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The need for floor heating

From the name of "warm floor" can already make conclusions about its purpose and the need to use. They are now becoming more popular. But you should pay attention to the date of installation on the feedback of the people, who are faced with such a system and its operation.

floor heating device

Until the early familiarization with underfloor heating, should examine its structure, as well as possibilities during operation. Systems Division carried into two main types - electric and water. Each of them can be adapted to different conditions.The need for floor heating

For apartment buildings only possible in fact is electric floor heating, and water - only for private household. Besides emit electrical floors with different heating element, which can be:

  • heating mat. If you say a simple word on the device of the heating mat, it's a thin cable, which is attached to the surface of fiberglass. no more floor screed is not required to arrange. Even if floor heating is installed in the kitchen. They are often placed beneath the floor lining.
  • heating cables. But this is not a standard cable, as in the process flow of electrical current thereto, heating system occurs. The quantity is determined on the heating unit of the heating cable. It is distinguished by the simplicity of the device. The coupler is arranged at a different cable bending angle. After energizing, is its heating and heat transfer to the screed, and later to the apartment. All possible emerging shortcomings can be resolved at the installation stage. In the following will only enjoy the high quality work of floor heating. One of the main points - floor screed on the kitchen, which should meet the technology requirements.
  • Special film in the form of infra-red heating. Elements are located inside the film, capable of conducting current. infrared radiation is released as it flows, a heating floor and indoor air. It is also mounted under the floor covering.The need for floor heating

It is these elements will determine the device warm floor.

Conditions for operation

Prior to the beginning of floor heating system installation, should perform qualitative leveling the floor in the kitchen. This will allow in the future to carry out a full deck of any kind of floor covering. But if performed floor screed, the entire system can be placed in it. Heated floor can properly function only under certain conditions, which include:

  1. Warming of a high quality screed. Heat must constantly be directed into the room, and not to go down, that is lost. If perform lower layer, the heating efficiency will be maximized.The need for floor heating
  2. IN water underfloor heating there is a high flow resistance. For this purpose a circulation pump is mounted in. No harm will even make them a few, that remove the burden.
  3. Warming of the floor heating system must be carried out over the entire area in the room. Otherwise, damage may be encountered with the flooring over time due to lack of uniformity of heat transfer.
  4. Heat carrier or cable must be installed with the requirements of the temperature, which should not be higher than the permissible norms. This also applies to underfloor heating temperature, which is located within 28 degrees.


In the operation of any kind underfloor heating, there is a collision with a variety of its positive qualities, due to which he is so popular among builders. The room temperature is evenly distributed over the height from the floor. In this case the level is within the normal range for human sensations. Warm temperature flooring incorrect, but, Consequently, the whole system is gippoallergennoy. No extraneous substances and odors are released from the base.

heat level remains, and power and fuel consumption is reduced by several times in comparison with other options for central heating. Underfloor heating in the kitchen does not create unnecessary problems during the operation and does not damage the interior of the room. The system is hidden in the floor, invisible, but are the benefits.

For individual room floor heating creates certain positive qualities. This is particularly evident in the bathroom, where necessary warmth underfoot. When combined with such floor covering, as ceramic tiles, a natural stone, granite, heat remains on the surface of a greater amount of time. There will never be such a feeling, that stand on the cold floor after taking a shower. But it is very important to think about, how to make the alignment of the floor. Its quality will depend on the quality of the floor warming system installation.The need for floor heating

In such areas, bathtub or kitchen, very often faced with damp or wet. When implemented quality floor heating, that these shortcomings can be forgotten. The same goes for the appearance of mold and mildew. If he does appear, it is very problematic to get rid. Warm floor It allows you to forget about it, avoiding even the appearance.

Comparison of floor heating systems

There are certain difficulties in comparing different underfloor heating systems, but, in turn, make it not very difficult. Some even negative aspects of the system itself in the future in the process of installation and implementation of the planned can turn into advantages.

The disadvantage is the additional action, as dry screed sex in the kitchen. But in turn, it is possible to add a variety of design solutions: backlight, adding color, create a podium, to give the interior appeal.

Cable floor in contrast, heating mats e.g., It consumes less power, if you create for them a level playing field. This is evident in the device system in damp rooms, as well as for heating loggias. The latest version of Power, is consumed, It will be less than about two times.The need for floor heating

From all this we can conclude that, that the main difference between the floor heating systems is the electric power consumed by. But with more work methods of control, These figures are down.

A separate category is attributed infrared floors, because they have a somewhat different happens Heating. rays, that stand out film, heated all items, in the room, furniture, as well as the man himself. Not to mention the warming of the floor. This shows the efficiency of heat transfer, which is higher than in other similar systems. But many afraid to create an additional source of indoor electromagnetic waves. That is what is basically the reason for choosing the cable floor heating.The need for floor heating

And the maximum temperature power

Job underfloor heating due to the rules and regulations. This relates primarily to the temperature, for which a limit 28 degrees. If you create a great performance, it will begin to appear harmful to human health. In those places, permanently occupied by people, generally recommended norm 26 degrees. Exceeding the standards is permissible only in those places, where possibly lowering the temperature. This applies to places along the walls, around windows. You can raise the level of heat to 33 degrees. The same applies to the bathrooms, where people go after the soul, and are often without any shoes.The need for floor heating

As for the power selectable underfloor heating, it is typically 80W per square meter. But if the room is actively loses heat, that such power may not be enough. This applies to a small room (close bath, bedroom with a large bed). Here, floor heating system fits only a minor section of the floor. Its effectiveness is considerably reduced. Consequently, have to look for ways to eliminate such errors in the work.

hypoallergenic floor

Many people think that, Do I need a warm floor, what its main advantages. A very important factor in this direction - gippoallergennost. When using it, there will be no dust stick to the surface of the floor covering. If the temperature is a heating device 55 degrees, distillation occurs dry dust. Thereafter, they start to climb up along with the warmed air. Airways, their mucosa, It begins to get irritated, throat begins to appear a feeling of dryness. All this has a negative impact on the health of any person.

Health is affected by various types of dust, appearing in the air. Irritation increases with increasing their volume, that occurs at temperatures above 55 degrees. Use instead of floor heating radiators, It reduces the manifestation of allergic reactions to almost zero.

It helps to answer the question, Do I need a warm floor in a house or apartment, as a source of comfort and healthy living.

the right choice

By the choice of a warm floor system is attributed with all the care. Many factors speak in favor of one or other kind of. But they have little or no negative manifestations during operation. For quick floor heating and air in the room is perfect infrared heated floor. It's enough to just 15-20 minutes after the. A great option for children's bedroom or bathroom.

For bedrooms alternative acts electric floor heating, can replace all radiators. They heated the floor screed and transmit all of the heat into the room without any extra losses. Prior to the beginning of work should consider, how to align the kitchen floor. To do this, there are many options for floor screed, depending on the materials used and equipment. Each individual species is responsible for its functions and is able to perform a specific set of tasks.The need for floor heating

Any version of a warm floor is safe for human health. It is possible to arrange in any room perfectly and at the same time it is able to transfer the necessary amount of heat into the room. The necessity is obvious when considering the system from any side.





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