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Why do I need to install shutters on the window?

Roller shutters on the windows are high-quality protection against criminal attacks: they act more functional alternative lattices, They can be used as shutters. Besides, There are blinds made of cloth, which are used for decoration indoors and are used for protection against the sun. We will help you to orient in a variety of models, choose blinds, best matches your goals and means.

Shutters on windows

Roller shutters with protective functions

All blinds are made on the same principle: they are painting, the ability to lift and curl up in a box, which is mounted above the door or window opening. Protective different from decorative strength materials and installation method.

Installation of roller shutters on windows It takes a little time, but it requires a professional approach. It depends on the materials: Shutters can be Aluminum, become, if they are used on the street, and wood, fabric or plastic, for indoor use, eg, as a curtain or a door in the pantry.

protective shutters

  • Steel shutters can provide good protection of windows and doors from outside attacks. They are strong enough, crack them very difficult, therefore, such structures are often used to protect shops and country houses, that the winter left unattended.
  • Aluminum, although it is a soft metal, not inferior in strength steel, since the sipes are made out of it in a special way. The advantage of this material is resistant to corrosion, good ability to protect against hacking, durability.
  • If shutters are made of plastic, they are generally placed inside the room, because such products are not able to withstand mechanical stress. They are used as protection from the sun and dust. An interesting solution is the installation of a door in the pantry or closet. it can be removed, if necessary, in a box, creating a space. This product is well suited for built-in wardrobe.
  • Shutters on windows Fabric also gained popularity in recent years. They are placed on the window as an analogue blinds or curtains. Shutters well protected from dust, can regulate the penetration of sunlight into the room, They are easily removed in the box, fully or partially opening the window opening.

Shutters and blinds

How to install shutters?

Installing roller blinds on windows It depends on, what type of product you have chosen. There are overhead model, as well as built-in opening.

  • Rim screwed to the wall with screws, plaster which can cover or use large through compound, which will be impossible to unscrew the outside.
  • Embedded into the opening can not be removed, as they build into it. Protective shutters of this type are considered to be more reliable, since it is virtually impossible to open or removed without special equipment.
Installing roller blinds on windows
Installation of roller shutters photo

How is the management?

Shutters and shutters could differ by the control method. They are divided into the following types:

  • Belt inertia model: powered by the mechanical force of human hands. Only blinds are suitable for such a system, the weight of which does not exceed 15 kg.
  • Geared-Cord. opening the principle is the same, like conventional blinds. Maximum design weight 20 kg. She opens her hands, wherein the control elements can be placed both from the external, and the inner side of the opening.
  • The crowfoot gear drive kordovyj. It differs little from the previous design externally; manual control, but the maximum design weight can reach up to 80 kg.
  • Spring-inertsionnыy. It is also a system with manual control. This is one of the most difficult constructions, because its maximum weight is 100 kg.
  • Self-drive system. They are equipped with an electric motor, which results in movement of shutters. Maximum leaf weight at the same time can be 200 kg. You can control both the switch, or by remote control.

Besides, You can use the special supplement, which will automate the operation of the device: eg, the canvas will be raised and lowered at a specified time.

Fabric blinds on windows
How to manage shutters

How to choose blinds?

Shutters for windows and doors is a big difference. The choice depends not only on the financial capabilities of the buyer, but also on those goals, that it sets itself. for example, if you want to reliably protect the house or commercial premises from burglary, you need anti-burglary rolling shutters, capable of withstanding severe mechanical stress. And if you want to organize your pantry at home or to protect the windows from the sun, it makes no sense to establish pay and bulky structure of metal, when it is possible to limit tissue analogue, which not only protects the room from the sun, but also to complement your interior.

The existing diversity of designs makes it possible to solve various problems, choosing the materials for the price and quality.



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