the main / Floor / Leveling the floor / Construction of the sexes / The choice of floor screed level

The choice of floor screed level

Part of the floor construction, which produced laying floor covering is called a coupler. It must meet strict requirements, since the surface should get the maximum level. It is very rare, even in new buildings get a base, in which immediately can be carried out laying of any kind of material. But, Even selecting a particular option screed, should determine the minimum and maximum thickness, that all the characteristics and properties have been saved.

Requirements to the screed layer

Fill layer has a specific list of functions and has its purpose. The result should be a solid foundation, which must withstand static and dynamic loads during operation. It is important to observe technology to obtain a smooth surface. In the following it will be possible to carry out any decking flooring, such as tile, laminate or linoleum.

Arranged tie layer It allows you to evenly distribute the load across the plane in the room. floor screed levelThe load is transmitted to lower layers disposed, which can be placed floor heating system, as well as various communication. This significantly increases the life of all components of the maintenance period. If necessary, you can create and biases for certain premises (bathroom). In this case fill level the floor will be different.

Throughout the thickness leveling layer should have an identical density. We can not allow the appearance of cracks, spalling, potholes or other surface defects. It is for this fully observed leveling technology grounds, performing all work in series. If desired, to obtain a flat horizontal surface, It allowed only a slight slope up to 0.2%.

The particular type of floor screed, as well as the optimal filling thickness will depend on the period of operation, the strength of the whole structure. Particular attention should be paid to the room, where the work will be carried out, primer at base. This all affects the fill level, the need for layers of reinforcement or other reinforcing elements.

Determination of irregularities

Until that moment, as pour half solution, should determine the level and layer thickness. Own vision to make it not really. The paper should be used specialized tools. Determined with projections and dents on the surface with the level of the bar and. The longer the bar, the more accurate the results obtained. There are more modern ways of carrying out this type of work.floor screed level

The thickness of the screed It will depend on the quality of the base and is usually from 30 to 50 mm. But it is not always thicker base exhibits excellent quality in the use. You can not make a fill to raise the floor level. Its main purpose - creating a flat surface for subsequent finishing.

With a significant level of fill required and longer to dry. This does not appeal to those, who wish to quickly make repairs in the apartment. Subsequent work can not start, until the foundation is not fully pick up strength and dries. Determining the degree of drying of each species different ties.floor screed level

types ties

There are three basic types of ties:

  • subfloor. The thickness is usually selected minor. In most cases self leveling mixture is used with a level of up to 20 mm. floor screed levelYou may be dispensed in such a case the device without reinforcement layer.
  • Floor height to 70 mm. Reinforcement is performed using reinforced concrete and other options.
  • Screed with thickness up to 150 mm. This is the monolith, inside which it is also impossible to do without the use of reinforcement. Here leveling technology sex is necessary not only to obtain a flat surface, but also acts as the foundation of the house. The two systems are then connected together.

There are many varieties of ties, which can be used to smooth the surface of the device. a variety of materials and equipment used in each of them, will depend on fill level. In addition, the functions performed are markedly different from the type of foundations.

  1. Cement-sand screed. Work on the floor leveling often carried out on a concrete base. floor screed levelSuffice it to get mixed in appropriate proportions all components (sand, Cement, water) and the resulting solution was spread over the entire area in the room. Marking cement is not taken below M300, quality corresponded to.
  2. Concrete screed. In the following will additionally arrange the alignment layer. As used foam has the property, as cracking, that just spoils the appearance and lose quality.
  3. Self-leveling compounds. The mixture may be a completely different components, each of which is responsible for a specific direction. A filling layer starting from 1-2 mm, depending on the type of mixture and reach 30-40 mm. At the end of the fill can begin finishing, including any covering plank.
  4. Polusuhaya screed. The composition of the mixture is present a small amount of water. Instead of reinforcing elements or sand can be used fibrovolokno - modern means, improving the quality of the solution, which becomes stronger, plastic and is evenly distributed throughout the plane. floor screed levelAlign the mixture may be using a rule or special equipment "Helicopter".
  5. The use of sheet materials - plywood or other boards. Pre-filling is usually carried out dry matter, on top of which are mounted said elements. The process does not take much time and can be performed even beginners. The thickness is usually from screed 30 to 100 mm.
  6. dry screed. All transactions are completely dry. Water is not used during installation. Suitable to create a flat surface with significant elevation changes. Suitable for filling perlite, expanded, vermiculite. They all differ in cost and quality. If you need to get an answer to that, how to align the floor cheap, it is better to buy expanded clay. Above the filling also applicable sheeting, type or GOLS Knauf superpol.

What do screed in the apartment, each must choose, based on experience of the performance of, financial possibilities and the availability of the necessary material to work.

Minimum fill level

To determine the minimum screed thickness of indicators provided building codes. According to him pouring height must be at least 20 mm. It is suitable for alignment based on metallotsementa. But you should pay attention, the material can have an impact on this indicator. In any case, there is a minimum threshold, that can not be rejected.floor screed level

Ties level should be such, that he was not only a strong, but also durable. Performance will not be met, Consequently, by pouring a solution of the floor will have no effect.

minimum performance fill level screed

floor screed level
Screed on keramsit
floor screed level
Screed on expanded polystyrene
floor screed level
Screed for mineral wool

All the thresholds are usually suitable for the leveling layer. But it is better to think of a thicker screed in the kitchen, in the bathroom or toilet, where there is a significant load on the base.

Further reinforcing layer, fill level must not fall below 40 mm. In addition will be subject to additional requirements for the material, such as rubble fines, for a thin layer. Do not be amiss to add in the plasticizers, which will help improve the quality of the solution.

maximum performance

There are options for the future ties, that exceed in any case be. When aligned curve floor, that each case will receive an answer to the limits of sex fill level. If you take the technological side of the matter, then the layer should not exceed 150-170 mm. If you move away from it, it will spend a lot of time and effort. Moreover, the drying time significantly increase. Large layer can be arranged in those areas, where there may be a significant burden. These include garages. The same applies to the problematic ground, as well as the use of screed as a supporting structure.floor screed level

It is worth noting, which is not always exclusively screed can be hidden even significant elevation changes on the basis of sex. Enough to bring down the ridges or potholes repaired available. Most often, in this case even using concrete block or gravel to reduce the total weight of the fill.

floor screed level
The maximum level of the screed

From a financial point of view there is no justification thick layer at system device underfloor heating. A significant gender pouring height above the heating elements will not allow the latter to fully transfer all the heat, to be lost. heating costs will increase significantly, as it is necessary fully to warm the entire thickness of the solution, to get inside the room. So that the alignment of the floor surface should be done with the mind.

fill Effects

There are two basic ways, which can perform the fill solution:

  1. dry mix. Thus arranged semi-dry, dry screed gender.
  2. grout. Here the result is a concrete or sand-cement. It is possible to align the fiscal floors, If kneading implement their own solution.

But how better to align the floor option? floor screed levelMost popular is the pouring of concrete. Here, As with other technologies, there are subtleties and nuances. the main thing, properly comply with all the proportions of components. If this cement, the mark must be at least M300, Sand - a fraction of no more than 5 mm. The smaller the fraction, the thicker the coating will eventually, and evenly distributed throughout the plane in the room. Instead of sand even better use of screening. When choosing a thin layer of fill to be added to the composition of the plasticizer solution. This allows you to choose the level of less than 40 mm.

Drying time concrete mortar significant. Thus it is impossible for the entire period to the integration of floor heating systems. After casting, a very important process of caring for the screed, to prevent premature drying.

Do not rare cases of application dry mixes. Water in them is almost is not used or not used at all. Alignment the subfloor time minimum, because she screed dries very quickly. The resulting coating has higher strength. In the construction market, you can find a huge range of dry mixes, which can be applied only to specific types of work, including, depending on the thickness of future ties. Manufacturers in the packaging prescribed all the basic requirements, including, for filling the drying time. floor screed levelThis should be followed to obtain a positive result.

If you take semi-dry screed, then the process takes less time together with the drying. Labor costs are also minimal. This is true with limited timing of the repairs in the apartment.

"Dry" option involves the use of slab leveling floor. They lay after, as the main components is formed backfilling. All these new technologies floor leveling allow to obtain the maximum solid foundation, even acting as a finishing. By the choice of material should be taken seriously, since the entire structure is often performed for a long time.

screed under the parquet

Tie in the new apartment is required to completely cover the different options. Use cases are not rare parquet. It will require the knowledge, how to perform floor leveling under the flooring quickly and efficiently. Very popular not only semi-dry screed, but pouring cement. Each of these options has its own technology, for which there is consistently perform all actions.floor screed level

Not everyone knows about, How to fill the floor. Porosity to be obtained screed, so that in the future it is well into the adhesive. But a significant parameter will reduce the strength of ties. In this constant fluctuations parquet boards lead to their separation from the base. For a good screed will take approximately 300 kg of cement per cubic meter of sand. Under the flooring is usually made in the tie 50 mm. its drying time will be about 2 months.

When the device within communications screed, all of which should be recorded. Drawn tubes arrangement, post, their exact dimensions. Do not be amiss to make a photo shoot and place the act. This will allow the master, performing laying parquet on a surface, not to damage the communication.

So how much is to align the floor in the apartment? This amount will depend on the particular type of application or the mixture components for mixing a solution of, as well as on the level of the floor fill. It is not always helpful to buy expensive materials, and it is better to choose something, that reviews popular. Price must fully comply with the quality. the main thing, correctly select a particular variant of the device under a certain smooth floor flooring and depending from the base, quality and availability errors.





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