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How to cut linoleum correctly

A diverse range of linoleum patterns allow it to pick up any decor. Linoleum - practical and simple material, requiring not for qualifications. Proper cutting linoleum before installation - one of the important conditions for the aesthetic appearance of the floor covering. Let us consider in detail, how to properly prune linoleum and that it needs to.

So you will need to cut linoleum correctly:

  • notched trowel;
  • Edged knives;
  • a long line of (2-3 m);
  • elbow (1 m);
  • short line.
  1. Prepare for cutting linoleum. To stabilize the size of at least hold the rolls 2 weeks in the warmth. Unpack, Roll out and cut linoleum paintings required length taking into account the allowance for Cutting and shrinkage. The longer the web, the more make allowance. When the length of fabric over 10 m leave reserve 50-60 mm, at lengths of up to 10 m - 30-40 mm. For small premises up to 6 m supply of linoleum leave no more 20 mm. Fold the cut stack of sheets up to 4-5 days for a full straightening.
  2. Spread prepared linoleum on the floor and mark on it the contours of the walls. Firmly press the linoleum on the floor line. Take a sharp knife and puncture a small cut. Continuing to press the fabric on both sides of the incision, to draw a sharp line on the entire perimeter. When you get to make the angle, V-shaped cutout in the linoleum. If the room is a complex contour floor (tubes, column, bay window, etc.), prepare in advance patterns protruding parts. First make a marking on thin paper or newspaper, and then drag it onto the cardboard. Spend prirezku linoleum on difficult areas with small strips and accurately follow a pattern.
  3. Cut linoleum with a color pattern. Pre-patterned material lay-up. Having laid linoleum fabric parallel to the wall, push it a long ruler and cut off. There, where one sheet ends, you need to put the following. Carefully pick pattern pieces of adjacent, and at the connection place them overlap. Mark the next seam. To linoleum did not move while cutting, put a heavy object. Slowly cut the two layers of the line and collect pruning. In areas with a large area has to do prirezku several paintings and match figures of linoleum edging. In this case, cut the junction rims with a ruler and a knife, not forgetting the precise alignment pattern.




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