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Sliding doors to the cabinet as a way to save space in the hallway

Sliding doors to the cabinet are a good idea, If you do not want, to wide-open flap occupied space already in a narrow corridor. Besides, This door design is widely used to create a built-in furniture. It is convenient to use, it is suitable for limited space, makes the headset a stylish and practical.

Where to put the wardrobe?

Like any other cabinet, coupe model can be installed anywhere in the apartment or private home, but if you have a niche or another allocated space, is no practical function has, it can be used under the cabinet with sliding doors.

Sliding doors to the cabinet

It is worth noting, that to create such a structure may well be on their own. In fact, you need to install the door only and the mechanism for their; buy these elements can be separately, installation takes a maximum of an hour. If you use niche, you do not subtract space apartments, at the same time be able to create a sufficiently large built-in wardrobe, which will fit your entire wardrobe.

From what we can make doors?

If you decide to make a walk-in wardrobe with sliding doors with their hands, first of all, you need to decide, from which it will be collected door. Modern technologies allow you to select from a large number of materials, from traditional wood and plastic finishing.

If the room is high humidity, that is common in the hallways, wood or chipboard should not use. Plastic or aluminum door design will look no worse, thus its service life is not particularly limited, Unlike wood, readily absorbing moisture.

Most often, a wardrobe with sliding doors with their hands made of wood. To do this, you can buy ready-made furniture parts, accessories and collect any design, which it is recommended to draw. Unlike factory cabinet, self-made will differ not only the original design and the presence of useful features, but also perfectly fit into the space of your apartment, because the furniture will be fitted for this test.

Wardrobe with sliding doors

Natural wood usually requires advance preparation, it is required to clean up, dry, paint. Choosing the material should be smooth, having no knots, the board should be smooth. Cheaper materials, does not require additional processing and refining, a chipboard or linings. but, should prepare to, that the door wings will frame, which will be further constraint for doors. Dosky lining, usually, are interconnected by means of tongue.

fastening system

Regardless of, the material from which you will install the door, You need to think about fittings, it is necessary to acquire in advance. Sliding door system for cabinets can have different types of guide:

  • Products direct or semi-circular shape.
  • model, requiring installation on the floor or ceiling, at least - on the walls.

When mounting the lower guide can be further face a number of problems, since the rail is often stuffed various types of garbage, disturbing the doors normally open.

Sliding door systems for enclosures

there are designs, where a track of two. This door is much easier to use, since it never comes off, It provides a usability cabinet, its easy opening. This design is particularly suitable for heavy timber doors. If you use only one guide, it is likely, the door because of the weight will come off the rails or fall out of the guide, which will create some inconveniences when using wardrobe.

Features of the mechanisms

Sliding door systems for wardrobes and may have the features, properly taken into account that it is necessary to create furniture. choosing accessories, special attention should be paid to the rollers. They are experiencing the greatest load when opening doors and most rapidly deteriorate, therefore, poor quality fittings come quickly into disrepair. If the rollers will fail, doors can sag, stop open, it delivers certain inconveniences.

Fix this problem can, knowing, how the mechanism and how to configure it properly. Most often suffer from those rollers, which are located at the bottom of the door leaf and moved along the rail. In top of the structure there is another pair of rollers, their shape is asymmetrical. They not only moved, but holding back the web using the guide, located above the door. If the rollers are worn, they are easy to replace. It's enough to have a Phillips screwdriver. Unscrew the old and the new screw design elements.

For convenience, replacing rollers start with a long blade.

To set up the door, Use the adjusting screw, located near the roller mechanism. Due screw can raise and lower corner of the door leaf, which will put it exactly.

Wardrobe with sliding doors with their hands

Why is it important to buy quality fittings?

One of the most expensive elements to create a wardrobe accessories for its doors. It depends on the quality of the, how reliable will be the cabinet, how long it will last a door. Do not skimp on the rollers and other elements, choosing the cheapest, so how quickly they will be ruined, especially those cabinets, doors which are heavy.

Note, that high quality rollers are equipped with necessary bearings. Besides, It plays the role of the attachment mechanism of choice. The greater rigidity it has, all the better. It is considered the most reliable frame, made of aluminum profile. It has sufficient rigidity, it can be used for a long time, even if the cabinet door coupe heavy. In this frame itself has a small weight, It looks great, it can be used for cabinets of any structures. Mounts for the web or the fittings may also be aluminum; another feature of this material is its resistance to corrosion. Even if the room is damp enough, frame is covered with rusty spots.

Make a built-in wardrobe with sliding doors with their hands

Wardrobe can be fitted with a lock. Set it infrequently, but it has its own characteristics: the main feature of the castle is, he closes vertically. This is due to the lack of a box in the closet.

If you want to make a wardrobe in an alcove, you need to select the appropriate door and buy high-quality hardware. Installation will not cause difficulties, and you can create low-cost, but very effective element of the interior, bringing practical benefits.



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