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The use and choice of latex paint

Latex paint is a new universal method of decorative decoration both inside, and outside. It has a large number of positive properties, which makes it popular for painting almost all the elements in the construction of, repair or reconstruction:

Scope of latex paint
Scope of latex paint
  • The walls are made of wood, plastered, brick, Concrete.
  • The ceilings are made of wood (DSP, Fibreboard, plasterboard, putty, foam panels and plinth).
  • facades (outer wall decoration of any material other than metal).
  • Decorative plaster finish.

Quality latex paint

Scope latex paints due to its properties and qualities:

  1. Latex paint for walls, ceilings and other surfaces easily made the call in any color.
  2. Resistance to both low, and high temperature (from -20 to 30-40 ° C).
  3. Uniformly applied with a roller and with good average pile fur.
  4. It has excellent water dispersion properties, which allows to dilute it with plain water.
  5. Lack of odor and environmental friendliness.
  6. Does not burn.
  7. Antiseptic and antifungal properties.
  8. Resistant to weather and mechanical influences.

Just like any other finishing material, acrylic or latex paint is not very positive feature. It can not be kolirovana in bright saturated color, such as butyric. it is also less resistant to wet environments. Recently, manufacturers have been able to improve the quality of, is included in the more solid resins and special hardeners.

The use of acrylic paint in a humid environment
The use of acrylic paint in a humid environment

Types of latex paint

Latex latex gets its name because of the chemical composition and its production method. Depending on this, one can distinguish the following types of paints:

  • acrylic;
  • PVA;
  • butadienstirolynыe;
  • akrilosilikonovye.

All these chemical names polymers, included in the paint, which are usually given in small print on the package in a remote place. It depends on them properties and application material. Usually when choosing draws attention to the inscription "Latex", which is emblazoned on the front side of the banks and the additional inscription "water-resistant", "Facade" and so on. Latex on its physico-chemical structure is an emulsion of fine particles, which serve as a polymeric powdered material. Based on the physical properties, Latex paints have a second common name - latex or latex.

Given the fact, that acrylic paint is a kind of latex, question, "What color is better, acrylic or latex?»Not updated. Many people confuse the kind and type of, which leads to misinformation and false search. All banks acrylic inscription "latex", indicating that the structure of the paint - emulsion, instead of the composition.

Paint the walls in the living room
Paint the walls in the living room

Acrylic has excellent properties strengthening structures paint coatings. They are resistant to abrasion and washing. Also such inks often acetate-butadiene polymer is present. He makes the cover resilient. These properties will soon almost completely replaced, alkyd and oil paints.

Also, latex may be of several types depending on the structure:

  • matt;
  • glossy.

But this is not such a brilliant gloss, like alkyd enamels. With the right combination with the design and other decorative elements, this property may well be a plus.

Matte vodoemulsionku can be:

  • deep-matt;
  • polumatovaya;
  • matt.

glossy, in turn, It may also have multiple textures:

  • semigloss;
  • glossy;
  • superglyantsevaya.

Most manufacturers of these colors may also indicate on the packaging options such invoices, as:

  • silky-glossy;
  • velvety matte.

Choosing paint texture depends on the desired result and design solutions.

The choice of latex paint

First question, who will ask an experienced Sales in the hardware store will be - "What are you going to paint?». It is from this and depends on the type of recommended paint.

ceiling painting

ceiling painting
ceiling painting

If you have to paint the ceiling indoors, the latex is selected Ceiling paints. At the bank is well written. In this case, here you can use any of the options presented: as a matte, and glossy. when properly application technology (fur cushion with medium pile, soft wide brush in the boundless or difficult conspicuous places) surface can be obtained as a uniform color, and the texture. ceiling material can be any: tree, DSP, LCP or drywall. But before painting, of course, needed to prepare the surface. If this wooden wall paneling, it is sufficient to seal the defects using putty and sandpaper. If using drywall, the uniform thin layer of putty laid will provide the necessary uniformity and texture.

There should be careful to do with the choice of the degree of opacity and gloss, because the gloss paint lies a thin layer, and emphasizes the irregularities and small scratches, Matt does it all perfectly hides. You should also take into account the degree of humidity of the room. If this is the kitchen, toilet or bathroom, it is best to choose a paint with the words "Water-resistant". for example, These include domestic paint "Gamma".

painting walls
painting walls

Before painting the surface is not suitable for priming special trains. Instead, better to use the same paint, Only diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. It is much faster dries, thus create the necessary basis for a matte comfortable working roller. Better surface well sanded and cleaned from dust with a brush.

exterior work

For exterior paint should be selected with the corresponding inscriptions. The Finnish company Tikkurila produces a wide range of paints for exterior, and for interior works. At the same time there are also water-resistant, wear, decorative (with a velvet effect). This Euro mark 2, euro 3, euro 7, euro 12, Luja, Harmony and other.

Water-resistant latex paint Tikurrila
Water-resistant latex paint Tikurrila

Consumption latex paints from different manufacturers its, and it indicates a ratio 1 l on a certain number of m2. Imposed all kinds in two layers, providing complete drying of the previous. It can be as 1 time, and several hours depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment.

Brand water-based paints

Today, the hardware store, you can find a great variety of individual brands, and types within a single manufacturer of paints. In addition, each latex properties has its specific, and that distinguishes them on the field of use.

The company manufacturers and their dignity

Today, the market can find a lot of variety of firms latex paint manufacturers: KABE, Ceresit, Dali, Prestige, poliri, Terraco, Parade, Renoton, Ultra, Sniezka, Braska, Dulux, Caparol, Olimp, Condori other.

Popular brands of paints
Popular brands of paints

Let us consider some of the brand more.

Lateksnaya kraska Snejka
Lateksnaya kraska Snejka

Sniezka represents one of the most popular brands of paints, which perfectly withstand direct sunlight, It lends itself well to wash and will not crack over time. Flow rate emulsion is 1 l 14 m2 when applied 2 layers.

Dulux- British company, producing high-quality and durable latex paint. The range includes emulsion for all kinds of wallpaper, and texture. Great popularity and positive reviews has a velvety matt Dulux V Sheen. The advantages and, perhaps, The difference between this brand should include the lowest consumption, which is 1 l 14-16 m2.

German mark Caparol has not less popular and high quality. In commercially available as a velvety matt, and silky-gloss latex paint for walls and ceilings, kitchens and corridors. This material has one of the biggest expenses, which is 1 l 6-7 m2.

All banks at the cost of latex paints are specified when applied on a flat and smooth surface.

Russian paint Olimp though has no such glory, both overseas due to their lower quality properties, but it has a great demand because of the very low cost. When applying more layers can achieve uniformity of texture and color. Learn paint consumption, will help online calculator.

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