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Sliding mosquito nets, assembly and installation of their own

Mosquito Net - it is almost a mandatory addition to any balconies and windows, because it helps to protect your home from invading insects and dust, protect your pets from falling out of the window. Sliding mosquito nets - the perfect solution for those who love the functionality and usability. Design smoothly moves on wheels and moves to place the open flap.

Benefits and Features

mosquito net, having a sliding mechanism, It has a number of advantages:

  • installation and ease of installation,
  • ease of operation and maintenance - just rinse with warm water grid,
  • significant space savings,
  • versatility - can be installed on windows, and at the door,
  • strong design, which in this case has a small weight, unaffected by external stimuli and is very long.

Closed window mosquito net will protect not only against mosquitoes and flies but also save you from accidentally flown outstanding mouth.

Sliding mosquito nets
Sliding mosquito net on the balcony

The design has certain distinctive features, characteristic only of a sliding mosquito nets, for which he is appreciated by consumers.

  1. Moskitka can be mounted on the outside of the window frame, and the inside of the frame.
  2. Convenient mechanism for grid movement resembles the movement of the door wardrobes.
  3. Mosquito Net is very easy to install on a balcony.
  4. The design may be performed in any modifications, shapes and sizes.
  5. Moskitka can only be installed for the summer, in the winter construction is very simple can be removed on their own within a few minutes.
  6. Universal design makes it suitable moskitki style to any interior.
  7. Mosquito Net remarkably protects against unwanted stimuli, but well it lets fresh air and sunlight.
  8. The grid is used only in those areas, where necessary, closing the gaps against the ingress of dust and insects.

agree, that this list only highlights the, that the mosquito net on the sliding windows - universal design, which should be in every home.

Mosquito nets on sliding windows
The mechanism of movement of sliding mosquito nets

Sets grid to the balcony

Most often, sliding mosquito nets are installed on the balconies made of aluminum profile. Install mosquito screens on the balcony is accessible to almost everyone, because it requires no special skills. the main thing, that design has been carefully measured and the right size for the construction of the balcony.

so, Here's how to install the mosquito net on the balcony.

  1. From the inside on the outside of the window frame mounted rails for mesh.
  2. On the inside of the window frame mounted grid rollers, strictly the same, which are mounted guides. It is important to note, roller to fit the exact size of the width guides Walker.
  3. Fits mesh outer frame, which is inserted into the inner. The rollers should get in the groove on the rails.
Install mosquito screens on the balcony
Install mosquito screens on the balcony

This design will look great not only in window, but in the doorways. you can set moskitku anywhere if desired.
Installing a protective mesh on your windows, you will be able to protect themselves from invasion of pesky insects and dirt and dust or ashes from cigarettes, flying from the upper floors. The design is not only durable and functional, but also beautiful. Install moskitku - and you can enjoy the warm evenings, without detracting anything. find out how to repair a mosquito net.



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