Arranging concrete screed, we are not only available irregularities and errors of the base, but also create an excellent platform for flooring flooring of any kind. Coping with the assembling work can each. It's enough to stock up on all the necessary equipment and material, depending on the type of concrete screed. Filling is performed as soon as possible and does not require much knowledge in this area.
types ties
Kinds of ties there is a huge amount of. They all differ from one another according to various criteria. It is worth paying attention to the most basic of them:
- Apparatus concrete tie with a layer of damp-proofing. Suitable for rooms with high humidity levels (restroom, kitchen, bathroom). Even large volumes of liquid are not afraid, if you get on the floor. But we must not forget with a waterproofing layer.
- knitted tie. In great demand because of the simplicity of the device. Sufficient to pour the solution on top of the ceiling and its razravnyat evenly over the entire area of the apartment. In addition, you need not do anything.
- With additional filling layer. When using such floor materials, as laminate or linoleum, no harm will be done filler layer arranged on top of a concrete floor screed. This will prevent deformation of the material after laying and in the presence of even slight irregularities on the basis of.
- With a layer of insulation. His suits on top of the soil, until that moment, how to pour a floor apartment. This option is suitable for the demarcation of ties basements of residential, as well as other, who have their own heating system.
Each specific variant implies a certain choice of material and tools for. To this should be approached individually, to accomplish everything according to technology. To decide on the, a floor poured in the apartment, It is premature, to know about, pour a mixture of floors in the apartment.
Materials and tools
Before, how to make a concrete floor screed, should consider another very important issue - the better to fill the floor. The market offers a huge number of mixes, which are used in the work. Often, their main components are gypsum and cement. Each option has its own characteristics, and characteristics, than, and differ from each other.
Besides customary to add sand, polymers. Last created to give the finished solution of certain qualities (frost-resistance, humidity, plastic, strength, etc.). We should not forget about water. But its amount should be careful. Excess water will make solution more fluid, but on the strength you can think, as it significantly reduced. But a smaller volume should not be allowed into the solution, otherwise the surface will crumble. Should strictly follow the proportions and technology, how to fill the screed in the apartment, to get a positive result.
All preparations and kneading of the solution can not be executed, If the hand is not a necessary tool, to which the number is accepted to:
- Concrete mixer.
- Bucket or other vessel for mixing.
- Water and building level, laser level.
- Drill adapter.
- ruler, roulette, pencil.
- rule, Master OK, putty knife.
But this is not an exhaustive list, that will be useful in the work, when the device is carried out a concrete floor screed. Everything will depend on the particular type of work and requirements.
Determination of thickness
Before, how to pour the floors concrete screed in the apartment, it is necessary to think about its thickness. This is a very important indicator, who will be responsible not only for the quality and durability, but also for the amount for the purchase of materials cost. At this rate, will be influenced by certain factors, among which the most basic:
- The need and hydro insulation layer.
- Surface, ground, specific type (floor slab, priming, et al.).
- The required strength of the finished embodiment screed.
In determining the thickness of the screed, special attention should be paid to, let's, standards for roof load. In addition, all external loads (walking, furniture, interior) should not have a negative pressure on the suits tie.
All project documentation, if this new structure, It must have an indication of the permissible thickness of screed. When the old coating is removed and a new travel along, but it is necessary to adhere to the previous settings. usually arranged on cement thickness in the apartment 25-80 mm. can not be less than, but also no longer recommended. Everything must be within normal limits, to obtain the desired technical characteristics and properties.
Cement is best to use minimum grade M400. But everything else will depend on the situation and the particular type of work on pouring floor in a flat with their hands. Thickness will indicate the amount of material required for installation, I make the appropriate calculations.
Detailed video, how is it possible to make a thin layer of cement screed using tile adhesive as a binder.
basic actions
If you want to know about, how to pour the floors in the apartment with his hands, it is necessary to perform a sequence of several basic steps. The first and overriding is to prepare the surface for subsequent work. Do not be amiss to draw on the assistance assistant, which all will be much faster and better.
For pouring the concrete floor of the apartment is suitable not only to a new ground of the plates overlap, but the old surface. Even wooden floor can be filled with a solution prepared. It is important to know all the subtleties and nuances, how to fill the screed floor apartment. The new building is much easier, because it will be sufficient to remove large debris and vacuum the surface. Several complications may occur when pouring the floor with reinforcement on the old paint.
When the substrate is not cleaved, lagging elements, crumbling, it should only cover a primer layer, or two, then proceed to the next step. All significant damage, potholes and even convexity must be eliminated. Only in this case it can be qualitatively pour concrete floors in the apartment. There will need to take an additional tool to eliminate such defects. All the pieces are removed from the old floor of the jobsite. When this is done, you are ready to spray primer.
After that, as the base is covered with a layer of primer to the beginning of floor fills sand with cement should be given time before it is completely dry.
More advice from the experts, you can get into the case, when mounted concrete floors with strengthened top layer on a wooden base. If it is not respected technology, it starts with the floor to crack within a short time. We'll have to start all over from the beginning.
Available boards from rot fungus or spoiled, mold, should be replaced by new. In places of joints of boards processed putty, with foam or, such as sealant. Everything will depend on the capabilities of.
After that, all the boards are covered paint, having properties to protect the surface from excessive moisture. We can not forget about a waterproofing layer. In that order, and perform all actions on the screed in the apartment.

In a separate category allocated primer. In the presence of vegetation, it should be removed entirely. After that a certain thickness or expanded clay sand fall asleep. Important step tamping of the material prior to filling solution. When the screed is carried out in the bathroom, have to worry about carrying out communications and pipes in the room.
additional layers
The floor can be warmed in different ways. Most wanted - a bed of expanded clay. But you should pay attention, that this material is suitable for private households. For apartments the best option - foam. Such layer insulation layer in the device must have sufficient stiffness level, to meet all the requirements.
No reason should not be exposed to excessive moisture. This leads to the emergence of negative factors, premature failure of materials and all ties in general. Help protect the base of roofing material. An alternative to perform polyethylene film of sufficient thickness. Overlap each successive layer of material should be at least 15 cm. Do not forget about the overlap on the walls and decorative elements in the room. There will be enough 10 cm. Subsequently, after a floor screed in apartment, excess parts waterproofing material removed by knife stationery. If the active layer begins to be joined with paved tubes, additional sealant is used for better quality.
Waterproofing layer should be mandatory in bathrooms, in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Other rooms they are settling for better protection against moisture from the basement.
The reinforcement can act as an additional layer. On the concrete floor grid fit just right. She must have small cells, if placed on primer. Running mesh of metal and is a part for casting floors. We can take special wires as an alternative. Everything will depend not only on the area of premises, but also on other installation features.
exhibiting lighthouses
If you need to get an answer to that, how to fill the screed in the apartment, should adhere to the technology. It should go along with the performer at each stage. It is important to exert maximum effort and patience, to get the desired result.
First of all proceed to markup. It is determined by the zero level. To do this, draw a horizontal line, which will be the base. It is measured by the distance (vertically) to the floor every 40-50 cm. Subtracted from the obtained smallest thickness of the screed. The result should be noted toward the floor from baseline, after which all the points are interconnected. The resulting horizontal line will be considered as zero level. You can then proceed to the next step - fixing based on beacons.
Lighthouses there are many ways and options, as well as materials. If this screed in the apartment, then the best option would be rail. They should be distributed evenly throughout the room. That is what will allow us to answer the, how to fill the screed in the apartment with his hands properly.
Beacons are attached to a solution of, which is placed on the base. If you need additional fixation - screws used in the work. Location of the first rail - a distance of about 20-25 see from the far wall of the room from the entrance. All of the following elements are mounted in steps 100-120 cm. All will depend on the instrument used for screeding. It must be greater than the pitch of at least 15-20 cm.
The process of filling
To fill the need to find the right proportions of concrete to fill the floor. But not to think about it, easier to buy a ready-made blend and add the required amount of water. To do this, there is an instruction from the manufacturer, which is displayed on each package. You can easily choose a suitable structure for. It will not keep thinking about, the better to fill the floors in apartment. The optimum content of the mixture required for floor screed filling components.
When large amounts of space, the concrete can be ordered ready-made, which will bring the right time. Dry concrete screed is needed during long-term performance of works. The necessary amount of water is added and it is used as intended.
Pouring the solution is carried out on the exposed beacons. When this is taken into account during, during which the solution starts to set. Basically it is problematic already after one hour the mixture was leveled on the surface.
Do not add water to the solution, which began to dry out or already dry. All the characteristics of operation of the process immediately reduced, and can disappear at all.
The process of filling is as follows:
- Initially, there is shading between those beacons, are removed as much as possible from the entrance.
- leveling occurs. For this purpose, usually. Do not be amiss to take a level to check the level of the solution on the basis of. If the concrete is not to be missed, it should be added in the right amount. Do not be afraid to shell out more solution, than relying. All surpluses are cleaned and tightened to the entrance without problems.
- Further shading occurs in a similar manner.
Removal of beacons occurs later day after installation. The formed voids are sealed with ease solution. These are all items prompt, how to fill the screed floor apartment.
Finally satisfied smoothing of concrete floors. It is performed only, when the solution is completely dry. As a special equipment is used grinder. Any topcoat can be laid on the receiving surface without restrictions.
This indicates, that there are no difficulties and problems in the, how to fill the floor of the apartment. Installation takes a minimum of time, especially in the case, if there are helpers. Important, so that when the floor is poured proportion observed at the proper level. To get a quality concrete mix for floor screed - it is better to buy ready-mixed, to which is added the desired amount of water.
Technology does not stand still. Now, there are enough components, that contribute to a better solution for quality and durability. Instead of the usual reinforced fiber of the mesh used. It weighs much less, and the ductility increases significantly.
When sander grouting aid can be effected with an area of the base 50 m2 In one hour. It takes very little time, but the importance of the stage of the Great.