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Advantages and partitions mount technology from gipsobloka

Today there are a wide variety of building materials, from which you can make high-quality and durable walls in the apartment or private home. But often, the choice of material depends on the type of building construction. If the floor is a concrete slabs between floors, what do interior partitions is important as light.

most optimal, from which it is possible to make interior walls, and light are construction of plasterboard, but today has a considerable interest in masonry material, how gipsoblok and foam block. Various units are a new tool for the rapid and inexpensive erection of walls in the apartment or private home, However, there are nuances at work, which must be observed without fail. The first thing we consider, as a solution in putting gipsobloki.

Types of gypsum partition plates
Types of gypsum partition plates

Choosing the adhesive or mortar

Adhesive for gypsum boards
Adhesive for gypsum boards

The first step is find out, a solution is required for laying gipsoblokov. If money is a special acrylic adhesive on the basis of plaster are missing, as it is quite expensive, it is possible to apply the usual tile adhesive or mortar in a ratio of 1:3 and add PVA glue in it. With thorough stirring, obtained very elastic and fine mixture of, which is easily spreadable spatula. The excess squeezed when refitting the block. With the solution much easier to work, because its setting speed is much less, than gypsum adhesive, which can only work for the first 60 minutes.

Often the question arises: "How to put on the glue gipsobloki?», when there is a need for the construction of partition walls. In fact, the glue is the best way for the erection of walls gipsoblokov. He quickly freezes, which allows only one day to carry out a full installation with all the necessary communications. And after an hour the surface can be easily trimmed by any mechanical means, but this is usually not required, if applied cam boards.

Plate or block

Before starting the description of the construction technology of the partition should determine the choice of the type of material and its advantages. The gypsum block wall is, usually, perfectly straight on all sides of the parallelepiped gypsum mixture, cement plasticizer and. Good geometric parameters of each product acquires from the production technology without the use of high temperatures, as, eg, in the manufacture of blocks penogazosilikatnyh. But at the same gipsobloki have better performance on the thermal conductivity and strength. High thermal insulation properties of the material has been achieved through the use of sawdust, they also reinforce the structure of the block.

Good strength values ​​allowed the production of cam boards, i.e. blocks thickness 8-10 cm and dimensions 66,7 x 50 cm with tongue and groove for mating with each other when mounting. This is the main difference from the block of plates.

Gypsum partition blocks obtained perfectly flat on both sides and in the process of mounting a low probability of the curvature of the level of even a millimeter.

Perfect styling gypsum partition plates
Perfect styling gypsum partition plates

If you compare the price parameters, the walls of masonry gypsum partition panels will cost a bit more expensive, because their value is higher than the blocks. But one can not ignore the benefits of working with them. Comb securely enters the groove and thus forms a good quality connection between themselves all blocks without any deviation on any planes.

Laying gipsoblokov though cheaper, but it needs more glue mixture. It is more difficult to put on planes, which is fraught with curvature and distortions. Important in technology - compliance levels, therefore the wall of the block is obtained and quality level. But should be considered an advantage - the wall of gypsum blocks, usually, thicker and has superior properties of strength and insulation. As for weight, of course, it is harder, however as an alternative hollow plaster blocks can be used.

Laying gypsum partition blocks in a private house should be full-bodied plates. Because for country houses is characterized by the appearance of the walls of parasitic insects and mice, which can not only deliver environmental troubles, but also to destroy the walls themselves.

gipsoblokov Mount Technology

Stacking the plates in a dry environment
Stacking the plates in a dry environment

There are several technologies gipsoblokov laying. Some people prefer to use glue, and some solution. Truly can be used and the, another way, but only need to fulfill certain conditions. Before considering, gipsobloki like putting on this or on other means, should be familiar with common technology to perform a full range of works.

To make it clearer, like putting gipsobloki, a photo, given below.

Interior walls of gypsum partition panels must be smooth and strong. And to achieve this, necessary to comply with mounting technology.

To the installation of gypsum partition walls was quality, blocks need to get used to the same temperature, where he will be laid in place. To do this, all of the material is recommended to put in the room and getting used to a minimum 1 day. Block, due to a filler in the form of sawdust and plasticizer, when the temperature rises slightly widens, taking final shape. This requirement will eliminate the risk of cracking on the next day after the mounting blocks.

The first step is to apply markup to the place of installation walls. There can be used as an ordinary tape measure, plumb and level long, and a laser device. In carrying out large-scale works, and it is advisable to use a much more operatively laser level.

But at home, when there is no place and no need to rush, It is possible to do, and the usual tools. partition blocks, usually, It get perfectly smooth on all sides, therefore, it does not require any plaster, no cover plasterboard. If a, of course, It does not require additional insulation. Therefore, when the markup master is taken into account and depart from the baseline distance, equal to the thickness of additional finishing.

surface preparation
surface preparation

Installation of partition blocks should be carried out only on the quality and conscientiously prepared surface. Therefore, using a broom, brushes and other tools sweep carefully place baffle assembly. Also, the installation of partitions of gypsum partition plates provides a perfectly flat surface. For this purified place mechanically processed betonokontaktom (acrylic or any other primer for concrete). It is recommended to perform a two-layer for better adhesion of the alignment layer.

If the house has concrete floors, it does not say, that the surface is perfectly smooth. To properly put gipsobloki, deviation should not exceed 3 mm, in other cases, the surface is necessary to align the.

Alignment and marking soles
Alignment and marking soles

If planarization layer obtained very thin, it is possible to apply the self-leveling mixture. To do this, you need to install something like the formwork and pour the solution, using special platen roll with needles solution evenly across the plane.

If the partition of the cam boards will be mounted on a curved surface excessively, it can be leveled by means of semi-dry screeds. To do this, at a ratio 1:3 mixed cement 500 mark and sifted through a fine sieve sand. Further water is added, and the solution was stirred until uniformly damp (not wet) mixture. Then the process should not be described, because it is not from this thread. After alignment with the help of a semi-dry screeds and its complete drying (1-2 day) the surface must be primed again (betonokontaktom). Everything, the surface is ready, you can begin the installation.

Preparing walls
Preparing walls

It is necessary to do so, to baffle of gypsum partition plates not vibrate and resonate, thereby increasing the sound insulation properties of the room. For this it is necessary to provide a point of contact with the floor and the wall damper layer. To accomplish this, we can apply the tape substrate width of cork 15 cm and a thickness 4 mm. It compensates for all kinds of oscillations and the expansion ratio septum with temperature changes.

Installation of the tape can be produced on the same adhesive, that the plates themselves. To do this, some of it is diluted, more is better not to mix with water, because he still comes into disrepair even before the masonry blocks. Using a spatula a thin layer spread on the prepared surface, gently rolled the tape and pressed against the base. It is necessary to give the glue to harden for at least 1 o'clock.

Everything, damping layer is ready, You can set pazogrebnevye slabs for partitions.

For better orientation on the level, you can apply the physical rack, ie anchors to attach the rails to the wall and the floor on both sides of the partition. This will minimize the likelihood of rejection during installation.

In the next step, consider, how to put gipsobloki. For more reliable bonding between the plates and a better geometry wall plate to be installed in the groove upwards. To do this, using conventional manual hacksaw carefully remove the lower ridge. It is important to leave the surface perfectly flat, without projections, it is firmly laid on the substrate damper.

Gipsoblokov masonry mortar or glue should be spread with a spatula onto the tape immediately, and then at blocks. It takes a bit, because when joining the excess weight still squeeze plate.

The shrinkage of each board is carried out with a hammer or with rubber lining through the bar to complete the contact surfaces.

plate fasteners to the wall
plate fasteners to the wall

Stacking of gypsum partition panels should be staggered or offset with each row relative to one another at least, than 1/3 of its width. This will make the partition is very durable and resistant to any effects.

Device partition blocks necessarily involves its fixture to the wall and floor using perforated corners. By the blocks it can be attached by conventional screws for wood, to the floor and the wall using dowels or anchors. Fasteners should be no less than to perform 1 number or unit number.
video attached below will be an excellent instruction and clarification to the article.

Apertures in the partitions of gypsum partition panels

The doorway in the wall of the GWP
The doorway in the wall of the GWP

Installation of partition walls of gypsum partition boards can not do without a door or window openings. In this case, if the partition height of no more than 3 m and above the opening width to 80 cm will be laid only 1 number plates, the bridge can not be used. Enough of wooden bars perform Half Frame small with the width of the opening and screws to attach it to plates. Next next row of blocks is laid with periodic quality control surfaces using the level.

Installation of partition blocks must be done qualitatively, so the remaining space between the ceiling and the plates thoroughly zapenivaetsya with foam. After its drying using the same adhesive zaravnivayutsya dimples and fine foam. on expiry 1 hours baffle is ready for further finishing.





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