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Choosing low-cost profile for plastic windows

Profile selection is not an easy task, as it may seem. Question, how to choose a profile for PVC windows, quite relevant. There are a number of options. The range of materials in the construction market is very large, therefore, without an exact knowledge of characteristics profiles easily confused. You can choose not only among dozens of manufacturers, but also among the hundreds of models, one produced by.

What should I look for when choosing profile

Profile for plastic windows is one of the most popular. Products from it produces every self-respecting company. It is worth noting, most import companies has its own production in Russia.

Each window is made of glass, glazing, profile system, accessories. Profile within the blank. Inside should be a partition, Create a separate chamber, which are filled with air; some manufacturers do design sealed and pumped to nitrogen. It is believed, that such a window profile will better retain heat in the room, and the glass will not fog up.

Number of cameras, what would they not filled, Profile affects the ability to retain heat - more than them, the material is warmer. In Russia, the most commonly used design to 3-5 cameras, wherein the thickness profile 60 mm. This material is relatively inexpensive, able to withstand the severe frosts.

The note: variety of colors manufacturers achieve, nakalivaya on special film products. It can not be peeled off. Over time, it will not happen fading, no bubbles appear.

window profile

The choice of design profile and glass

Of PVC depends on the quality of the, how long the product will last, how it will cope with weather conditions, how attractive is its look. Best PVC windows should meet GOST standards, have the necessary certification.

much difference, which company manufactures products, in fact, not. In order to structure is sufficiently rigid, carry out reinforcement. For this purpose, steel. It has a core made of U-shaped, It may be a closed oval cross-section with square. The profile of the window in this case will be a little more expensive, since it has higher strength.

Glazing is a sealed structure. It may include a different number of windows. Usually there are two or three. Between the glasses may be an inert gas or air is discharged, if the design version of the cheaper. The number of chambers of glass is considered relatively free of air spaces: If two glass - single-chamber glazing, if the three - two-chamber. There are products with five cameras, but they are rare.

Profile of plastic windows

New windows may vary in thickness: it is more than, the heavier the product, but above its ability to insulate noise. The minimum thickness of the glass quality - 4 mm.

There are energy-saving glass: feature is, that with a relatively small thickness and weight of the glass it has high insulating properties and is able to replace the three-chamber Glazing, exceeding it twice Quality. The price of this product slightly above.

It is worth noting, and the reduced weight of the window, that enough relevant, If wall construction is limited by mass. Accessories will also experience less stress and be able to work longer without replacement.

When choosing new windows, profile should be considered in the first place, but it is worth a closer look and to the glass. There is a variety of glass, are different each other and the value of specification. for example, there are reflective glass - they can protect the room from excessive sunlight, make it cooler. There are high-strength glass, and if you have children, it makes sense to establish just such a, that they do not accidentally broke. Suitable high strength glass or mirror and for the residents of the first floor. This material not only protect the screen from damage, but also save you from prying eyes.

Profiles of plastic windows

The choice of accessories

Profiles of plastic windows, whatever quality they may be, can not last for a long time without good accessories, because it depends on it, what functions will have a window, it will open, how tightly closed. Any window includes at least 20 machine parts. from 15 to 20 % Window cost price of accessories. Her selection is best left to professionals, because it is important, accessories to fit not only in size, but it was strong enough relative to the structure sizes.

Windows are long, and for the period of their existence leaf suffers at least 50 thousands of openings. Accessories should be no problem to withstand such loads.

The choice of accessories

The choice of plastic windows manufacturer

On the market there are quite a few companies, engaged in the production of plastic windows. The most buys are the following brands:

  • Rehau;
  • KVE;
  • Novotex;
  • lid.

Each of them has its own distinctive features. Rehau is considered to be a leading manufacturer, on the quality of which are smoothed. Products are carefully checked at the factory, It has high characteristics. The average price of products - from 6 thousand.

Profile for plastic windows

lid - a company of German origin. Products can be found on a perfectly smooth plastic, pure white. reinforcement profiles are always closed. The plastic has a thickness 3 mm, glazing beads on each company logo is present. The average price is between 7,5 thousand rubles.

KVE also a German brand. In Russia, it is growing in popularity. The product range is very wide - from one- to five-chamber designs of all sizes and types. Prices start at 5 thousand.

Novotex - domestic company. It produces high-quality plastic, KBE Etalon-on technology. Technical characteristics are not inferior to the European, however, the average price for the products starts from 3,5 thousand.

thinking, a window profile choose, must take into account the features of your region. If the cold weather prevails, better to buy thicker glazing. If you have a relatively warm winter, it makes no sense to overpay.

The choice of each producer is mainly based on the cost of the products of interest and trust in a particular brand. the company listed above produce similar in quality products, which can be equipped with different accessories, whereby the cost can be higher or lower.

Best PVC windows

classification profiles

On sale you can find profiles of different classes, most often it is A and B. Consider this question in more detail, make it clear, what does it mean.

  • For "A" class includes products, the outer wall of which has an additional thickening. This also applies to doors. Such products have RAL certified.
  • Class "B" refers lightweight profile, it is characterized by a thin outer wall.

As seen, Products of these different types of strength and weight, but not quality.

Class B is somewhat cheaper, but, selecting the types of profiles for plastic windows, Consider features of the buildings and the climate in your region.

Profile Class B well suited for glazing balconies unheated, loggias, installing it is relevant to the summer houses, since this product has a small thickness and is not capable of qualitatively retain heat in the room. It will be worse and sound, but protect from rain and wind, this design can. Also important, and its light weight.

What profiles are increasingly choosing?

Many buyers believe, thicker than a window, all the better, because it is more reliable. But is it? We try to understand!

Manufacturers actively advertise products with additional millimeters. It is worth it is more expensive, but does it make sense to overpay? On sale there are the following types of plastic window profiles:

  • Classical, whose width 58 mm.
  • 60 mm, used on large construction sites.
  • 70-80 mm, It is most common in high-rise buildings.
  • 90 mm - reinforced.

Types of window profiles

58 mm - the width of this was once the wooden windows. After the appearance of the plastic counterparts traditionally width has not changed. It is sufficient for, to design was warm enough and strong, well insulated from street noise. Such a profile is universal for all climates. With the right technology manufacturing such a window is suitable for installation in any type of building on any floor. He is not very big weight, wherein the high strength.

Thickness Profile 60 mm is basically advertising course, and products from them is not much different from the above.

70-80 mm already has significant differences from the other models. He is able to isolate the sound better, copes with heat retention inside the room. Most often, such a profile used by the inhabitants of central Russia, as the winter there are more severe, than, eg, in the southern part of the country. .

90 mm: there was such a design is relatively recent. It has high strength and good sound- and insulating properties. Such a profile effectively saves energy radiators, but it is heavy and not suitable for all types of residential buildings.

In the Russian market is not all types of window profiles. There are thicker modifications 104 and 124 mm. Selection section width range for plastic windows allows to choose the thickness of the glazing unit. for example, in classic design can only install the package, not exceeding 32 mm, and thicker, eg, 70 mm, part glazed 42 mm.

For passive thick window heating system relevant, because it will help keep the heat inside the maximum. The colder climate, the thicker the need to install double glazing. The same rule applies, if you like peace.

Conclusion. Decide, a better profile for windows, only carefully analyzed the financial condition, weather, design features walls and wishes to silence.

Watch a video that will help to understand in detail what profile to choose for the house.



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4 Comments to the post "Choosing low-cost profile for plastic windows

  1. Today, the market of plastic windows can choose an option for the most demanding customer. But, the main thing, do not take into account the vagaries of the customer, and the parameters necessary for the durability and safety of use. Take into account the need to levity wall, to which the selected window, number of storeys, climatic features, the presence of direct sunlight, the need to install warm slopes. After selection of these parameters can be given and additional functions, eg, mikroprovetrivaniya, availability of mosquito nets. And at the end of the suitable options to choose the one already, which takes into account all of the remaining customer whims.

  2. Replaced all windows in a private house on KBE 88. Good, Beautiful design, system wide with such thermal characteristics, which helps to save on heating homes. Bills this winter significantly reduced, compared with the previous period. We are very happy.

  3. When choosing a window profiles and installer companies need to take into account many details. Windows must be of high quality, and the company should have all the certificates of quality and give guarantees on their work. These qualities have company Intime. You can select windows, that's right for you. They have a very large range of window profiles of different types and brands.

  4. I recently changed the windows throughout the apartment, and in front of me there was a task of selecting PVC profiles for windows. Of the many offerings on the market it chose KBE profile, and have never regretted. plastic quality, It looks strong and reliable. Ordered plastic window profile KBE 76 mm, and glazing 48 mm, that would be warmer next winter. Plus sound insulation at a height. In general their choices and by the installer for all 200% pleased!

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