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Plastic windows and doors in your interior

In modern construction are increasingly being used plastic windows and doors. This is connected not only with the speed and ease of installation, but with the high performance products. Plastic frames do not miss the cold, design can be equipped with modern double-glazed sealed, due to which in the house is warm and cozy.

Why choose plastic construction?

Plastic windows, doors, Other construction PVC gained popularity in many areas of construction. They are used for the design of winter gardens, glazing of balconies and loggias, set in a residential, office and warehouse space. A variety of products allows you to choose the right price and quality, use designs can be in any climate.

  • Plastic is resistant to all weather conditions. He does not crack from the impact of changes in temperature, not afraid of extreme cold, impervious to heat.
  • Material useful in caring, because it does not require any maintenance. The only thing, that is required to do - is to lubricate fittings and sometimes customize it, then the plastic windows and doors will serve you for a long time, and the house appears drafts.
  • The main advantage of plastic designs compared, eg, wood analogues is resistance to moisture. The material does not absorb it completely and does not deteriorate. PVC does not rot, It does not require any treatment against parasites and pests, it does not form rust, as metal doors.
  • special attention should be paid to the tightness. By selecting the appropriate thickness glazing (The more cameras, the better it retains heat and noise insulated), you will be able to provide a comfortable temperature in the room. In winter the warm air will be contained within, and you will save on heating, Summer in the room will reign cool.

For the southern regions and the middle band is enough to use triple-pane windows. For colder climates suitable design with three and more cameras.

If your windows face the noisy street, silence can provide a thick glazing. Plastic frame fit better for him, than wood, since it is a good insulator of heat and noise.

structural mass is relatively small. Easier only aluminum, but the latter, usually, not able to restrain heat, so is only suitable as a cold glass.

Plastic windows and doors durable: their lifespan exceeds 50 years old. The main problem could be the failure of hardware, its individual wear mechanisms, but these elements easily be replaced, there is such a cheap procedure. You can hold her own; Hardware is more qualitative 20 years old.

Plastic windows and doors

Design selection

Plastic windows and doors are fitted with seals, leaf tightly to the frame, due to this tightness is achieved. The room does not get cool air, appears drafts.

Plastic windows, doors

An important advantage of the construction of PVC is the ability to create products, practically limited in shape or size. Colour profile It may be any, outer and inner sides may differ Clerk, Besides, it is possible to select a profile under the tree. It has a similar structure with a natural material, pleasant to the touch, It is almost identical in color. This solution is suitable for most interior, harmoniously fit into a residential or office space.

The shape of windows and doors can also be any, namely PVC create unusual structure, eg, round window, oversized door of irregular shape. Plastic construction may differ opening mechanism: they are swing-out or sliding, it's comfortable, it is not always enough space in the room for swing leaf doors or windows. The door can be arch type or continuous. It can be made hollow or equipped with glass, other decorative elements.

In a separate paragraph is to provide a choice glazing strength, because special hardened available for plastic doors, shockproof and even armored glass, however, You can install them on windows.

Plastic windows and doors

Reliability and safety

Metal-plastic windows and the door will be a reliable protection of your home, shop or office and from intruders. Thanks to a special anti-burglary accessories, glasses of high strength construction becomes practically inaccessible for burglars, open it from the street will not work, even using special tools, such, as scrap and Bulgarian.

Plastic windows, doors can protect your child and, if you set them accessories, with the child lock function. A child can not open the flap on their own and fall out of the window, or pinch your fingers. In this case, you can use the mode of ventilation, in which the window will be fixed in a predetermined position.

Plastic windows, doors,

Scope plastic constructions

Plastic windows, doors are widely used to create various designs.
PVC eliminates the need for further care window or door, since it is not required to process each year, apply nail polish, paint. Paint the design can be solely of the design change considerations.

Plastic constructions are used not only in homes and offices. But even in those places, where attention is paid to safety and environmental protection: this hospital, kindergartens, school. PVC doors can be used as interior or input. They do not attract dust and dirt, Plastic is easy to wash any cleaning agents, using only a soft sponge.

Plastic windows and doors

All designs are usually made to order for your desired Custom Size. Manufacturing takes no more than two days. The installation can be carried out independently, Having some knowledge in this area, and instruct professionals.

Plastic windows and doors are competitive and convenient solution for any room. they are versatile, unpretentious, have an affordable price, decent appearance.


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