the main / Floor / Leveling the floor / Cement strainer / The use of sand concrete for floor screed

The use of sand concrete for floor screed

When the device subfloor often use such material, how peskobeton. He has a lot of qualities, distinguish it from other similar materials. Basic properties longer manifested by the addition of the modifying agents and plasticisers.


During question time repairs in an apartment or after you check in the new building of, how to correctly and advantageous to arrange a surface for subsequent flooring planks. In this case, sand concrete for floor screed suitable for sure. Despite the somewhat higher cost, quality and ability to withstand mechanical loads increase. The composition includes components such peskobeton, as:

  • Plasticizers and other synthetic substances.
  • Sand.
  • Portland.

    Application peskobeton
    properties peskobeton

Each of them creates certain properties and qualities, allowing to receive and come to the desired result. In addition, changing the consistency of the finished solution, required for filling floor screed. They are able to enhance the ability to withstand more loads more, temperature changes and other negative aspects of the environment in the room. Besides peskobeton arranged different fractions of sand. It gives the name him as a fine or coarse.

If the room, which runs the floor screed, It has a specific microclimate, the ordinary cement is not optimal for this. In this case, it may suffer and reinforcing screed due ingress of moisture into solution even after drying.

For peskobeton characteristic properties such, as a great confrontation low temperatures, as well as a significant impact from the outside. Moreover, the moisture is not terrible for him, that allows the use of such material in the respective areas. It is for this reason, you should familiarize yourself not only with its many positive aspects,, but also possible disadvantages, might encounter, If we fill the floor peskobeton.

Advantages and disadvantages

Selection will depend on the mixture manifested pluses. Experts prefer it peskobeton, as it is known for such qualities:

  1. Long service life after installation.
  2. The ability to withstand temperature fluctuations in the room.
  3. The solution is prepared at one time and no special knowledge is not required here from artist.
  4. Resistance to corrosion processes.
  5. frost-resistance.
  6. The properties of heat and sound insulation at a high level.

When choosing a particular embodiment the mixture should pay attention not only to the components and ingredients, but also to cement brand.

When the work is done on their own, without the involvement of specialists, should pay attention to the possible difficulties and shortcomings. With these faces practically every beginning builder.

  • Cement mixtures are somewhat less, than sand concrete for floor screed.
  • The characteristics and properties of the solution in the draft reduces the floor, if poor quality produce kneading the final mixture. This also influences the deviation from the sequence of execution of works and the addition of the various components.
  • Uniformity is difficult to determine in the event that, if the work is not used special tools and equipment. It only causes additional costs for installation.

These disadvantages arise for the sole reason, that perform floor screed technology is not observed at the initial stage. Generally, the base strength and quality is obtained significantly better, than with conventional cement screed.

types peskobeton

The quality peskobeton greatly influences brand of cement used. He might be:

  • M150. Used for cladding works, laying device, leveling floor surface (defects).Application peskobeton
  • M300. Suitable not only for the foundation, but also sub-floor.
  • M500. All activities can be carried out using sand concrete with the cement brand. It is the most excellent and high-quality option.

With regard to the last of cement, then there is little of it who applies for other purposes due to the high cost of. The most optimum variant - M300, with sufficient qualities and properties. On it you can talk more in detail due to the active use of the.

M300 Features

Fill the floor peskobeton M300 produced mostly. The solution after cooking becomes quite dense. It can be used not only for interior repair, but also external. Application peskobetonAfter everything he is not afraid of precipitation, low temperatures, especially if the composition has appropriate supplements. If there is a zero temperature after installation, the solidification process will take a minimum amount of time.

After pouring the solution has properties independently distributed over the surface. Of course, This should help rule or spatula, but the result will please everyone. Financial costs, even at significant expense will be minimal. Price of peskobeton M300 is acceptable.

Stage performance screed

There are three basic steps, which should be followed, when a dry screed peskobeton:

  1. Preliminary. Preparations work surfaces.
  2. Preparatory. Events with mixtures and proportions solution.
  3. Main. The process of filling.

Each stage deserves attention and requires a detailed description of, to thoroughly understand all the subtleties and tricks from the experts.


To start should not only remove all the debris, then vacuumed, but to cement the cracks, potholes solution, get rid of the protruding elements. May be invisible places, but it is very suspicious. To do this, they should be to tap, to determine the void. If time does not notice flaking of concrete under a future tie, then problems will arise in the future much more.

Future screed must be marked. This helps Laser Level. If the funds do not allow, will not work and the water level. Of floor slabs is determined by the horizontal line of all premises, where the works. Distance is taken about 1 m. Exposed point subsequently interconnected. This will be zero, further serves to align all parameters.Application peskobeton

Further there is a determination of the highest and the lowest point in relation to the floor. The thickness of the screed must be at least 2 cm. When using the insulation layer - at least 4 cm. Upon learning of these parameters it is possible to calculate the required amount of solution to work.

When applied peskobeton, floor screed in the apartment turns strong and durable. But that the level of adhesion to the surface was at a high level, base is lubricated with a roller primer layer. Where necessary, the layers can be few.

For quality performance fill, should prepare the surface and do not forget about the installation of beacons along the perimeter of the room. The best option serve galvanized slats. In the following will be much easier to pull rule on them the solution. Application peskobetonThey laid out the window to the front door and initially along the long wall. The optimal length of slats is 2.5 m. Everything else has to be adjusted to match the area of ​​the premises. To make sure, that beacons are set correctly, Use the right and the level of.

If the beacons are stacked in a plaster solution, it should be remembered that, that before pouring the solution should be given time to dry completely. Laying on gypsum spanking is done progressively, vtalkivaya beacons in masonry.

Pouring the solution

This stage floor screed in the room should be done within one day for each room. This will avoid the appearance of transitions on the floor, as well as the joints between the rows of flooded.

There are many options for sand concrete floor screed, which is better, must be determined individually depending on the work carried out and the customer's wishes. M300 is most often used due to low cost and superior performance. The composition of the mixture required components are included, to give a final solution resistance to temperature changes in the room, low temperatures, improve the strength and plasticity. Mixture packed in bags 40 or 50 kg.Application peskobeton

Mixing of the solution is carried out in a plastic bucket or other container, that is available. Qualitative mixing achieved using the perforator with a nozzle. The amount of water - 30% of the dry mixture. For high-quality solution initially need to add less water, and only then with stirring to monitor the state, adding it to the extent necessary. After closure should allow the mixture to stand for about 15 minutes. During this time, all of the components, included in the, dissolve.

Pouring the solution starts at the far corner of the room, from the walls and up to the nearest located lighthouses. Not poured the right amount, and more, which is subsequently stretched to the entrance of using rules.

After that, both performed floor fill peskobeton, solution should infuse. Not everyone knows about, the amount of time required to complete drying. Everything will depend on the room temperature, humidity level. after 3-4 day, you can move without problems on it. Complete drying is achieved through 3-4 weeks after the completion of the work. This indicates, that you are ready to deck flooring of any kind.Application peskobeton

Best sand concrete for floor screed will be such, which is suitable for achieving the desired objectives. Each mark corresponds to a certain period of drying, a particular job. Is not superfluous to consult in the shop, what and how to choose the best for a particular room. Only after the purchase of the required amount of sand concrete can proceed to pouring the floor screed in the apartment. In addition, the alignment of the sand concrete floor is very simple and does not require much knowledge in this area of ​​construction.


Topical issue remains on consumption peskobeton to perform sex casting. After all, it is necessary to immediately determine the order, how much to spend funds on materials, so as not to be distracted by a trip to the store. secrete factors, that affect it:

  • Thickness performed screed.
  • The floor covering or floor finish appearance finish.
  • The difference between the minimum and maximum levels subfloor.

There are established guidelines, that relate to pre-mixes. Per square meter of floor space each will take us about 60 kg peskobeton. There is taken into account the middle layer of screed - 30 mm. To reduce costs for large thickness of the floor, It can be used expanded clay. It will have to buy for each 1 cm thickness 0.01 m3. One bag of this material - execution layer on an area of ​​the room 5 m2.

The proportions of components of the mixture must comply with generally accepted standards. You can not deviate from them, if you want to get a positive result. Durability is not achieved with a small amount of cement, and the cracks begin to appear when a great attitude to the sand. So that optimally would be to buy ready-mixed sand concrete and it add the required amount of water.






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