the main / Floor / Leveling the floor / Construction of the sexes / Methods of alignment in the flat base floor

Methods of alignment in the flat base floor

On the floor can occur over time defects, which detracts from the appearance and pose a threat to the qualitative condition of the floor covering. Additionally irregularities can occur in the case of floor screed unit after performing such events in the other room.

In a particular case require qualitative level the foundation, to avoid any problems during operation. In addition, the term ties made on technology and roofed coating increase significantly, compared to the damaged areas.

elimination of irregularities

Irregularities on the concrete floor can be a large number of, including different types of. With all of them should work, so as not to lead to more serious problems. Among them are:

  • potholes. They begin to appear over time operation ties. Defects affect the mechanical stresses from the outside. Alignment the subfloor in the apartmentIf not addressed in time, it is even possible destruction of the coating. Plot pothole must be cut through at the perimeter to a depth of approximately 20 mm. Old coating removed, and should get rid of the garbage. Industrial vacuum cleaner will get rid of the appearance of dust. A very important step - padding surface, where the materials are used in the epoxy resin. This significantly increase the level of adhesion of the base and then fill. To fill applied repair mortar, preparing a mixture of the construction. It will only have to level all over the surface of the rule. Completion - grinding the dried solution, that it matches the floor level.
  • cracks. They should also fight, once found on the surface. Alignment the subfloor in the apartmentOtherwise, it will begin to increase in size and will result in damage to the entire section. Consequently, uneven alignment sex in the early stages is essential. All will depend on the depth and volume of the gap. When its thickness to 20 mm, deepening usually done on 10 mm, if more than this layer - at least 50 mm. If the crack is very significant, That makes the additional recesses at the edges. Will only have to remove all the debris and fill the space with primer. As used repair compound should have an epoxide or polyurethane basis, which is mixed with quartz sand (filler).
  • stitches. Expansion joints to lose their properties and quality over time. They can crumble, spill. Jointing seam apply diamond disc. The edges should be arranged exactly perpendicular to the base. Crack along said exposed steel rods. After filling in the repair weld composition and its complete solidification, polished surface, markers are removed. According to the left marked up new expansion joints. The resulting seam is laid cord "Viloterm", performing two important functions at once - and vibro waterproofing gender.Alignment the subfloor in the apartment
  • The appearance of dust. When the dust-drenched appearance of ties, the most popular way - the application of a special paint. Alignment the subfloor in the apartmentThe material may be selected "Neomer", "Poropraym", "Elakor". Instead of paint can be applied the primer or varnish. In addition, at the base immediately appear and additional quality, protecting against cold, premature wear.
  • Full surface repairs. This option allows you to get an answer to the question of, how to level uneven floor, if significant damage. The best and the best option - the implementation of pouring concrete screed. With her help aligned base and create a robust and reliable surface.

The difference in height between the rooms

Often, that repairs are engaged in one particular room. It all starts with the sub floor and ends of furniture distribution. But few people think about, that in the future such as repairs required in other areas of the apartment. Immediately the question arises, as align drop floor between rooms. Some leave it at that and just put the nut. But the best option - to completely level the surface to the same level.Alignment the subfloor in the apartment

In the first case there is a fear of a meaningful reduction of the distance between the ceiling and the floor. This is true for rooms with low ceilings. In addition, there is no desire to spend money on the purchase of mixtures for pouring new ties and spend their own time on the job.

But it is much nicer to be beautiful and aesthetically, if the transition from one room to another is a single entity. No barriers in this case, there is no. In this case, there are two main options, how to align the floor between rooms:

  1. Creating a new floor screed, due to a rise in the level of another room. Alignment the subfloor in the apartmentEspecially the building materials market can meet a large range of products for thin screed. Particular attention should be paid to such producers, as the "Master", «Guardians» or «Bergauf». Except for the tie, You can set a certain height lags, and already put them on the sheet material and to carry out finishing flooring. There arises an additional layer soundproofing, which fits between the spaced joists.
  2. Using appropriate coating material, and. If no screed coating flooring produced, eg tiles, it should be thick enough, to bring the level of difference in one position. Additionally adhesive layer under the tile is taken large, than standard.

Even if in this case it manifested a slight difference in height between a few millimeters premises, they help hide multilevel nut, Fit the interior of both rooms in the apartment. Generally, everything will depend on imagination and financial position.

Alignment under floor heating

The smooth surface of the floor is necessary and in the event, when the system is arranged underfloor heating. Screed is poured under heaters. Heat, however, remains indoors and never wasted. Alignment the subfloor in the apartmentheating costs are reduced significantly. But it is important to know about, how to align the floor under floor heating.

If we are talking about Radiant Floor, it is not only protected by the pipeline system, but also allows heat to be distributed evenly over the entire surface. Generated heat and sound insulating layer.

Under heated floors for leveling screed base several options can be applied:

  • dry screed. Currently, the building materials market represented a huge range of mixtures, that can align the subfloor before, how to install a warm floor. The same applies to backfill. The procedure for the next assembly: originally produced for waterproofing packing material, which may be a conventional film made of polyethylene, after which the dry mixture is performed backfilling (expanded clay or other) flooring and sheeting - GCR. Alignment the subfloor in the apartmentThe whole process is very convenient, n requires great physical strength, no need to wait for the time to complete drying, in concrete screed. process for performing underfloor heating It will be reduced by the time frame.
  • Sand-cement (concrete). But what level the uneven floor, what materials it is better to carry out? Also proportions of sand and cement, which are provided for filling technology tie, is added and PVA glue as plasticizer. If the pipe is placed in a water solution underfloor heating, it will also be protected from mechanical damage.

When selected under screed warm floor for floor leveling, it is necessary to adhere to certain requirements, without which it will not work perfectly flat surface, possessing all the strength characteristics. All work starts from the walls, located on the opposite side of the door into the room. Quick drying process will be made in the case, if casting make minor diameter opening within 4-5 cm. Besides it happens better grip with the old surface. The concrete screed has to happen in thickness from 30 to 50 mm.

Aligning parts

Before the flooring planks may be manifested surface defects, and have align floor of the. Alignment the subfloor in the apartmentBut in this situation there is a big likelihood of subsequent damage to the material on the floor, and a reduction in strength of the repaired portions screed.

In such a situation it is important to select the composition of the work, that there was a sufficient level of adhesion. In the minor groove is better not to use peskobeton even brand M300, in Stroebe, he will not stay, over a short time already starts to fly away. For installation and removal of floor unevenness is actively used not only tile adhesive, but also special mixtures "Nalivaiko". But even before that the whole surface is cleaned of debris and a layer primer.

Damaged areas can occur on the connection of the two slabs. In this case, the floor remains flat, screed filled with quality. To lay laminate, alignment should be performed to the level using the self-leveling compounds.

After repairs minor elevations can be detected before 5 mm. Such a material as a laminate lay better not to start until, until we get rid of them. Some try to use a sander, bright but it does not bring results. The most optimum variant - Bulgarian diamond cup. At the same speed should be adjusted independently. true, a job best left to professionals. Permitted height difference of not more than 2 mm per 2 Square meters in the room, possible to produce a laminate flooring material or the like on the surface.

Errors in alignment

When you create a flat floor surface for finishing, can meet a very serious infringement, which will be difficult to get a positive result.

  1. Selecting the mix. Very often purchased those products, which does not correspond to the work carried out. I.e, few people pay attention to the instructions from the manufacturer and purpose. Alignment the subfloor in the apartmentThey are all in different ways can interact with the topcoat.
  2. If not primed surface, It occurs delamination or cracking screed. Hide all finishing has not come out.
  3. Before pouring the screed in the apartment, even if the same level will be carried out in each room, worth thinking about, a floor covering to be used. Indeed, it will also have a different thickness. Otherwise it is necessary to think about, as Line floor between rooms, to eventually obtain a flat surface.
  4. The main thing - good care of in the process of drying screed.
  5. If you use self-leveling compounds work is best done not by yourself, and seek help from professionals. A single holding assembly would lead to rapid moisture absorption. Alignment the subfloor in the apartmentEven small portions over the entire area in the room will be difficult to fill in a moment.
  6. Prior to use, self-leveling compounds must be carefully prepared base, Ties to the quality was the best. Any grease or paint spots to be removed. It only reduce the degree of adhesion of the finished mixture with a base. Consequently, about any qualitative alignment and speech will not be.

All of these methods allow to fully cope with the irregularities on the old concrete screed, Tie between transitions from one room to another, as well as get rid of possible surface defects, occurring during operation.





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