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How to insulate a wall in the corner room inside or on the street?

With the approach of winter frosts people think about, how to reduce heat losses in its housing, and at the same time to save on heating. And the best way to become insulation of walls with his own hands. And quite often this question is given by the owners of the corner apartments or private houses, and here it is necessary to understand, as a warm corner room and where find the problem of heat leak.


To get started is to take into account the climatic conditions of the region, and to determine how well the insulation is necessary. Total, at work will have to perform the following steps:

  1. Decide on a budget and project materials, which want to insulate the wall in the corner room.
  2. Decide on one insulation, select the method and material for its implementation.
  3. Prepare the wall to the Weatherization.

The subsequent steps will depend directly on the process used and the insulation material. But while greater detail on these points and discuss them in more detail.

Calculating budget

Directly on the financial capacity will depend on the choice of insulation. Speaking directly about the material used, are two basic, which are used most frequently and are among the most effective:

  1. Expanded polystyrene (Styrofoam).
  2. Mineral wool and its varieties.

Each of them has its own characteristics, more effective is the first embodiment, but it is worth noting, it is also more expensive. But it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances:

  1. For internal insulation, as a finish coating used plasterboard, respectively, need to be taken into account and the cost of. But it is worth saying, that the polystyrene foam insulation is more expensive.
  2. In turn at warming the corner of the room from the outside, foam used for decorative plaster, and for wool are allowed to use only a hanging materials (siding, lining and so on.). because, in the case of external insulation of mineral wool may be more expensive.

therefore, Depending on your budget and choose a material. detail, about selecting a heater.

It is worth saying, it is not recommended to use plasterboard for internal wall insulation. This is due to the following factors:

  1. The wall is completely isolated from the heating, which causes displacement of the dew point.
  2. Further, with time, change the wall thermal conductivity characteristics will occur.
  3. By shifting the dew point in the wall itself begins to accumulate moisture, as a result, gradually during cycles of freezing and thawing of the wall will be destroyed.
  4. Besides, It forms an ideal environment for the development of fungus and mold, which may eventually spread to the other walls, including internal.

point of Russia
point of Russia

All subsequent steps will depend entirely on your choice.

  1. Calculate the right amount of materials, Performing measurements in the room to warm.
  2. Purchase everything you need with a small margin.
  3. Prepare tool.

Insulate the inside or outside?

As mentioned, here the choice will depend on the budget. But in addition, there are still a number of factors, that affect it:

  1. In some cases, external insulation may be prohibited by law. This applies to walls, entering the central city streets, and homes, which are considered architectural monuments.
  2. Also note the fact, that alone will hold warming, Only if you live on the first and second floor, for higher residents, have to resort to professional help.
  3. Exterior insulation is more expensive, because it requires more expensive materials.

But, of course, if these three factors are not a hindrance, the best solution is an external insulation corner of the room with his hands. Next, we take a closer look, how to perform a thermal insulation inside and outside, at the same time explain how the technology works with foam, and mineral wool. If you want to pick up another heater, Offer see separate article about types of thermal insulation coatings and their properties.

wall insulation corner room

surface preparation

The next step will be to prepare the base for installation of insulation. Calibration is done regardless of the type of insulation, within, and outside. You must perform the following tasks:

  1. Eliminate the decoration, if any.
  2. Clear wall of debris and dust.
  3. If necessary, carry out alignment of the walls.
  4. Coat the surface protective compounds and primer.

surface preparation for weatherization

Upon completion of these tasks,, You can proceed directly to the insulation device.

Separate wall insulation corner room

And now it's time to consider, independently insulate the walls in the room. We begin by considering insulation using expanded polystyrene and foam.

note, the foam can be installed with or without a frame. In this system with the additional arrangement of the carcass is carried out in the same manner, as in its absence,, with the only difference, a heater is inserted into the frame cell.

Mineral wool is installed only with the frame.

Wall insulation polystyrene foam outside the room

First of all, consider the most effective and popular option - an external insulation. Performed this type of work in several stages, among which:

  1. surface preparation.
  2. Securing the insulation.
  3. finishing.

Since the preparation has already been dismantled, then proceed directly to the consolidation of a heater. All work is carried out as follows::

  1. On the prepared wall, at the bottom of the intended insulation anchoring guide profile. Important, that he was put strictly on the level.warming of the corner of the room with his hands
  2. The next step, put on the surface of the adhesive material mixture. Application is carried out with a continuous layer along the contour, and small cakes on the entire surface.applying adhesive to insulation
  3. Presses the material to the ground and bit Practicing.installation of insulation on the walls of a corner of the room
  4. Now drill holes across the square with a pitch 20-30 centimeters.
  5. The dowels are inserted into the holes, for a more secure attachment.insulation device with their own hands
  6. Likewise anchoring and the remaining blocks of insulation.
  7. after fixing, plot the adhesive layer on the surface of the foam from above and immediately arrange reinforcing mesh.warming their hands
  8. After that, layer was dried up as a slightly, we put to perform a self-warming
  9. When the adhesive is completely dry mixture, it needs to be primed, then the topcoat can be applied, which mostly gets plastered.textured plaster on a heater

In fact, the organization of the outer insulation is quite simple, with the exception of work on the upper floors, requiring the use of climbing equipment. More about the intricacies home insulation foam from the street.

Internal insulation of the room

Also insulate foam corner room and can be on the inside. note, that insulation inside the carcass is carried out without the use of, also, as well as outside. But the living room is not used in the clear because it is considered unsafe.

Because we consider, how to perform a thermal insulation inside a wall arrangement of the frame, for further drywall.

In total, there are several stages of work:

  1. Substrate preparation (It has been described previously).
  2. Mounting frame.
  3. thermal protection device.
  4. Plasterboard assembly.

And now look at the steps, how the work is done:

  1. Proceed to the frame construction, which further oboshete plasterboard.
  2. Use a galvanized profile or dry timber, treated with preservative.
  3. Cut profile / timber size (in this case, the height of the wall is insulated).
  4. With the help of a spirit level, set the first section profile / timber strictly vertically.
  5. Through the existing holes in the profile, mark the point on the wall for drilling (in the rod must first drill hole).
  6. Drill into the wall all the planned hole and fasten it on the profile / bar, using dowel-nails or other suitable fasteners.
  7. Repeat this process with the remaining pieces of the profile / rod, leaving the distance between them 60 cm (standard width of insulation boards).
  8. Now fasten the horizontal furring strips between the vertical profiles. Performed in fixed at 50 centimeters.frame device for gypsum board

Now, when the frame is installed, We need to fix insulation:

  1. When the frame is ready, Begin to fix your chosen insulation.
  2. Adjust it to the size of the cells. The foam is quite easy to work.
  3. Further anchoring insulation frame in cells in the same manner, as when installing bezkarkasnom.
  4. Upon completion of the work arrangement vapor barrier.
  5. Now you can fasten drywall, its correct mounting in a separate article.

On this particular polystyrene foam insulation finished, and now go on.

Thermal insulation of mineral wool inside

The next step is to understand features of warming the room with the help of mineral wool. First, consider the characteristics of the internal insulation.

Mineral wool is necessary Frame. As his mount we looked at the example of expanded polystyrene, here its arrangement does not differ. The only difference becomes directly insulation device.

  1. Cut wool on suitable size pieces in accordance with the frame cells.
  2. Insert the pieces in the cell and attach the insulation to the wall using special anchors cymbal (the people "mushroom" or "umbrella").inside wall insulation mineral wool
  3. Further also arrange a vapor barrier material layer. It can be mounted construction stiplerom.
  4. Sew resulting construct drywall sheets. Find out how much insulation you need help building online calculator.

Thus the device is held most roll insulation.

Thermal insulation of mineral wool outside

The insulation wool outside technology is also worth noting a number of features.

  1. frame installation is organized with the help of anchors. If the house is wooden, you can use self-tapping screws.
  2. Directly to the frame itself is the same technology devices, both at the inner workings.
  3. Further, the material is placed in the cell and is fixed such as mushrooms, as within.rock wool insulation on the outside
  4. The last stage is facing, and technology here will depend on, which option is selected skin. Quite popular option is home siding trim, and no less popular clapboard. On the technology of their installation can be found in the individual materials.device topcoat insulation


In this way, you learned, how to insulate corner room. As you can see, no big difficulties, at least when working on the ground floor. In conclusion, also we invite you to view several videos, which clearly show, How is the warming in different ways.






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