the main / Floor / Leveling the floor / Construction of the sexes / Proper execution of dry screed in the apartment

Proper execution of dry screed in the apartment

Dry screed is often used for quick, smooth floor. Further it is possible to perform finishing immediately. It is distinguished not so compressive strength, than the classic version, but it will be sufficient even for rooms with a high degree of permeability. dry screed even in the garage buildings can be arranged, despite initially apparent fragility of the whole structure. It is very important when performing the installation to comply fully with the technology and not to deviate from it at each stage.

basis ties

Screed in dry form is accomplished by the implementation of appropriate material backfill, as well as the subsequent flooring gypsum sheets. Additionally additionally must be arranged other layers screed.

In addition to the simple leveling base, dry option acts as sound insulator, having a number of positive qualities.

Manufacturer Knauf in its technology exists 4 type dry screed:

  1. Alpha.
  2. Beta.
  3. Vega.
  4. Gamma.

    Performing dry screed in the apartment

Each of them has its own characteristics and requires a device soundproofing, porous-spongy, porous, fibrous layers. But when there is a ties choice for apartments, but time is limited, you can not do without this method.


few know, how to do floor screed. No harm will explore all the positive qualities of the material in the work. For a start - a dry method, which eliminates the use of water in the screed. Consequently, You do not have to mix concrete or cement-sand mortar, afraid of the water flow on the downstream floors. The very process of installation does not take a lot of time and experience in performing. All work can be done not just in one room, but only parts. It is possible to make certain adjustments to the final result.

dry screed It has a high degree of thermal insulation. This quality is achieved by using expanded clay as component. Sound insulation effect is obtained by using an edge band of foamed polyethylene.

Advantages dry screeds are also in the, that it can be hassle-free to lay all the possible communication. It is excellent for system devices underfloor heating and laying any type of cable.Performing dry screed in the apartment

If they do not have much time to repair the apartment and the device smooth floor, the dry method approach can be very useful. After filling can be immediately used to mount sheet material. Will only produce finishing, produce flooring flooring. This is especially important in the winter day, when to dry concrete screeds need to wait up to a month, so that it is completely dry. In addition, the system underfloor heating Feel free to operate almost without interruption, that will not allow heat to escape from the room, even.

Not always a wooden base load capacity, created by ties of concrete. For this reason, it will be actual apparatus embodiment of dry.

Using leveling sheets

One element of such floor - leveling sheet, which can be quite different, depending on the function. Apart from the usual gypsum sheets (GVL) may apply moisture (GVLV). Also, isolated and other materials, which include:

  • plaster sheet (GSP).
  • Chipboard (DSP).
  • Plywood with resistance to moisture.
  • Oriented particle boards (OSP).

Particularly effective different system OP 135, presented by Knauf. The materials kit contains everything you need for quality implementation of the base alignment. No voids were not formed at the same time, but there are excellent quality and warmth soundproofing. In the most commonly used small-format sheets of drywall. Data sheets for floor leveling a high degree of moisture confrontation.Performing dry screed in the apartment

If you need a tough and also eco-friendly material, the chosen GSP. A device on the floor is a two-layer, are bonded to each other conventional PVA adhesive. For the reliability of the entire design and screwed screws. But in the process of cutting sheets there is a large amount of dust. Besides the total weight of the sheet considerable.

Can be carried out dry screed with polystyrene foam. It is designed for protection against ambient noise, and to maintain the heat inside the room. This is particularly important in the case, If quartz sand is used as backfill.

Dry screed with polystyrene
Dry screed with polystyrene foam

Overall thickness just "pie" will depend on the number of irregularities and their distribution over the surface of the room, and paved communications. The standard coating for floor leveling with all the components of 30-50 mm. In larger height emphasis on the use of two layers of panels floor leveling, creating leveling flooring.

qualitative filling

Not only can be expanded clay backfill apparatus when dry screed. Material for filling the floor of the apartment can be quite any, appropriate conditions, as well as requirements.

  1. Expanded. For dry screeds its fraction should not exceed 5 mm. Otherwise, the technology will be broken, and evenness did not succeed to reach the surface. When significant difference haydite elements occur in the bag "buhteniya", manifested at the end of work. Performing dry screed in the apartmentThe minimum level of expanded clay on the ground for alignment - 30-40 mm.
  2. vermiculite. It refers to the number of laminates. The cooking process has its own peculiarities. But the finished version is always available in the construction market. The weight of vermiculite in a minor, which significantly reduces the overall load on the overlap. Every cubic meter of material weighs only 160 kg. If it comes to it dry method Device smooth floor, is selected only expanded vermiculite, due to the high degree of moisture absorption.
  3. By the volcanic rocks belong perlite. In addition, used in perlite. But compared with others, This material has a high cost, that a few pushes of performers.
  4. Belarusian company on the market offers kompevit. The probability of forgery is minimal, but, Consequently, quality is always on top.

    Performing dry screed in the apartment
    Leveling the floor with sheets GVLV

When the flat surface, weighty absence of errors and defects, You can do without filling, save a decent amount of money. Will only use extruded polystyrene, which covered the surface. That's what creates smooth floors in an apartment without a tie. The material for dry screed sex may be different. The main thing to decide on the, what qualities he should show during operation.

Substrate preparation

Mix for alignment the floor with his hands pre-bought. But before its backfilling should qualitatively carry out the activities for the preparation of the base. Performing dry screed in the apartmentInitially it should be carried out plumbing work, laid communication, wiring. Checked for faults sewerage, heating and other elements, which are located in the floor.

When the room is already lived, conducted repairs, the old coating removed previously, as well as the qualification for defects. Available slots, potholes, holes are removed by means of a cement-sand mortar. Significant perform better cut grinder, than their fill components dry screed. Height future ties as defined by, mark as done on the walls in the room. all rubbish, dust, dirt also removed.

additional layers

Before backfilling directly components dry variant alignment subfloor, moisture barrier layer should be performed. For this purpose, glassine paper made packing or film under dry screed polyethylene. Perhaps even distribution of elements parts. In any case, should be maintained in the overlap 15-20 cm. in addition the film must cover the base portion and the wall, how far will reach the overall level of the "pie". This layer should be arranged on a mandatory basis, since any moisture coming from the outside can destroy the material backfill.Performing dry screed in the apartment

The apartment can be supplied through the background noise floor base. To avoid this, I have to think about soundproofing. To some extent, this role is performed by filling. But additionally exposed clearance between the sheets and the wall to 1 cm. In this period of fixed tape soundproof, made of concrete material (fiberglass, foam, minvata).

Laying sheets mixture and

friable mixture It should be backfilled on rails, exposed as beacons. If you do not, the level and then does not help to make everything smooth. On loose base it will be difficult to walk, and it will constantly change its shape.

Set U-shaped profiles are fixed on the basis of, whereupon filling will be shared between them. Performing dry screed in the apartmentThe maximum height of the dry screed It will depend on the quality of the surface for alignment. Subsequently gypsum sheets are almost in contact with the profiles. But the past still have to be removed. The fact, that over time the filling has the property, how to sagging. Consequently, and descend several floor covering itself with the sheet material. Profiles of the increased stiffness will remain in place. The danger in this respect carries crude concrete block.

The mixture for filling should be uniform. The most popular of these are the materials of the company Knauf, having set all the required qualities and properties. By increasing the total tie layer, will additionally use a layer of the sheet material. Number of the mixture should be such, that it can be shut down several sheets. Otherwise it will be very difficult to walk on the surface and produce packing. Mounting plates It will also be problematic due to the contact with the adhesive crumbs from the backfill material. It's all, you need for dry floor screed. Basic technology requirements must be met. Mixture for floor leveling in the bathroom must possess such qualities, as opposition to moisture. Such materials can be found in the construction market. By the choice should be approached with great responsibility.

As for the sheets, here it is important to lay the first sheet, from which all will come. In any case can not be pressed into the filling or move across the surface. Flatness backfill will be saved, if the work will start from the front door. The exception here - packing material in the insulating panels. Each successive series of sheets should go to offset, ie in a staggered manner.

Performing dry screed in the apartment
Rules laying sheets

Materials for floor screeds and leveling influence on the overall thickness "pirogue". In some cases you will have to arrange and two sheet material layer. Specific circumstances give a more precise answer. No harm will consult a specialist.


When performed floor leveling dry method, you can proceed to the final work. To this end, cut off the film protruding elements waterproofing. The number of jobs will affect the purpose of leveling bases to the floor.

  1. The bathroom follows to perform additional coating deck waterproofing layer. They may be ordinary film or coating of bitumen.
  2. When using such coating, linoleum, cork, etc., then slaps screws should hide, and all joints putty sheets. When making a surface painting activities, hruntuetsya entire surface and shpaklyuetsya. The surface in this case to obtain a flat and smooth.
  3. No activities are necessary, if done laying tile in the living room. Enough to buy adhesives for screed.

Dry screed is performed in a single day. In addition, all actions are performed in-house, without the involvement of construction brigades.






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