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Repairing nets - it's just

Mosquito netting is a good helper and a "defender" of small insects and mosquitoes, try to fly into the living room. It happens, that mosquito nets fail, and then comes the need for repair. Safety nets can be repaired with their own hands, without causing experts.

To know, how to repair itself mosquito net, We need to understand, how does it work. The base grid consists of four aluminum profiles, which are connected to the corners of plastic. Inside the mesh profiles fastened, thanks to the cord, located in a recess frame.

Kinds of grids fixing

You can find three types of mounting nets:

  • roll. These nets work on the principle blinds, ie the top of the window is mounted box with mosquito cloth, which can easily pull down and lock at the bottom of the frame. Yes, very good device, but the price, true, for such a grid is not too small.
  • net Framework. These nets are the most common reason for an optimal price-performance ratio: protection against insects and is inexpensive high. Framework mesh is an aluminum profile, inside which is spanned web Mosquito.
  • Swing mesh. In this case, the frame is reinforced, and often hinged grid mounted on the input, balcony frames. Holds such a grid on its hinges, which are mounted to the door unit. On the free side of the frame are provided magnets, which do not allow to open the swing grid from wind gusts. Some users do not preclude the installation of nets and window.

In addition to these methods, there is still homemade homemade, cheap ways to fix the grid. detail on options for securing nets.

Types of mosquito nets

Causes of failure

There are several reasons, why break, perishable, become useless mosquito nets. First of all, eventually all elements of grids lose their original properties, especially the profile itself is constantly under the influence of natural conditions: wind, rain, snow, temperature changes. Secondly, painting "hammered" by insects, because of which, properly, and put a mosquito net. On grid affect the integrity of such aggressors, as pets and birds.

If the grid components have been carried out improperly, so, Mosquito and canvas long you will not serve. Therefore it is better from the beginning of the purchase does not skimp on quality profiles and accessories, then the term grid service will increase many times.

Replacing the cloth nets

If you want to change the grid on a plastic window, you need to remove the cord from the frame. He easily gets a thin sharp object, eg, screwdriver. Together with cord, Net is released and can be easily removed.

Next stacked on the aluminum profile a new canvas. It is necessary to carefully produce packing nets, starting from the top and fix the blade profile in gutters with a cord. To help strengthen the grid in the gutters can either be the same screwdriver, a ballpoint pen, or other suitable object.

How to change the window on a plastic grid
Replacing the cloth nets

As carefully as you need to pull a third and a fourth side of the net - ensure that the, that the web is not wrinkled, It was perfectly straight strained. After completion of the placement, cut the rest of the net with a margin, hidden under the user's profile. How view, fix the mosquito net is simple and short-lived.


How to reduce the size of mosquito fabrics

Sometimes you need to not only replace the grid on the mosquito net, but also reduce the size of the profile. This can also be done by hand. At first, too, need to pull the cord and pull the fabric mosquito net. Thereafter sawing off a file profile and can proceed to the return assembly.

If you worry about the safety profile, you can walk glue and assemble according to the algorithm described above, the mosquito net.

How to fix a broken handle

Very many are faced with the issues of breakage pens have mosquito nets. Handles are used for installation in the window opening, and, as luck, very often break down at the most inopportune moment,. Most likely, these pens are not made from the highest quality materials, Therefore, under natural conditions, they become brittle.

How to Repair a mosquito net
Replacement handles mosquito nets

The absence of handles on the grid brings some inconvenience in replacement of the cloth, therefore we offer a way out of this situation,. It is possible to wire diameter approximately about 3 mm fabricate hook. This hook will help, and the decision in the situation of broken handles on the Mosquito canvas.

Breakage pens have mosquito nets

The bottom line is, that the web is simply hook hook, then, if necessary, pin back. When you are renovating or changing the mosquito net on a plastic box with a broken handle, Hold the hook one side and simultaneously exert pressure on the chip handles. So you can get a profile of the mosquito net windows.

Can I replace a broken corner to

If desired,, repairing nets with their own hands is real, you need only see the object to be repaired and a little perseverance. If the profile is broken corner, you need to purchase a new and clean, clean out the debris of the previous. it happens, that the chip is stuck in a profile, then get it will be extremely difficult. It is recommended to push the rest of the inside corner profile, you have to be very careful, to do worse. Replaced area can not score ordinary hammer, better to use a rubber mallet or a bar.

Repairing nets with their own hands

As the very fabric, eventually become useless corners Profile mosquito nets, so it is advisable not to wait until, when they break. a sign, corners that have worked time, It is their yellowing. It is time to replace parts of the mosquito nets.

How to repair a mosquito net
Replacing bracket mosquito nets

In no case do not need to completely disassemble the frame for replacement parts. In the manufacture and assembly of the grid all the extra fabric has been cut off, so now we do not have stock. For this reason, we start to shoot only the upper part of the grid.

In the area of ​​the profile of the corner of gum you need to hook with a sharp object and get it only from the upper part of the frame. The mesh itself, too, need to get out of the groove. Thereafter accurately parse upper profile bar, gently helping hammer, if the frame are connected firmly. We took out the corners and replace them, and then re-manufacture installation of the frame profile and the grid. If the plastic window jams , find out how to make adjustment of the valves.


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