the main / Floor / Leveling the floor / Construction of the sexes / Tools for dry screed Knauf

Tools for dry screed Knauf

Responsible and important stage of the process can be called leveling the subfloor. This is necessary for the subsequent flooring flooring, so that in the future it may last for as long as possible. In addition, the appearance of the floor indicates the appearance of the entire room and interior.

Before the flooring floor covering is necessary to carry out the fill or backfill screed, whichever, which option is selected for execution. But in some situations you need to stock up on all the necessary materials and tools for the job.

Necessary materials

When a dry screed on Knauf technologies, will have to acquire the necessary materials for installation. In order to properly and reliably put beacons on the area in the room, I need to buy metal profiles. But before that it will need to arrange a layer of warmth and damp-proofing, wherein as a base material of polyethylene film acts.Tools for dry screed

Soundproofing arranged from the edge band. The surface is adapted to the level and possesses insulating properties, it is best to buy in the store construction concrete block. there is, of course, and alternative materials. Everything will depend on the capabilities and financial position. But in the end it will turn out really strong ground after doing all kinds of work.

The most basic materials - elements of the "dry" technology, are chosen as gypsum sheets GOLS, having increased resistance to moisture level. Their exact number can be calculated previously, so that in the future not to be distracted by the installation process and create a smooth floor.

Fastening sheet layer alignment carried out by means of screws. But it is necessary to pay attention to, to fixing the cap completely drowned in the material dry screed. Otherwise defects will be created on the surface. Tools for dry screedSuch an embodiment is not suitable for finishing, if not fully comply with the technology to implement a smooth floor installation.

Furthermore screws special construction adhesive may be used, whereby the sheets are attached to the base, and glued together. But here it is necessary to pay attention to, that everything will depend on the version floor unit in room. true, subsequent dismantling will carry out a very difficult. On the glue you can save by using PVA.

A specific list of materials for the work will be determined on the basis of the existing situation and the order of execution of works. But you should always purchase some more materials, than necessary for installation dry screed. For the exact amount of materials to be added about 10%, precisely to be sure, that it will be enough. It is always the sheets can be cut, dotachivatsya and damaged.Adhesive performance Dry screed Knauf

Devices for leveling

Provided mainly two groups of instruments, that will be required to perform dry screed by Knauf technology:

  1. Special tools. This includes the tools for dry screed Knauf, This guide rail.Tools for dry screed
  2. universal set. With their help, you can create any kind of dry floors.

Among the universal instruments dry screed sex can include various line measurement, screwdriver for fastening sheets to the base, jigsaws for cutting elements in the necessary parts, Lasers or conventional construction levels, targeting quality mark.

editing process dry screed It does not require much effort and knowledge in this area. For this reason, a set of tools and a minor is not much different from other types of construction works. It is connected with the fact, that during mounting smooth floor drywall sheets used, which only require compliance in precision technology and conditions, in which the work is carried. For relax the installation process Sales are various kits, among which, for example, you can select a set of Knauf superfields. This is a ready-made list of materials and fixtures, needed to obtain a result.

Rails GVL

Tools for dry screed
The cost of such a set 8000 rub
Tools for dry screed
The cost of such a set of rails to align 12000 rub.

A few words must be said about the special adaptations to perform dry floor by Knauf technology. This is all the, that is designed to create a level surface to the expanded clay layer arrangement and fixation plates. The composition includes aluminum rails for dry screed, having a cross-section 2*6 or 2*8 cm. everything will depend on the specific situation and the required volume of work. In addition, the set includes a special lining. The ability to increase work efficiency, lath, regulations, rack for dry screed. The latter is primarily intended for alignment layer haydite.

By use of such a set in the device dry screed, the surface is not only smooth, but smooth. Special tools required from the performer only strict adherence to technology, attention and accuracy in work.


All elements of the instrument for alignment dry floor They have their purpose, on what to look for when buying and using the.

  • From aluminum profile acts as a guide for a dry floor screed for leveling of rails. Tools for dry screedWith their help, it turns out that the height and level of the layer of expanded clay, which are provided by technology. The rigidity has enough, and this is easy and convenient to use.
  • Rule - allows razravnyat expanded clay on the surface of the guide, that have been set previously as lighthouses.
  • Beacon profile. It reduces the friction in the process of leveling of expanded clay on the surface in the room.
  • Ftoroplast also reduces friction force, and also eliminates the possibility of friction between two metal elements to each other.
  • Screws - attach PTFE to rule, and Beacon profile.

Many artists are self-made rails for leveling, even out of the ordinary profile for drywall. All the advantages of the tool, you can talk endlessly. The most important thing in this situation - creating a flat surface, having a high level of quality and reliability.Rails GVL floors

who need

Use a tool to dry screed Knauf It requires not only construction companies, which have such activity. Tools for dry screedAfter all, they are very often faced with the orders for the assembly of the Knauf subfloor. All work is performed by their forces, and to facilitate the process need to have available a complete list of tools for dry floor screed.

Little benefit from the use of a special tool at single dry screeds for performing a small area. Normally it should not be less than 50 square meters.

A set of tools will not be superfluous for novice builders, who wish to provide services on a dry floor unit in the room. Having bought once, thereafter only occasionally need to be replaced with more modern methods and options.

scheme for performing dry screed Knauf
Scheme performing dry screed Knauf

When the hand has a full list of materials and tools to perform dry ground, then the whole process will not take much time. Also do not have to think about, what to buy and how to save time. detailed instruction and technology for performing a dry screed download and pposmotret.

On sale you can find all, it will take to complete the work but if you have time to make it possible to guide rail and with their own hands. In addition, watch the video installation GVL floor.






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