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Water-based paints and their features

High-quality modern renovation today is difficult to imagine without the use of high-tech materials, no exception and are paint, to which special requirements. Among them are water-based paints, in which the dispersive element are coloring pigments and a binder component.

Once covered with paint surface to dry, formed thereon solidified polymer film, which protects the walls and ceiling of the harmful effects of moisture. In addition, the latex is considered to be an environmentally friendly material and does not emit harmful toxins.

Painted walls with latex paint with their hands is quite exciting and interesting process. Before you begin the choice of painting materials, should be familiar with some of the characteristics and features paint, their views and in which cases they are used.

Water-based paints have a number of characteristics:

  • The lack of strong smells and fumes. Absolutely harmless to the body, and it is possible to perform painting work for a long time.
  • Very quickly dries up and makes the surface of a beautiful and attractive.
  • Thanks to a special dye can be any dye colors and shades.
  • Process coloring water paint surfaces does not present particular difficulties, besides all the working tools and accessories are easily washed off with running water.
  • The paint is very economical. Its approximate flow rate 1 l. on 7 m2.
  • What are vodnodispersnye colors and types.

Water-based paints due to the peculiarities of their composition is also called vodnodispersnymi. Depending on the polymeric components, water-based paints are divided into the following types:
Water-based paints, which basically comprise an aqueous solution of dyes and waterglass, They called silicate. Their characteristic feature is the stability in the environment, and they are gas-tight.

The painted surface keeps an attractive appearance a sufficiently long period of time, besides the paint on it can last several decades. When working with silicate paints necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the plant for their use of the manufacturer, as they are in its composition contains alkalis.

Silicone water-based paints are used for coloring concrete products, brick structures and facades of buildings, require special moisture resistant treatment.

For finishing interior and exterior concrete and masonry from various types of bricks, use water-based mineral paint. It is made based on cement or with the addition of slaked lime. Paint latex wall paint based on mineral components can be produced in high humidity conditions. It perfectly protects the wall surface from the aggressive influence of external factors, but, its validity is small.

Paint latex wall paint based on polyvinyl acetate emulsion has certain advantages. They consist in, such that the paint can be thinned with water and work with it in an unventilated indoors. high-strength film is formed after drying, which is resistant to direct sunlight, moisture and different fats, including mineral oils. Often used for repairs in production halls and garages.

Particular attention should be given to acrylic latex paint, which are particularly popular. In their production of acrylic resins are used, surfaces which impart dry strength and specific elasticity. Among other types of paint, Acrylic most expensive, but, they have a high level of quality.

There are cheaper options, eg, vinilakrilovye such as paint or akrilosilikonovye, but their quality and physical properties of a few worse. Considered the most expensive acrylic paint, which have a latex-based. Dried painted surface can be washed with plenty of, and it does not lose its appearance for a long time.
Sometimes careful preparation walls for painting with latex paint on the latex-based and does not need. This applies to almost perfect surfaces with small cracks, that will disappear without a trace after the application of such paints.

A distinctive characteristic of acrylic water-based paints is their low gas permeability. In this regard, they are recommended for coloring concrete constructions, as corrosion and prevent premature spoilage.

No less popular are the silicone water-based paints, in the manufacture of which is based aqueous dispersion resins. They have excellent water vapor permeability, and water-repellent effect. Also reinforced concrete suitable for all types of surfaces, even in areas with high humidity (bath or kitchen). In addition, they are easily combined with many types of paint, which is useful for carrying out finishing works.

Silicone paints have a high elasticity. This property can be used to hide seams and cracks in the wall surface to a depth of several mm. Also, due to its composition, colored paints on silicone surfaces do not reproduce various microorganisms. therefore the appearance of mold and mildew excluded in the house. Calculate how much paint you need, will help Online ink consumption calculator.



Technology painted walls with latex paint

Before using water-based paints, it must be diluted. This can be done with water or solvent, but, in any case, the solvent should conform to the manufacturer's recommendations, which can be found on the package label. Before painting directly by the need to stir the paint and bring to a uniform consistency. You can buy plain white paint and color shade to it necessary, and then thoroughly mixed and output to get the desired tone.

On the question of how to prepare the wall for painting with latex paint, can be answered briefly as follows. Initially, the walls are cleaned of residues of wallpaper, old plaster and paint, are aligned, hruntuyutsya, then completely shpaklyuyutsya and polished. Sanding walls and ceiling are brought to the ideal state, so that they are flat and smooth. After that, the wall composition of the soil for deep impregnation. When the surface is dry you can begin to stain.

Painted walls with latex paint, design that can think independently, It should be carried out with a special paint tool. To do this, select good rolls, brush or spray gun, as well as various trays and containers for paints. The layers of paint must be applied in parallel strips and avoid "bald patches" and abundant layering. The next layer must be applied perpendicular to the previous. The same technology should be followed when painting the ceiling, taking care, that layers of paint applied uniformly.



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