility prices are forcing tenants to install heat meter in an apartment. For all calculations, these devices reduce costs and save money for the family budget. Payments in most cases, is charged according to the established norms, but real consumption is substantially less. Counters help owners pay monthly only on the fact of consumption. The real savings reach 40-50%.

The advantages of using heat meters

Tariffs are established on the basis of averaged indicators of consumption, which are often more than the actual numbers. If you set the heat meter for heating for the apartment, it will be possible to monitor this expenditure and to regulate the temperature in the room at any time of the year.

metering devices will allow each month to take readings and pay for only the amount of, which was used to heat the dwelling.

We draw the attention of consumers, that 2018 , every individual meters must be calibrated with the obligatory submission of the results of the verification of the Federal Information Fund on assurance of measurement when ROSSTANDART. URL

The real benefits of using counters:

  1. Manual or automatic regulation of temperature in the apartment.
  2. Setting the heating system to the specific needs.
  3. Simplified diagnostics and maintenance.

When using counters makes sense to install thermostats to regulate temperature. In addition to the savings they help to create the most comfortable conditions for all family members. This is especially true for spring and autumn, when long kept warm weather.

Outset, that the most profitable option is the use of heat meters when the horizontal layout of pipes with one input and one set of accounting unit. As a rule these are modern buildings.

Procedure-installation-energy meter
The procedure for installing a heat meter in an apartment

Installing heat meter especially not bring savings, but it allows you to control and save a reasonable amount of heat consumed. If simple words: reduction of the room temperature by 1 ° C (This can be done using the thermostat on a radiator) can reduce heating costs by 5-6%.

The main types of heat meter

The design features and the type depends on how much the meter for heating. The apartments are usually used more than one device, and a set of. It consists of the following elements:

  • thermal sensors.
  • electronic components, counts the number of heat energy consumption.
  • devices, controlling the flow rate and pressure.

supplied is adjusted for each object individually. Professionals need to perform calculations and assess the condition of the heating system, counters to work properly.

On the application of accounting tools are divided into two main types:

  • Brownies (set a private home or commercial facility).
  • apartment (calculated individually on some hosts in an apartment house).

In private homes the system often is complex and ramified, therefore required sensors and other devices a set. On this depends the value of the counter for heating in the apartment for a long period of operation.

The principle of operation is dependent on the design features. They are divided into several main varieties:

  • electromagnetic.
  • mechanical.
  • ultrasound.
  • vortex.

They have the technical features and characteristics, suitable for certain applications. Devices to cope with the tasks in full in homes or other facilities.

Design features metering devices

Modern counters on the radiators in the apartment are connected, depending on the type of. Heat flow measurement is carried out in several ways - turbocharged, or electromagnetic eddy.

Design features metering devices:

  • Passageway small diameter - no more than 20 mm.
  • Heat Measuring range - from 0,6 to 2,5 m3/time.
  • Heating medium - water.

Such devices are often found in apartments, where owners want to measure the consumption of heat energy. Utilities often the temperature is brought up to standards, but require payment in full. Payment heating in the apartment on the counter will help save money.

Scheme Fitting Fitting heat meter
Scheme Fitting Fitting

All the necessary calculations manages to obtain due to the interaction of two elements:

  • thermal energy calculator.
  • Counter hot water consumption.

Together they help to obtain the necessary data. Devices are installed on the heating system without any complex manipulation.

Work principles

Many are beginning to use heat meters on the heating in the apartment, How does such a system is not all clear. The principle of operation can be described as follows::

  1. Thermal computer is connected to the water meter.
  2. The temperature sensor is connected via two wires to the calculator.
  3. Wires are connected to the supply pipeline and withdrawing.
  4. The device records the amount of coolant flowing (water).
  5. Heat meter produces heat consumption calculation.

The principle of operation of the device based on the temperature difference Registered incoming and outgoing coolant. As a result, it manages to learn, how much energy is received directly on the heat sink. Techniques fully tested, therefore give accurate results with an error of no more than 1-2%.

To get the most accurate results, it is important to choose the right and connect the equipment.

Experts install heat meters in an apartment with a vertical wiring, and connect all the devices properly. These additional counter attached to the existing water metering device, and using the temperature sensors to the existing wire line.

The principle of operation of the heat meter

work especially:

  • Taking into account the volume of hot water, entering the heating system.
  • Fixed temperature in the incoming and outgoing pipe.
  • Calculate the amount of heat, which received radiator.

This is the easiest way to find out the volume of heat consumption. Specialists should be checked, how much heat meter for apartments, meets all standards.

Electromagnetic heat meters

Electromagnetic heat meters - one of the most convenient and accurate instrument for large apartment buildings. The principle of operation is based on electromagnetic induction. Inside the device are magnets, creating a magnetic field, through which, in turn, passes the heating medium. Since water is an insulator, the electric current is generated. The higher the speed of the fluid passageway, the stronger the current. Special devices are fixed the indicator and calculated heat volumes.

Electromagnetic produce heat meters calculating heat capacity and thermal energy on the basis of data of a volume flow and the volume of coolant, temperatures on the forward and return flow with the specific heat of coolant changes when changing the temperature difference at the inlet and outlet.

TEM-116 electromagnetic energy meter
TEM-116 heat meter electromagnetic microprocessor

The operating principle of an electromagnetic counter:

  1. The basis of the design of the magnets, forming a magnetic field.
  2. When the water passes formed electric current.
  3. Special devices read current characteristics and calculates the volume of fluid, passed through radiators.

The main advantage of the electromagnetic interference is considered to be the minimum in. They do not require significant intervention created by the heating system and do not affect the water pressure in the pipes. The price is quite high electromagnetic heat meter.

Tachometric heat meters

Devices of this type are the most common and affordable. The principle of operation is quite simple, and the basis of design of mechanical impeller. In some cases, a small turbine.

The operating principle of the following:

  1. The device is switched to the heating system.
  2. heat transfer agent (hot water) or passes through the turbine impeller.
  3. The blades begin to move at a certain speed.
  4. Depending on the rotational speed calculated volume of hot water.

Installation of individual heat meters with additional elements is performed in the apartment - pressure gauges and resistance, thermometers and flowmeters. Together they create a system, working for a long time, and taking into account the volumes consumed coolant.

cost mechanical teploschetchima
The cost of mechanical heat meter on site

In mechanical heat meters, there are some disadvantages:

  • The need to use sewage water filters.
  • A noticeable pressure drop (hydraulic losses).
  • Sensitivity quality of the coolant.

Hard water shortens the life of the instrument. Experts recommend installing such elements only in the stable and high pressure systems, that were not noticeable loss.

Prices for apartment heat meter tachometer at http://teplopribor.rf

Devices of this type are sensitive to operating conditions, so it is important to observe all instructions for the installation. In apartment houses additional resistance may occur on heating batteries, affect the accuracy of the final results. Counters are also sensitive to the coolant. A large amount of iron in the water distorts the calculation of the heat for heating an apartment or house.

ultrasonic meters

devices, using an ultrasonic measurement technique, more expensive and complex. They help to comply with the rules on the heating in the apartment, and calculation accuracy is highly. The principle of operation is based on measuring the propagation velocity of ultrasonic waves through the coolant. Counter consists of a transmitter and receiver, which must be properly installed.

  1. The emitter and receiver are placed opposite to each.
  2. Ultrasonic oxen constantly pass through the heat transfer medium in the pipe.
  3. passing speed varies depending on the volume of water.
  4. The instrument automatically calculates flow rate.

On the basis of evidence received manages count the amount of heat energy consumption.

Devices of this type are popular and recommended to the Housing . The design is good because it does not affect the water pressure. The accuracy of measurement remains at a high level, since almost no factors, affecting the characteristics measurement. The only essential requirement is to set a sufficiently long sections of pipeline. The ultrasonic method is sensitive to water quality - the dirt and scale change readings.

Ultrasonic flow meter of the heat meter is in the form of a smooth measuring channel, of the complete receiver and transmitter of the ultrasonic signal, - time of the pulse is fixed calculator for determining the flow and the medium flow rate in the heating system. No moving parts, operational reliability, resistance to pollution, high accuracy measurements at low flow rates - the characteristics of ultrasonic meters for apartment heat metering.

cost teploschetchima ultrozvukovog
Soimost ultrasonic heat meter in store

Price models of ultrasonic heat meters on the heating system is 5-37 thousand. rub.

If you plan to raschototopleniya custom counter in the apartment, you must sign a contract with the utility service. To operate the instrument developed specifications, and the installation is performed by qualified specialists. After installation, the representative of the housing office or the HOA be sealed with metering device, and only in this case, the management company will take evidence.

The cost of residential ultrasonic heat meters at http://teplopribor.rf

How is the calculation of the heat meter in an apartment

To information on the calculation of the amount of payment for heating was more understandable, we look at each method of charging separately, using a particular formula is based on a specific example,. When you select a calculation option, you must pay attention to all components, which define the method of calculating.

calculation №1

At the apartment building is not obschedomovoy (collective) accounting unit, with the calculation of the amount of payment is carried out during the heating season.

If the apartment building is not set obschedomovoy (collective) instrument accounting for heat, calculation of the amount of payment for heating in your apartment (dwelling) during the heating period must be carried by the formula №2 Appendices №2 Regulation, approved by RF Government Decree 06.05.2011 № 354, based:

  • The total area of ​​your apartment;
  • Standard utilities consumption for heating;
  • Heat tariff, approved for your region and provider of this service.

formula №2

Pi = Si x NT x TT,


Si - the total area of ​​your dwelling (apartment);

NT - the specification of utility consumption for heating;

TT - tariff for thermal energy, set for your region and service provider.

example calculation:

On your house no obschedomovoy metering device for heat (heating). The calculation of the amount of payment for heating only during the heating season.

Data for calculation:
  • The total area of ​​the apartment is your 62 square meter (m2);
  • The ratio of consumption of heating for your region is set at 0,02 gigacalorie of 1 square meter of the total area;
  • Tariff for heat for your region and service provider is 1 600 rubles for 1 Gcal.
The fee for heating of your apartment will be calculated as follows:

62 m2 x 0,02 hl x 1 600 rub. = 1984,00 rub.

In this way, payment for heating of your apartment in the months of the heating season will be - 1984,00 rub.

calculation №2

At the apartment building is not obschedomovoy (collective) accounting unit, with the calculation of the amount of payment is carried out evenly throughout the calendar year.

If the apartment building is not set obschedomovoy (collective) instrument accounting for heat, calculation of the amount of payment for heating in your apartment (dwelling) during the calendar year should be carried out according to the formula №2(1) Applications №2 Rules, approved by RF Government Decree 06.05.2011 № 354, based:

  • The total area of ​​your apartment;
  • Standard utilities consumption for heating;
  • Coefficient of periodicity of making consumers pay for utilities for heating;
  • Heat tariff, approved for your region and provider of this service.

formula 2

Pi = Si x (NT x K) x TT,


Si - the total area of ​​your dwelling (apartment);

NT - the specification of utility consumption for heating;

K - coefficient of frequency of making consumers pay for utilities for heating, equal to the number of months of the heating season, including incomplete;

TT - tariff for thermal energy, set for your region and service provider.

It is worth noting, that according to the Decree of the Government of 27 August 2012 №857 value TO - frequency of making consumers pay rate, It is determined by dividing the number of months in a year of the heating period the number of calendar months in a year. In this case, charging for public services for heating is provided in each accounting period of the calendar year.

example calculation:

On your house no obschedomovoy metering device for heat (heating). The calculation of the amount of payment for heating is produced during the calendar year.

  • the total area of ​​your apartment 62 square meter;
  • standard of consumption for heating for your region is set at 0,02 gigacalorie of 1 square meter of the total area;
  • tariff for thermal energy for your region and service provider is 1 600 rubles for 1 Gcal;
  • periodicity factor making consumers pay is 0,583 (i.e, the number of months of the heating season in your region - 7 months should be divided by the number of months in a year - 12 months: 7 / 12 = 0,583).
The fee for heating of your apartment will be calculated as follows:

62 m2 x (0,02 hl x 0,583) x 1 600 rub. = 1156,67 rub.

In this way, payment for heating of your apartment will be monthly during the entire calendar year be - 1156,67 rub.

calculation №3

At the apartment house is set obschedomovoy (collective) accounting unit, Not all residential and non-residential premises are equipped with individual metering devices for heat, calculation of the amount of payment is carried out only during the heating season.

If the apartment building is set obschedomovoy (collective) instrument accounting for heat, and not all residential and non-residential premises are equipped with individual priboramir accounting for heat, calculation of the amount of payment for heating in your apartment (dwelling) during the heating season should be carried out according to the formula of Annex №2 №3 Rules, approved by RF Government Decree 06.05.2011 № 354, based:

  • Volume of thermal energy, certain indications of the device registration obschedomovogo;
  • The total area of ​​your apartment;
  • The total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment house;
  • Heat tariff, approved for your region and provider of this service.

formula №3

VD - the volume (quantity) heat, consumed by indications obschedomovogo (collective) accounting unit;

Si - the total area of ​​your apartment;

Sabout - the total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment house;

TT - tariff for thermal energy, set for your region and service provider.

example calculation:

On your house obschedomovoy installed metering device for heat (heating). Individual meters for thermal energy are absent from all areas of an apartment building. The calculation of the amount of payment for heating only during the heating season.

  • The amount of thermal energy, certain indications of accounting device obschedomovogo January 2018 of the year, is 150 gigacalories;
  • The total area of ​​the apartment is your 62 square meters;
  • Total area of ​​residential and non-residential premises, are in the house, is 6 000 square meters;
  • The rate for thermal energy, set for your region and service provider, is 1600 rubles for 1 Gcal.

The fee for heating of your apartment will be calculated as follows:

150 x 62/6000 x 1600 = 2480,00 rub.

In this way, payment for heating of your apartment in January 2018 year will be - 2480,00 rub.

calculation №4

At the apartment house is set obschedomovoy (collective) accounting unit, Not all residential and non-residential premises are equipped with individual metering devices for heat, calculation of the amount of payment evenly over the calendar year.

If the apartment building is set obschedomovoy (collective) instrument accounting for heat, and not all residential and non-residential premises are equipped with individual metering devices for heat, calculation of the amount of payment for heating in your apartment (dwelling) during the heating period must be carried by the formula №3(1) Applications №2 Rules, approved by RF Government Decree 06.05.2011 № 354, based:

  • Average monthly amount of heat energy, consumed for heating, the previous year;
  • The total area of ​​your apartment;
  • Heat tariff, approved for your region and provider of this service.

formula №3

Pi = Si x VT x TT,


Si - the total area of ​​your apartment;

VT - the average amount of thermal energy, consumed for heating purposes in the previous year. This amount is calculated on the basis of indications of accounting device obschedomovogo, which is equipped with a block of flats, the number of months in a year and the total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment house;

TT - tariff for thermal energy, set for your region and service provider.

example calculation:

On your house obschedomovoy installed metering device for heat (heating). Individual meters for thermal energy is not installed in all the rooms of an apartment building. The calculation of the amount of payment for heating only during the calendar year.

  • The amount of thermal energy, defined by indications of accounting device obschedomovogo 2016 year, is 750 gigacalories;
  • Total area of ​​residential and non-residential premises, are in the house, is 6 000 square meters;
  • The total area of ​​the apartment is your 62 square meters;
  • The rate for thermal energy, set for your region and service provider, is 1600 rubles for 1 Gcal.

The fee for heating of your apartment will be calculated as follows:

First of all, It calculated the average amount of thermal energy for the previous year:

750 Gkl / 12 months / 6000 m2 = 0,011 Gkl.

Then calculated the monthly payment for heating 2018 year:

62 m2 x 0,011 x 1600 = 1091,20 rub.

In this way, payment for heating of your apartment per month throughout 2018 year will be - 1091,20 rub.

It should be noted, that when calculating the amount of payment so, ie using average monthly readings obschedomovogo unit accounting for the previous year, in the first quarter of the year following the settlement, you must make adjustments to the amount of payment.

It means, in the first quarter 2018 year you will be making additional charge or cancellation fee depending on the actual display device obschedomovogo accounting for 2018 year.

Adjustment of the amount of payment in this case is based on a formula №3(2) based:

  • The amount of payment on the basis of indications obschedomovogo unit accounting for the accounting year;
  • The total area of ​​your apartment;
  • The total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment house;
  • The total amount of payment for thermal energy for the previous year of your apartment.

formula №3(2)


Pkipr - the amount of payment for utility services for heating, defined on the basis of readings of collective (obschedomovogo) accounting unit, installed in an apartment building, over the past year;

Si - the total area of ​​your apartment;

Sabout - the total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment house;

Pfn.i - the total amount of payment for utility services for heating in your apartment for the past year.

EXAMPLE calculating corrections:

  • The amount of thermal energy, defined by indications of accounting device obschedomovogo 2018 year, is 850 gigacalories.
  • Total area of ​​residential and non-residential premises, are in the house, is 6 000 square meters.
  • The total area of ​​the apartment is your 62 square meters.
  • The rate for thermal energy, set for your region and service provider, is 1600 rubles for 1 Gcal.
  • The fee for heating for the previous year of your apartment 1091,20 rub. x 12 months = 13094,40 rub.

The calculation of the size adjustment is as follows:

850 hl x 1600 rub. = 1 360 000 rub. - the amount of payment for the heating of your home for all 2018 year on the testimony of metering devices obschedomovogo.

1 360 000 x 62 / 6000 – 13 094,40 rub. = 958,93 rub.

So amount 958,93 rub. subject to any assessed by your apartment in the first quarter 2018 of the year, as the actual accrued amount for 2018 year less the amount of payment, certain indications of the device registration obschedomovogo.

It is worth noting, if the total amount of payment, defined by actual readings obschedomovogo metering device will be less, what were you accrued during the billing year, in the first quarter of the month following the settlement you will have to number for this service, that is, to reduce the board size.

for example, for all of the same indicators in the example above, change the amount of fees 2018 year on the basis of the indications of the device registration obschedomovogo. It will be equal 700 Gkl.

Then adjusting the amount of payment will be as follows:

700 hl x 1600 rub. = 1 120 000 rub. - the amount of payment for the heating of your home for all 2018 year on the testimony of metering devices obschedomovogo.

1 120 000 rub. x 62 m2 / 6000 m2 - 13 094,40 rub. = – 1521,07 rub.

Amount to decrease the amount of payment according to the adjustment of your apartment will be 1521,07 rub.

calculation №5

To calculate the amount of payment for utility services for heating at the apartment building equipment obschedomovyh (collective) meters and the individual in all residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building used one formula when calculating the amount of payment for heating in the heating period and the calculation of the amount of payment for the entire calendar year.

To calculation was clearer analyze each case separately.

so, order and an example of the calculation of the amount of payment for heating only during the heating season.

At the apartment house is set obschedomovoy (collective) accounting unit, all residential and non-residential premises are equipped with individual metering devices for heat, calculation of the amount of payment for heating only during the heating season.

If the apartment building is set obschedomovoy (collective) instrument accounting for heat, and all residential and non-residential premises are equipped with individual metering devices for heat, calculation of the amount of payment for heating in your apartment (dwelling) during the heating season should be carried out according to the formula №3(3) Applications №2 Rules, approved by RF Government Decree 06.05.2011 № 354, based:

  • Volume of thermal energy, opredlenii on the testimony of your individual meters;
  • Volume of thermal energy, consumed by indications obschedomovogo metering devices in all rooms, with the exception of thermal energy, consumed in all residential and commercial premises;
  • The total area of ​​your apartment;
  • The total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment house;
  • Heat tariff, approved for your region and provider of this service.

formula №3(3)


Vin - the volume (quantity) consumed during the billing period in your apartment heat, defined by the testimony of the individual or general (apartment) accounting unit.

Vior - the volume (quantity) heat, provided for the billing period in the apartment house, equipped with collective (obschedomovyh) unit of heat energy, except to the extent (quantity) heat, consumed in all residential or non-residential premises in an apartment house, which is defined by the formula:


Vd - the volume (quantity) consumed during the billing period in an apartment house heat, some indications of a collective (obschedomovogo) accounting unit,

Si - the total area of ​​your apartment;

Sabout - the total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment house;

TT - tariff for thermal energy, established in accordance with Russian legislation.

example calculation:

On your house obschedomovoy installed metering device for heat (heating). Individual meters for heat set in all areas of an apartment building. The calculation of the amount of payment for heating is produced during the heating season.

  • The amount of thermal energy, consumed by your apartment in January 2018 year is 1,2 Gkl.
  • The amount of thermal energy, certain indications of accounting device obschedomovogo January 2018 year, is 65 gigacalories.
  • The amount of thermal energy, consumed in all residential and non-residential premises in January 2018 of the year, is 53 Gkl, according to the testimony of individual meters.
  • Total area of ​​residential and non-residential premises, are in the house, is 6 000 square meters.
  • The total area of ​​the apartment is your 62 square meters.
  • The rate for thermal energy, set for your region and service provider, is 1600 rubles for 1 Gcal.

The fee for heating of your apartment in January 2018 the year will be calculated as follows:

First of all, calculated amount of thermal energy, provided for the billing period in the apartment house, except heat volume, consumed in all residential or non-residential premises in an apartment house, ie, the value -

65 Gkl - 53 Gkl = 12 Gkl.

Then calculated the payment for heating in January 2018 till your apartment:

(1,2 Gkl + 12 hl x 62 m2 / 6000 m2) x 1600 rub. = 2118,40 rub.

In this way, payment for heating of your apartment in January 2018 will amount to - 2118,40 rub.

And now, order and an example of the calculation of the amount of payment for heating during the calendar year.

At the apartment house is set obschedomovoy (collective) accounting unit, all residential and non-residential premises are equipped with individual metering devices for heat, calculation of the amount of payment for heating is available throughout the calendar year.

If the apartment building is set obschedomovoy (collective) instrument accounting for heat, and all residential and non-residential premises are equipped with individual metering devices for heat, calculation of the amount of payment for heating in your apartment (dwelling) during the calendar year should be carried out according to the formula №3(3) Applications №2 Rules, approved by RF Government Decree 06.05.2011 № 354, based:

  • Average monthly amount of heat energy, particular on the testimony of your individual meters for the previous year;
  • Average monthly amount of heat energy, consumed by indications obschedomovogo metering devices in all rooms, with the exception of thermal energy, consumed in all residential and commercial premises, the previous year;
  • The total area of ​​your apartment,
  • The total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment house;
  • Heat tariff, approved for your region and provider of this service.

formula №3(3)


Vin - the volume (quantity) consumed during the billing period in your apartment heat, defined on the basis of monthly readings of your individual or general (apartment) Instruments of the calculation for the previous year.

Vior - the volume (quantity) heat, provided for the billing period in the apartment house, equipped with collective (obschedomovyh) unit of heat energy, except to the extent (quantity) heat, consumed in all residential or non-residential premises in an apartment house, which is defined by the formula:


Vd - the volume (quantity) consumed during the billing period in an apartment house heat, defined based on the monthly readings collective (obschedomovogo) accounting unit, the previous year;

Si - the total area of ​​your apartment;

Sabout - the total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment house;

TT - tariff for thermal energy, established in accordance with Russian legislation.

example calculation:

On your house obschedomovoy installed metering device for heat (heating). Individual meters for heat set in all areas of an apartment building. The calculation of the amount of payment for heating is produced during the calendar year.

  • The amount of thermal energy, consumed by your apartment based on the monthly readings of your individual meters for the previous year is 0,7 Gkl.;
  • The amount of thermal energy, as determined by the monthly average readings of metering devices obschedomovogo previous year, is 44 Gcal;
  • The amount of thermal energy, consumed in all residential and commercial premises is 40 Gkl, based on the monthly readings of individual metering devices for the previous year;
  • Total area of ​​residential and non-residential premises, are in the house, is 6 000 square meters.
  • The total area of ​​the apartment is your 62 square meters;
  • The rate for thermal energy, set for your region and service provider, is 1600 rubles for 1 Gcal.

The fee for heating of your apartment per month throughout the calendar year will be calculated as follows:

First of all, calculated amount of thermal energy, provided for the billing period in the apartment house, except heat volume, consumed in all residential or non-residential premises in an apartment house, ie, the value -

44 Gkl - 40 Gkl = 4 Gkl.

Then calculated the monthly payment for heating of your apartment:

(0,7 Gkl + 4 hl x 62 m2 / 6000 m2) x 1600 rub. = 1186,13 rub.

In this way, payment for heating of your apartment will be monthly during the settlement year be - 1186,13 rub.

It should be noted, that when calculating the amount of payment so, ie using average monthly readings obschedomovogo and individual meters for the previous year, in the first quarter of the year following the settlement, you must make adjustments to the amount of payment.

It means, what, eg, in the first quarter 2019 year you will be making additional charge or cancellation fee depending on the actual display obschedomovogo and individual meters for 2018 year.

Adjustment of the amount of payment in this case is based on a formula №3(4) based:

  • The amount of payment based on actual readings of general building and individual meters for the billing year;
  • The amount of payment based on the average monthly volume of general building and individual meters, calculated for the year.

formula №3(4)

Ri = Pkpi - Pnpi,


Rkpi - the fee for thermal energy, consumed over the past year in your apartment, defined by the formula 3(3) based on the testimony of your individual or general (apartment) instrument recording and reading of the collective (obschedomovogo) unit of thermal energy.

Rnpi - the fee for thermal energy, accrued over the past year for your apartment, defined by the formula 3(3) on the basis of the average monthly consumption of thermal energy for the previous year.

EXAMPLE calculating corrections:

  • The fee for thermal energy, consumed by your apartment based on actual readings of individual and general building (collective) metering devices for the year is 14 000 rub.;
  • The fee for thermal energy, consumed by your apartment based on the monthly readings of individual and general building (collective) metering devices for the year is 13 000 rub.

The calculation of the size adjustment is as follows:

14 000 rub. – 13 000 rub. = 1 000 rub.

So amount 1 000 rub. subject to any assessed by your apartment in the first quarter 2019 of the year, as the actual accrued amount for 2018 year less the amount of payment, particular on the testimony of the individual and general building metering.

It is worth noting, if the total amount of payment, defined by the actual indications of individual and general building metering devices will be less, what were you accrued during the billing year, in the first quarter of the month following the settlement you will have to number for this service, that is, to reduce the board size.

for example, for all of the same indicators in the example above, change the amount of fees 2018 year on the basis of individual reading and general building unit accounting. It will be equal 11 500 rub.

Then adjusting the amount of payment will be as follows:

11 500 rub. – 13 000 rub. = 1 500 rub.

Amount to reduce the size of payment for heating in accordance with the adjustment of your apartment will be 1 500 rub.

Video collection on the subject of heat meters





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