Question, how to remove the window sill with a plastic window, It can occur not only when dismantling construction, but also during repair work, related to its cosmetic changes. This simple procedure, you can perform without assistance, the main thing - to understand all the nuances and do the work carefully.
Why shoot the windowsill?
Reducing the width of the product may be required, if for some reason it started to interfere with or builders initially set too wide design, kotoraya awkward. Why can interfere windowsill? The reasons may be as follows:
- bought furniture, which clings to the protruding portion of the sill: eg, near the window, there is a fridge, which opens the door to the side sill.
- Another reason could be incorrect distribution of warm air, if the battery is under the very broad design, air collects beneath the window and does not rise up, because of what is happening heating premises bad.
- shoot plastic window sills you may need to replace it, eg, during repair works, If the sill is damaged. When the replacement of windows and change it.
- Remove the product may be required in insulation design. If this is done carefully, buy a new one will not have to, It can be cleaned from the old foam and refit.

Methods to remove the structure
Dismantle sill with plastic window – pushover, which will afford amateur, if armed with a simple set of tools and patience. First of all, you need to remove trim, if they are. If they are out of plaster, then using a drill or other tool to gently beat off it near the window sill. Carefully inspect the structure: old window sills can not hold very strongly, to stagger, This will greatly facilitate the dismantling.

Joints structure with window profile typically filled with foam. From her window sill need to release in the first place. To do this you need stationery knife, cut off excess foam. If possible, raise the window sill, under it is necessary to stick a blade of saw blade for metal and propylene foam, Try not to touch the plastic. Besides, under a window sill need to destroy the old putty, for this is a special cut-out. To saw cut the sill can be used jigsaw.
If the window sill can not raise your hands, you can gently push under his scrap: creating a lever, you can remove it from the foam residues without problems. You can then carry out all the necessary procedures. If the sill intact, it will be possible to get rid of the foam, clean from her and other debris window opening and install the item back.

How to install a window sill in place?
Dismantle the plastic sill carried easily, guide him clear. But what to do with the design of the installation, because the need to install the piece in place? To do this, first of all you need to prepare a place, clearing it from the old foam, which simply need to be cut; remove excess debris, dust. Plant sill for mounting the foam can, but do not forget, that need to press down on top of him with something heavy, otherwise the foam will raise the sill, and it will have to take off again. Watch out for uniform distribution of foam, This is necessary in order, to plastic construction is not bent.

In order to secure the sill, You can be any assembly foam, sprayed from a container. It is not necessary to purchase a gun for that purpose, because you need a little material, and it will only be extra costs.
After the foam hardens completely, Press the sill can be removed. Void sill better putty, only then put the decorative caps. This will contribute to heat insulation structure. The joints between the parts of the frame and slopes can be filled with PVA glue or mounting foam, but the excess will have to be cut. Use is possible and plaster, especially if you knocked it in order, to remove the sill.
If the product is required to reduce the, cut its extra length you need with the part, which is adjacent to the window, making it convenient to use the jigsaw. Pre-measure design and carefully raschertite, to avoid distortions. Reducing the width will solve the problems with the furniture or installing batteries. You do not need to use a ventilation grille.
Taking off the windowsill, removing debris from the window opening, treat with antiseptic opening. This will help in the future to avoid the formation of mold and mildew.
Dismantling of the sill will not cause any difficulties, you do not have to hire professionals to do, spend money on their services. The process is formed a little trash, but can work with the dust from the plaster. Furniture is recommended to close the foil.