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The wash plastic windows and window sills at home?

Modern structures of metal and plastic in many ways far superior to its competitors wood. But, they also need special care, since such factors, as a street dust, rain drips, recent renovations, require the owners from time to time to ponder the question, you wash plastic windows and window sills at home.

To cope with such a task, just enough to correctly pick cleanser. It must choose, type starting from contamination and from parts of the structure, which will have to be cleaned.


types of pollution

Before, how to wash a window sill of a plastic window, It should define the purpose of. This part of the window design does not require frequent cleaning, enough to pay attention to cleaning only once in a few days. To remove dust, simply wipes clean.

At least once every seven days, it is desirable to wash the window sill, using warm water and the powder, or gel for washing dishes. At the end it should wipe with a clean cloth, and then wipe dry. If pollution were more frequent and severe in nature, the need to apply significant resources. Most often require more care in the kitchen window, particularly if they are located in the vicinity of the cooker.

Among the main types of building contaminants, which usually occur after repair, you can note:

If you have children at home, you may need to wash the plastic window sill of the marker traces, pen and even plasticine. detail methods of cleaning the surface.

The clear plastic windows and window sills.

The fight against domestic pollution

If the house is equipped with modern design, sooner or later, any hostess will wonder, you clean plastic windows and window sills. If we do not take into account the most ordinary dust, it is most often have to contend with a variety of stains and rust. This struggle to be effective and fast, should enlist the help of proven cleaners.

so, you wash plastic window sills at home:

  1. Mr versatile. Proper. It is possible to choose a means in the form of loose powder or gel. Be sure to thoroughly wash off the powder from the frame.
  2. Cillit Bang. Agent is in the form of a spray, which is able to remove even difficult contamination from the surface in just 15 minutes.
  3. This option is best suited for the kitchen, since it is easy to cope with grease spots and soot.
  4. Domestos - strong detergents, which easily copes with rust traces.
  5. Pemolyuks - removes small spots. The facility has the least aggressive effect on the plastic construction.
  6. Gel «Comet» - is another option for the kitchen windows.
  7. Cleaning Cream «Mr Muscle» - copes with stains of water, returns the plastic white.

In addition to modern, You can use a traditional economical option - the usual laundry detergent or soap solution from soap of master.

Among folk remedies may be mentioned the use of chalk and tooth powder, or vinegar combined with baking soda. Anyway, before, how to clean plastic windows and window sills, will need to visit the hardware store.

The wash plastic windows and window sills at home

How to clean up the construction of pollution?

Question, the better to wash plastic windows and window sills in case of repair, It has few answers. It all depends on, that will have to be removed from the window construction.

so, construction of pollution may be of the following character:

  1. Adhesive tape on the plastic window. This is a fairly complex problem, but it can be fought. Among the proven ways - using the same adhesive tape, vegetable oil, alcohol or eraser.
  2. The need to remove paint. Cope from such unwanted guest by using a silicate glue or a nail polish remover.
  3. Polyurethane foam. Without this component does not do a single installation of plastic windows. The clean plastic window sills at home from such troubles. In this case, effective means will be a medical preparation "Dimexidum", industrial solvent "Kosmofen" or SOLOFF Delicat Barton'S. The latter does not affect the skin of the hands and on the plastic itself.
  4. cement splashes, plaster, glue. You need to use a regular soap solution in the form of heat, soak or pre-space pollution vinegar. If you prefer a means for commerce, follow, that they do not contain abrasives.

Wash plastic windowsill

The brush at home?

Before you wash the plastic window sills at home, you need to get a few important components. So, any owner will not prevent Special melamine sponge - the perfect tool for cleaning. Due to its composition, Sponge most effectively cope with the removal of dirt, even if you are using regular soap and water solution.

If on store means you are allergic, use folk remedies. It will save your health and the health of your entire family.

If you do not already know, than wash window sills plastic windows, We tried all available means, buy beautiful lacy napkin, or the original stands for pots flowerpots.

you wash plastic window sills at home

Gentle care - you need to remember?

How to wash a window sill of a plastic window

So you do not think, as a clear plastic window sill, better from the outset to look after them properly. For this need to perform a few simple rules:

  1. to remove stains, as soon as they appear.
  2. Remove stains with maximum efficiency.
  3. After using the chemistry required surface warm water rinse.
  4. Use only the means, which is not affected by aggressive on plastic.

Do not wash the euro-smelling salts, citric acid, salt, mustard, soda. As for tools, it is highly desirable to use a sharp, metal objects and rough cloth.

Remember, that ignoring these simple guidelines, The result is a need for the installation of new windows. And it is always more a waste of money.



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One comment on the record "The wash plastic windows and window sills at home?

  1. After the installation of windows to be seen, that cleanse them of impurities will not be easy. The first is the contamination of the adhesive after removing the protective film. Nor means for washing windows, audio soap solution failed. Surprisingly, handy normal washing to remove, written in pencil. The second problem – Foam pieces, I gave them a solvent, then I had a long time to ventilate. washing of glass – it is the only thing that does not create problems. Washed the usual means for washing windows and wiped newspaper, that does not remain divorces.

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