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Types and use of glass fiber "gossamer"

The use of glass fiber spider allows you to make interior trim and more durable, and smooth. A different kind of glass, each of which has its own characteristics, It makes it easy to find a suitable option for any environment - from the flat ceiling to the wall of an industrial building.

Applying the fiberglass spider, can improve the strength of the walls and the ceiling surface, reducing the probability of occurrence of cracks without the use of expensive technologies and save time. These features make the "cobweb" one of the most popular finishing materials. Although for different conditions and it is desirable to use a kind of glass, and a suitable adhesive thereto.

What is a "spider"

A paint with glass called environmentally friendly and lightweight material, generated on the basis of glass fibers and the organic resin. It is a nonwoven web, very strong tensile and having no clear pattern. The surface canvas consists of fibers, that, Unlike fiberglass, not intertwined, Located chaotic way. And its name was due to the material soft and pleasant to the touch texture.

Depending on the "spider web" thickness divided into classes. you can find in the market variants with a density of 25 to 65 g / m. m. The higher the score, the stronger will be decorated with glass surface. but, ceiling, conversely, It recommended to choose a lighter version, which is better held on a horizontal surface.

Types and Options

In the construction used three main types stekloholsta gossamer - density 25, 40 and 50 g / m2 .First option, 1 m2 which weighs 25 gram, It is optimal when painting ceilings, since lower weight improves comfort bonding. Because of this, the material is often called "ceiling cobweb". Besides, fiberglass with low density absorbs less ink. However, it can be applied only in the absence of large surface irregularities and cracks.

"Gossamer" density 40 g / m2 It is considered to be universal, since almost half stronger light material and less thicker options. This embodiment is selected for subsequent painting surfaces, higher probability of damage which, than the ceiling. Allowed the use of glass fiber and the ceiling, trimmed shabby stucco, and a high vibration load smokers.

One of the most durable types of "webs" - the material density 50 g / m2 - allows considerable size close cracks. Withstanding high mechanical loads, He may be the only option for finishing production workshop premises, workshop or garage, in which the probability of damage is much higher walling. it increases the cost of installation - and at the expense of prices "cobwebs", and thanks to, that the high density and increases the consumption of adhesive for glass fiber gossamer. Due to the high costs this option is not widely applied in homes and apartments.

fiberglass paint

The advantages of fiberglass

For the purchase of high quality material, it is desirable to choose the products of famous brands - such as the Finnish company Wellton, Dutch brand Spektrum and Swedish manufacturers Samtex and Oscar. It is worth paying attention to domestic production - for example,, on the fiberglass spider X Glass, Produced in various regions of Russia. Depending on the type and density of their price can vary significantly - from $100 to $250 or higher per area of ​​the roll 50 m2.

Well proven materials such as fiberglass spider Oscar, characterized by durability and affordable price. Cut or tear it is possible only by, Using sharp objects. For glass fiber of this brand requires a minimum of paint - even, if the painting work is carried out without filler. And paint it, unlike the products of lesser-known brands, can be repeatedly.

Demand during the construction works and paint fiberglass spider Wellton, to which the benefits include:

  • Flameproof increased due incombustibility material;
  • resistance to high temperature, humidity and corrosive environments;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • long service life;
  • high density.

Regardless of the brand "cobwebs", among its virtues have such characteristics:

  • environmental friendliness, which is expressed in the possibility decorated with glass walls to "breathe", passing the steam and maintaining optimum humidity level;
  • the absence of static on the surface;
  • easy cleaning - even lighter colored glass cloth wash compared to other surfacing materials.

A minor disadvantage of the use of "webs" may be mentioned fine particles of danger of injury material while cutting it. For this reason, work with best with glass, wearing personal protective equipment - gloves for the hands, respirators, spectacles, rubberized and tight clothes.

Application material

The most popular use of glass fiber for paint - wall, already plastered and finished with plasterboard. In this case, the material is quite effectively replaces the finishing putty, preventing the emergence of new defects and cracks, and concealing old. At the same time, use spider glass fiber reinforced base can further - the wall or ceiling - if it is impossible to use plasterboard (eg, for fear of reducing the height of the already small room due to the drywall sheets and retaining their profiles). Buy fiberglass and can instead embossed wallpaper - for the installation of "spider" will require less time and money.

In the absence of long-term quality requirements surface "cobweb" optionally even shpaklevat. enough right stick material, Using a special glue for glass fiber, and paint. Although this is spent 2-3 times more paint.

Through the use of glass fiber paint the walls and ceilings are protected from cracking as a result of:

  • building shrinkage;
  • thermal expansion walling;
  • constant exposure to vibrations from a nearby equipment, construction machinery or railroad.

fiberglass, which is only glued with a special adhesive cobwebs, It can be used as an intermediate layer for polymeric and cured roofing materials. To ensure adhesion of the coating blade is protected with one of the sides. Can be found in the composition of glass and waterproofing materials, wall and floor panels, and even pipelines, for which the "spider" is an additional protection.

Features stickers "cobwebs"

There are some nuances, allowing the correct gluing fiberglass, and do it with a minimal consumption of materials. Firstly, before proceeding should necessarily verify certain conditions are met - the temperature within 15-25 ° C and humidity not more than 60%. In the process of bonding glass should not be any in the draft, or exposed to direct sunlight. About the same requirements are specified in the instructions to the adhesive for glass fiber Bostik, which is one of the best options when working.

The process of "cobwebs" stickers begins with surface preparation, which must be free of dust and completely plastered, but the very small cracks. At this stage selected, a glue for glass fiber will be used. Firstly, It should abandon the usual solutions and mixtures, by which glue wallpaper - substances based on starch is poorly kept linen. More suitable for this is to use an adhesive for glass fiber Bostick, in which the composition has a PVA with a strength several times higher, than that of the starch base.

It is not recommended to choose as a base plaster - due to the high density it can not soak up the adhesive and is not firmly hold the fabric. Liquid plaster is also not suitable, and after trying to stick to it, "cobweb" in places, are not sufficiently impregnated with the adhesive, may appear bubbles. All this can only be avoided, applying the adhesive for glass fiber - Ready or as a mixture of.

It is desirable to use for each type of "cobwebs" their adhesives:

  • Oscar adhesive for glass fiber becomes the best option for a label material with the same mark density 40 g / m. m;
  • brand fiberglass Wellton best suited similar adhesive;
  • wherein the adhesive for glass fiber Cleo, also used for non-woven wallpaper, compatible with any brand of canvas.

To achieve optimum flow mixture can be, counting, what 10 gram is enough for 1 quarter. m fiberglass. A single 300-gram pack enough for a 25-meter roll. Time of a solution, if it is acquired not ready, and dry, does not exceed 10-15 minutes. A seizure occurs within 12-48 hours, depending on the grade of the glue and the glass fiber - can specify a particular value on the package with a mixture of.

Method, how to glue fiberglass, It consists of several stages:

  1. plaster surface.
  2. wall or ceiling processing primer deep impregnation.
  3. Applying pre-prepared adhesive. Using this method, how to glue the fiberglass on the ceiling or wall, it is important not to miss a single untreated plot. At the same time, do not leave excess adhesive, which are removed with a spatula.
  4. Bonding said first web, starting from the corner, and priglazhivaniya edges of the material to improve the reinforcing properties.
  5. Applying the next portion of the adhesive with a stop on the already adhered part (canvas glued overlap).
  6. Stacking the next piece of glass fiber.
  7. Circumcision paintings using stationery knife precisely in place joint and removal of cut parts.
  8. Repeating the same actions before the end of the surface.

Regardless of, whether walls or ceilings hang wallpaper or painted, After complete drying of glass treated with finish putty. And already plastered surface cleaned by abrasive mesh (N150 or N120). Skip this step is not recommended, as the glue fiberglass for painting without any additional alignment happens only with great paint overruns.

After completion of works the remains of Oscar adhesive for glass fiber or other mixtures, as well as remain after the "cobweb" should be disposed of with the rest of the debris.


To summarize

Properly sticked "gossamer" creates a room view of a completely smooth walls and ceilings. Therefore, it is often used as a base for decorative plasters, defects which are particularly noticeable. In this way, fiberglass solves part of the problem, arising during the finishing works, and extends the life of the roof or wall decoration. And the owner of the premises and saves this repair, and increases the time before the next.




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