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Window Drains like opening the remedy

Pumping window applies regardless of whether, use plastic or wooden structures. It prolongs the life of the window, It makes the design more robust, functional. Besides, element also plays other roles, important for long-term operation of the window construction.

What used water drainage?

Drains for windows necessary to prevent the accumulation of rain water or snow at the bottom of the opening sector. Low tide is at an angle, and helps get rid of jigging, prevents their accumulation of. In fact it is the window-sill, which is on the outside. It protects not only the window construction, but the wall from moisture.

Drains window perform mainly the protection function of the accumulation of sediments. Besides, they help to make the room quieter, protect joints windows from drafts and moisture. Ebb moisture is removed from the walls, inhibit absorption of moisture in the concrete or stucco, which significantly increases the service life of the structure, protects it from freezing, the formation of fungi and tribe on the walls. Set design at any time, even after the, as the window was installed and has served some time.

Pumping window specifications

Technical features of window sills

pumping window It has the following specifications:

  • Body width is usually standard. There are several standard sizes, they range from 90 to 4000 mm.
  • The length of the product is required to select individually. The factory produced tides long sheets, that the place just cut. For sale use the concept of per meter.

product price depends on, which is made from low tide. Besides, material effect on longevity, durability and reliability of the items.

What timetable for plastic windows are?

Do not think, that the tide does not experience physical exertion. According to it, all the elements blows fall, Besides, for him often go bird, especially if the window is located on the upper floors. That is why the low tide you need to choose a high quality material, which can last for a long time.

Most often ebb made of steel or aluminum, Besides, It may use a different metal sheet, which rarely exceeds thickness 0,55 mm. This thickness allows for sufficient rigidity of the product, but it does not make it a stiff or too heavy. Most commonly used steel, galvanized window Drainages. This embodiment has high strength, durability. Itself unprotected steel may rust when exposed to moisture, however galvanized layer serves to protect the product against corrosion.

pumping window

galvanized layer, but, It is not too reliable protection, because it can come into disrepair from the effects of snow and hail blows. Besides, it may scratch the bird claws. In places, where zinc is damaged, eventually formed rust, and the sheet will gradually deteriorate.

more expensive, durable but can be regarded as a window drainage coated. A feature of the material is the outer coating of the steel sheet of polyester layer. It is well repels any rainfall, It responds poorly to mechanical damage, so it can serve much longer galvanized version. Less harm to such ebb and claws of birds. Manufacturers offer a large number of colors; with such a coating is easily cleaned ebb, it can not be painted, but the factory color does not fade in the sun.

Drains for windows
Galvanized steel drips

Aluminum products are most popular. Unlike steel, This metal does not react with moisture and oxygen. As a result, oxidation does not occur properties, and on the product is possible rust. The weight of such a sheet is minimal, while life is large enough. To aluminum products last longer, it is covered with an additional lacquer layer. In this way, are enduring, Attractive design product, which although is more expensive, than the drainage window of galvanized steel, It is several times longer than it.

Drainages window
aluminum ebb

There are tides of plastic. They combine well with plastic windows, because they are one with the material and style. Plastic is not afraid of water, it does not form scratches. Many manufacturers offer not only a variety of color variations, but products, decorated wood or other materials. Plastic drainage window, whose width is identical to the width of the similar products of other materials, also conveniently cut, but it can be done not only across, but also along. Plastic lends itself well Sawing, you can find the right size for any non-standard windows.

Drains for windows
plastic ebb

Tides are a necessary element for the protection of windows and walls of moisture, freezing, other unpleasant phenomena. Properly selected and installed ebb last a long time, will bring significant benefits to the window construction.



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