Blinds - quite convenient design element, which will not only provide good protection from the sun, but also be able to decorate the interior. There are many models, It differs according to the type of construction and material. Most often, the buyer has to decide, What better blinds - aluminum or plastic? Our article will help to make a difficult choice, weigh the pros and cons of all applicants.
What are the blinds?
choosing, which blinds better, you need to decide to start with the design size. The larger the window, the greater the required shutters. If Panoramic, It will not be superfluous to have electric.
Manufacturers can offer both horizontal and vertical structures with an electrical or mechanical drive. The choice of colors in principle has no limitations. The aluminum can be used as the material, a variety of fabrics, tree, even paper. Choice should be implemented, taking into account the design registration of your room.
The choice between vertical and horizontal structure
choosing, What better blinds - vertical or horizontal, you must first consider the size of the windows, their type, as well as the, a visual effect you want to achieve. for example, horizontal design are applicable for large areas, they have strict outlines, so often used in official institutions and offices. In a residential area construction is often complemented by light curtains. The width of the plate may vary from 1,6 to 5 cm, which is quite convenient, if you order an individual project. It is good to set the blinds between the frames, open them, you can not just hand, but using a mechanical drive, team which is given from the control panel.
Other modifications may be mounted before a window and climb up, it is not always convenient. The choice of slats also depends on the volume of the space, the more he, the band should be longer: it will make the room a proportional.
Vertical blinds can be found much more often. drive them, usually, not required, because they simply shift to. It applies for this special mechanism, which is driven by hand.

The material can be plastic or aluminum blinds. From the choice of material it depends not only on its aesthetic component , but also durability. Aluminum is considered to be more durable.
Pros and cons of plastic and fabric designs
Before you decide, which blinds better, aluminum or plastic, you need to consider the positive and negative sides. Plastic constructions have the following advantages:
- It fits well into any decor.
- May be combined with the use of curtains.
- Not afraid to mechanical impact, because they can bend, but do not bend during continuous operation of the load.
- repel dust.
- Do not attract static electricity.
- The easy care, It can be washed with a conventional cloth and any detergent.
- Quality plastic does not emit odor, durable.
The negative sides include the following:
- Should not be placed near sources of ignition, since the sipes can weld. Avoid proximity and batteries
- It is not always easy when you open.
- A white plastic can form yellow spots.
When choosing blinds for plastic windows, which is better, solved simply. Choose the ones you need, which are of high quality plastic; it is not necessary to give preference to low-cost producers, which can not guarantee high-quality products.
Somewhat more difficult to choose the type of construction (vertical or horizontal blinds on windows): which is better, will help determine your taste. Designs mainly differ in the visual and opening drive. Vertical come more, but you do not have to get up, to open their. For convenient construction work high ceiling. Horizontal blinds are well suited for small rooms or the rooms, where standard or large windows, but no panoramic. They are convenient for the kitchen, living room, bedrooms.

The positive and negative structures of aluminum
Aluminum structures frequently used, despite the relatively high cost. This is explained by the following positive characteristics:
- Aluminum coated with a special heat resistant structure, which makes the slats resistant to conditions of high temperature.
- The metal itself is not deformed, you do not have to think, shutters are close to the partings or heating at a sufficient distance.
- Aluminum is strong enough, It does not require complex care, is not afraid of changes in temperature or aggressive detergents.
- The appearance of the material is quite attractive, usually in the range is a wide choice of colors, who did not lose brightness, even after ten years.

but to say, it's the best blinds, must not. Any design has certain drawbacks, which in this case include the following:
- On the design quite often dusty.
- With strong drafts slats noticeably noisy.
- The design is a bit more expensive than.
Which model is to choose?
Regardless of the material chosen blinds on windows, which is better suited, We should proceed from the general principles of convenience, quality and safety. The selected model should meet the following requirements:
- The material should be environmentally safe.
- The design should not cause allergies. This issue may occur, eg, if low-quality plastic has been used, having an unpleasant odor.
- Shades and colors, most manufacturers rich enough, regardless of the material of construction. Choose they need so, that they are well combined with furniture or walls.
- High quality materials provide durability.
- The easier it is to take care of lamellae, all the better.
- The material should not be afraid of UV rays, fade or become deformed due to their impact. For this product is applied to a special coating.

Recommendations for choosing a
What better blinds, can solve only a comprehensive approach to the issue. In the first place it would be better that design, which harmoniously fit into the interior space, otherwise, even the best model will look out of place in the specific room. An important role is played by the tone: than putting less, the lighter they should be. It allows visually enlarge the space, not focusing on his shortcomings. For the spacious rooms

Strong color is acceptable, since they will not be able to significantly reduce the amount of.
Choose a shade you need and as to how the room will be used. for example, Bedroom actual colors are soft pastels, not irritating to the eyes. If you arrange the living room, may suit any pitch, neutral to the most striking and original. The same goes for the kitchen space.

It is important to know, how to determine the correct length of the structure, otherwise it may be too long or short, that will in any case awkward. If the model is horizontal, required to place it on 5 cm above the sill line. The distance between the lamellae vertically arranged also should not be less than 5 cm. Amendment should be done on the mounting size; in order to avoid problems with the calculations, desirable invite gager. Most companies, producing blinds to order, They provide this service free of charge, In this case, you get exactly the right design for your windows.
Council: before they take a purchase from the manufacturer, must be checked, Whether opening mechanism is serviceable. If he seizes and turns bad, better pay attention to it immediately, than after installation.
Conclusion: which blinds better, can be determined, Only on the basis of their own beliefs. Each model has its pros and cons, which for someone can be a decisive factor when choosing a.
Once my grandmother lit shutters. Kitchen window always gets a lot of light, it is certainly good, but sometimes I like to hide from him, Tulle saved only a little. And then we went to the market, We buy plastic shutters. They served us a long, about 2-3 years old, tell you why. I can not say, that we bought cheap blinds, at that time it was the average price. The window of the stove is in the meter, for the fire, we basically do not perezhivali.No this beautiful little white plastic, after a year turned into yellow, not very attractive color and appearance significantly deteriorated, not only windows, but also of the kitchen. At the expiration of 1.5 year somewhere began seizing design in collecting blinds. In the middle stop and neither the amplitude, nor syudy. Over time, of course prilovchilis, but one day she simply devoured in one place and all. And by the time the plastic became even yellower and here since, I zareklas, What never, especially in the kitchen I do not take plastic blinds. Now in the bedroom, and the kitchen are aluminum shutters, and we are very happy. Dust really going fast, if the window is open, But it's not a problem, wipe them 5 minutes delov. they cost us about 5 years for sure. And never, no damage was not. Very comfortable and beautiful, you can choose any color, the kitchen we have coffee, and in the bedroom the color of coffee with milk, the interior fit perfectly. No curtains are not needed! In general I am for aluminum!